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The First Civilizations Flashcards

Chapter One Vocab
World History
Duiker/ Spielvogel Fourth Edition
Mr. Santos

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210523600Agricultural (Neolithic) Revolutionthe shift from hunting animals and gathering plants for sustenance to producing food by systematic agriculture that occurred gradually between 10,000 and 4000 b.c. (the Neolithic or New Stone Age).0
210523601agricultural revolutionthe application of new agricultural techniques that allowed for a large increase in _productivity in the eighteenth century.1
210523602cuneiformwedge-shaped. A system of writing developed by the Sumerians that consisted of wedge-shaped impressions made by a reed stylus on clay tablets.2
210523603Diasporathe scattering of Jews throughout the ancient world after the Babylonian captivity in the sixth century b.c.3
210523604divinationthe practice of seeking to foretell future events by interpreting divine signs, which could appear in various forms, such as in entrails of animals, in patterns in smoke, or in dreams.4
210523605dualismthe belief that the universe is dominated by two opposing forces, one good and the other evil.5
210523606hieroglyphicsa highly pictorial system of writing most often associated with ancient Egypt. Also used (with different pictographs) by other ancient peoples such as the Mayans.6
210523607hominidsearliest humanlike creatures7
210523608homo erectusfirst hominid to leave Africa, means upright human8
210523609homo habilisearliest toolmaking hominid meaning handy man9
210523610homo sapienswise human hominid that developed into 2 separate groups10
210523611homo sapiens sapiensfirst anatomically modern humans11
210523612Ma'atancient Egyptian principle or spiritual precept that conveyed truth, justice, order and harmony12
210523613Mesolithic Agethe period from 10,000 to 7000 b.c., characterized by a gradual transition from a food-gathering/hunting economy to a food-producing economy.13
210523614monotheistic/monotheismhaving only one god; the doctrine or belief that there is only one god.14
210523615Paleolithic Agethe period of human history when humans used simple stone tools (c. 2,500,000-10,000 b.c.).15
210523616patriarchal/patriarchya society in which the father is supreme in the clan or family; more generally, a society dominated by men.16
210523617Pentateuchthe first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).17
210523618satrap/satrapya governor with both civil and military duties in the ancient Persian Empire, which was divided into satrapies, or provinces, each administered by a satrap.18
210523619theocracya government ruled by a divine authority.19
210523620Torahthe body of law in Hebrew Scripture, contained in the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible).20
210523621ziggurata massive stepped tower upon which a temple dedicated to the chief god or goddess of a Sumerian city was built.21
210523622Zoroastrianisma religion founded by the Persian Zoroaster in the seventh century b.c.; characterized by worship of a supreme god Ahuramazda who represents the good against the evil spirit, identified as Ahriman.22

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