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The Great Depression

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169376526Great Depressiona period lasting from 1929 to 1940, in which the U.S. economy was in severe decline and millions of Americans were unemployed
169376527Black Tuesdaya name given to October 29, 1929, when stock prices fell sharply
169376528Hawley-Smoot Tariff Acta law, enacted in 1930, that established the highest protective tariff (taxes on imports) in U.S. history, worsening the depression in America and overseas
169376529Shantytownneighborhoods made of makeshift shacks in which homeless people impacted by the Great Depression lived
169376530Dust Bowlthe region, including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, that was made worthless for farming by drought and dust storms during the 1930s
169376531New York Stock ExchangeThe largest and most important exchange in the United States is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) located on Wall Street in New York City. The activity at this location and other exchanges often signals how well the economy is doing
169376532Dow Jones Industrial Averagea measure based on the prices of the stocks of 30 large companies, widely used as a barometer of the stock market's health
169376533Stocksshares of ownership in a company
169376534Speculationan involvement in risky business transactions in an effort to make a quick or large profit
169376535Buying on marginthe purchasing of stocks by paying only a small percentage of the price and borrowing the rest
169376536The New DealPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt's strategy to end the depression by creating government programs to regulate the economy and put out-of-work Americans to work in government organized groups
169376537Works Progress Administrationorganized and funded public works projects that provided jobs and wages to unemployed workers
169376538Wagner Actthis law strengthened the labor movement by supporting the right of workers to organize and join unions
169376539Social Security Actwas designed to provide economic security to unemployed and retired Americans. It is a key legacy of the New Deal
169376540Federal Deposit Insurance Corporationan agency created in 1933 to insure individuals' bank accounts, protecting people against losses due to bank failures
169376541Securities and Exchange Commissionan agency, created in 1934 that monitors the stock market and enforces laws controlling the sale of stocks and bonds
169376542National Labor Relations Boardan agency created in 1935 to prevent unfair labor practices and to mediate disputes between workers and management
169376543Liberalsbelieve in governmental regulation of the economy to look after the needs and opportunities of all individuals
169376544Conservativesbelieve in little to no regulation of the economy so business can thrive and help to improve the nation's economy
169376545Eleanor Rooseveltthe First Lady of the United States under President Roosevelt who urged her husband to take stands on controversial issues such as child welfare, housing reform, and equal rights for minorities and women.

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