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"The nervous system"

1) Functions and structure, of the nervous system.

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1) Gather Information 2) To monitor changes occuring inside and outside the body 3) Changes or stimuli
To process and interpret sensory input and decide if action is needed.
1) a response to integrated stimuli 2) The response activities muscles or glands
Brain and the spinal cord
Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. (spinal nerves and cranial nerves)
Nerves that carry impulses to the central nervous system to the viscera or glands.
Nerves that carry impulses away from the central nervous system
1) Somatic voluntary nervous system 2) autonomic involuntary nervous system
are made from connective tissue
Are to support, insulate, and protect neurons.
1) Control the chemical of the brain 2) Form blood brain barrier (BBB) between capilaries and neurons. 3) Abundant star shaped cells and brace neurons.
Spiderlike phagocytes and disposed of debris.
line cavities od the brain, spinal cord and it also circulate cerebrospinal fluid.
Produce myelin sheath and are wraped aroundnerve fibers in the central nervous system
Protect neuron cell bodies
forms myelin sheath in PNS in jelly roll-like fashion
Whitish, fatty mateial covering axons. They are also synthesize by CNS
Nerves in the kidneys
Nissl Substance, Neurofibrils, Nucleus, large nucleolus
Specialized rough endoplasmic ER
Intermediated cytoskeleton, Maintain cell shape.
1) Dendrites conduct impulses toward the cell body 2) Axons conduct impulses away from the cell body 3) Axons end in axonal terminants 4) Axonal terminals are separated from the next neuron by a gap
gap between adjacent neurons
Junction between nerves( comunication point of two neurons)
gaps in myelin sheath along the axon
Cell bodies and un myelinated fibers.
Clusters of the cell bodies within the white matter of the central nervous.
Collections of cells bodies outside the central nervous system
1) Carry impulses from the sensory receptors to the CNS 2) Cutaneous sense organs 3) Propriceptors (sense of postition) - detect stretch or tension
Found in neural pathways inthe central nervous system an it connect sensory motor neurons.
many extension from the cell body
One axon and on dentrite
have a short single process leaving the cell body
irritability, and conductivity
Ability to respond to a stimuli
Ability to transmit an impulse
Fewer positive ions are inside the cell than outside the cell
membrane allows sodium (Na+) to flow inside the member because of a stimulus
Potassium ion (K) goes out the neurons cell ATP energy pumped sodium ion (Na+) out of the cell
1) If the actrion potential starts, it is propagated over the entire axon. 2) impulses travel faster when fibers have a myelin sheath
1) Impulses are able to cross the sypnase to aothe nerve. 2) Neurotransmitter is released from a nerve's axon terminal 3) The dendrite of the next neuron has receptors that are stimulated by neurotransmitter 4) an action potential is started in the dendrite
Rapid, predictable and involuntary response to a stimulus.
the connection of the afferent neurons to the interneurons to the efferent neurons, resulting in a reflex action
reflex which controls skeletal muscle contractions
smooth muscle regulation, heart and blood pressure regulation, regulation of glands, digestive system regulation
Cerebral hemispheres(cerebrum), Clencephalon, Brain Stem, Cerebellum
Gray matter, white matter, corpus collosum, basal Nuclei
the outer layer in the cerebral cortex composed of mostly neuron cell bodies
fiber tracts deep to the gray matter
connects hemisphers
island of gray matter within the white matter
Sits on top of the brain stem, it enclosed by the cerebral hemisphere and made of three parts. Thalmus, hypothalmus, epithalmus.
surround the third ventrical, relay station for sensory impulsesm transfer impulses to the correct cortex for localizin, and interpreting.
locate under thalmus. an autonomis nervous system. responsible for regulating body temp and metabolism, control water balance.
forms root of the third ventricle. house the pineal gland, include chorochoid plexus that forms cerebrospinal fluid.
attaches to the spinal cord. different parts of brain stem are midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata, reticular formation.
reflex center for hearing
bulging part of the brain stem, composed of fiber tracts, and control breathing.
lowest part of the brain stem. merges into spinal cord control center for vital signs except temperature.
diffuse mass of gray matter. involved in visceral organ control plays role in awake/sleep cycle and consciousness
provide involuntay coordination of body movements. two hemispheres with convoluted surfaces.
Scalp, skin, skull, vertebral column, dura mater, arachnoid layer, spinalcerebral fluid, and pia mater.

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