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The Industrialization of the West (23) Flashcards

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18013812RousseauA major Swiss philosopher, writer, and composer of the Enlightment. His political philosophy influenced the French Revolution as well as the theory of conversatives, liberals, and socialist.0
18013813Population RevolutionA huge growth in the population in Western European beginning about 1730. It was a prelude to the Industrial Revolution. The population of France increase 50 percent, and England and Prussia 100 percent.1
18013814American RevolutionA rebellion of English American colonies along the Atlantic seaboard between 1775 and 1783. It resulted in independence for the former British colonies and eventual formation of the United States of America.2
18013815French RevolutionIt resulted in the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy and old regimes. It ended with the establishment of a French empire under Napoleon Bonaparte. It was the source of many liberal movements and constitutions in Europe.3
18013816Louis XVIA Bourbon monarch of France who was executed during the radical phase of the French Revolution.4
18013817Declaration of the Rights of Man and the CitizenAdopted during the liberal phase of the French Revolution. It stated the fundamental equality of all French citizens. It later became a political source for other liberal movements.5
18013818Reign of Terrorfifteen month period of violence that occurred after the end of the French Revolution. It was between political rivals and was marked by the mass executions of the enemies. Through this the guillotine became an icon of execution.6
18013819RobespierreHe was a disciple of Jean-Jacques Rousseau an one of the most well-known figures of the French Revolution. The reign of terror was brought to an end under his arrest.7
18013820NationalismA political viewpoint with origins in Western Europe in the 19th century. It often is allied with one of other "isms". It urged importance of national unity. It valued a collective identity based on culture, race, or ethnic origin.8
18013821Napoleon BonaparteHis rise within the French army during the wars of the French Revolution. It eventually became general. He led a coup the ended the French Revolution and established the French Empire under his rule. He defeated and deposed of 1815.9
18013822Congress of ViennaA conference held in 1815 in aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars among European diplomats that had the purpose of restoring political stability in Europe and settle diplomatic disputes.10
18013823Greek RevolutionA rebellion in Greece against the Ottoman Empire in 1820. It was a key step in gradually dismantling the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans.11
18013824Revolutions of 1848This generally refers to those nationalist and liberal movements within France, Germany, and the Habsburg Empire, specifically in Italy, Austria, and Hungary. After temporary success, the revolutions failed.12
18013825BismarckA conservative prime minister of Prussia. He was an architect of German unification under the Prussian king in 1870. He utilized liberal reforms to attracted support for conservative causes.13
18013826Blood and IronA term used to describe the methods of Otto von Bismarck. He did not believe in speech nor a representative government, instead he intended to unify Europe through war.14
18013827Industrial RevolutionA series of changes in the economy of Western Europe between 1740 and the 20th century. It was stimulated by rapid population growth, increase in agricultural productivity, commercial revolution of the 17th century, and the development of new means of transportation. In essence it involved technological change and the application of machines to the process of production.15
18013828WattHe devised a steam engine in the 1770's during the Industrial Revolution that could be used for production. The steam engine was utilized in the textile industries, mining, and railroads.16
18013829CapitalismThe economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for a profit. The policy of allowing business to operate with little or no government interference.17
18013830MalthusAn English political demographer and economist. He analyzed population growth, and concluded that the population was growing more rapidly than the food to supply them with.18
18013831MarxA German socialist of the mid-19th century. He blasted earlier socialist movements as utopian. He saw history as defined by class struggle between groups out of power and those controlling the means of production. He preached necessity of social revolution to create proletarian dictatorship.19
18013832Socialismpolitical movement with origins in Western European during the 19th century. Socialism urged an attack on private property in the name of equality. It wanted state control of means of production, end to capitalist exploitation of the working man.20
18013833SadlerA British historian and educationalist. He worked at several universities, and he was considered to be the champion of public schools. He fought for education rights for children.21
18013834Reform Bill of 1832A legislation passed in Great Britain that extended the vote to most members of the middle class.22
18013835DarwinA biologist who developed theory of evolution of species (1859). He argued that all living species evolved into their present form through the ability to adapt in a struggle for survival.23
18013836Triple AllianceAn alliance among Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy at the end of the 19th century.24
18013837Triple EntenteAn alliance among Britain, Russia, and France at the outset of the 20th century.25
18013838Pan-SlavismA movement that began in the 19th century in which unity between Slavic people was established. This nationalistic movement existed in Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire as well as Venice.26
18013839Balkan Powder KegA phrase used to describe a time period where there was an overlapping claim in European territories. The major powerful influences at this time were Russia, and Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Britain, and Italy. These factors became the "powder keg" which exploded to causes World War I.27

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