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The Hobbit Vocabulary Ch. 5-7

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236606255groped(v) to feel about with the hands
236606256breechesknee length trousers
236606257daggera short knife with a pointed blade used for piercing or stabbing
236606258glimmera flash of light (especially reflected light)
236606259subterraneanbeing or operating under the surface of the earth
236606260wadewalk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement
236606261slinkingto move quietly, slowly and close to the ground; to creep
236606262throttledchoked; strangled
236606263prowlingV. to rove or go about stealthily, as in search of prey or something to steal
236606264witsability to think clearly; sense
236606265morsela small quantity of food or of anything
236606266sacredmade or declared or believed to be holy
236606267antiquityancient times; the quality of being old
236606268splayto spread out or apart, especially clumsily
236606269resolvedetermination; resolution; firmness of purpose
236606271smite (smote)To strike or hit hard, as with the hand, a stick, or other weapon
236606272ajarPartially open
236606273wedgedadj. packed or fixed tightly
236606274giddya light-headed sensation; dizzy, frivolous
236606275abominableexceptionally bad or displeasing
236606276reputationwhat others think about the character and behavior of someone
236606277shuddershake uncontrollably; tremble; V.
236606278benightedovertaken by night or darkness
236606279nippedbit or cut by pinching
236606280acquaintedmade familiar with
236606281duskthe time of day immediately following sunset
236606282trudgeto walk heavily; plod
236606283thymearomatic fresh/dried plant used for seasoning food, especially meats/stews
236606284marjoramaromatic fresh/dried plant similar to mint used for seasoning food
236606285sagearomatic fresh/dried plant used for seasoning food, especially meats/stews
236606286intervalsperiods of time between events or placements of things
236606287boughslarge branches of a tree
236606288gladean open space in a forest
236606289portersomeone who guards an entrance
236606290clamourloud and persistent outcry from many people
236606291devouringeating greedily
236606292uncannyweird; strange; so keen or acute as to seem bizarre
236606293loftyof imposing height
236606294shaftsthe parts of the columns between the base and the capital
236606295brackenn. large, coarse ferns as are found in a forest
236606296bonfirea large outdoor fire
236606297shrivelto shrink and wrinkle
236606298cinderspartly burned pieces of coal or wood
236606299talonsthe claws of a bird of prey
236606300bornecarried or supported
236606301tumulta state of commotion and noise and confusion
236606302flurryA sudden movement
236606303palenot full or rich
236606304eyriethe lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a hawk or eagle)
236606305precipicevery steep or overhanging place; cliff
236606306renderedto cause to become
236606307yewa type of evergreen tree or shrub having red cup-shaped berries and flattened needlelike leaves
236606308famishedextremely hungry
243860439vainconceited; having a high opinion of oneself
243860440pinnaclea high peak or point
243860441spiralscurves that coil around and around
243860442outposta settlement on the frontier of civilization
243860443plighta condition or situation of difficulty or adversity
243860444appallingshocking; causing dismay
243860445furrierA dealer in or maker of fur goods.
243860446ploddedwalked heavily; trudged
243860447unimpeachablebeyond doubt or reproach; unquestionable
243860448refugea shelter from danger or hardship
243860449heathtract of wasteland usually with shrubbery
243860450perilsdangers, risks
243860451verandaan open porch along the outside of a building
243860452vengeancepunishment in return for an injury or a wrong
243860453gnarledknotted, twisted

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