577414303 | Four problems within the Church that helped spark the reformation? | Nepotism Indulgences Simony Married Clergy | |
577414305 | Roots of the Reformation? | Individual of the Renaissance Problems/ Corruption within the Church Early Reformers Social Tensions Johann Gutenberg's Printing (1445-1450) | |
592501392 | Examples of early reformers? | Wycliffe Hus Christian Humanists | |
592501393 | Several examples of social tensions? | Unhappy peasants Middle Class resistance to nobility Monarchical resistance to HRE and Papacy | |
592501394 | Why was the printing press necessary to the roots of the reformation? | Perfected printing with movable type which helped disseminates the ideas of the Reformers. | |
592501395 | Martin Luther was a devout monk who was constantly in fear for his eternal soul. To sooth his fears he developed? | Justification through faith alone | |
592501396 | Martin Luther fully embraced his position during his? | Tower Experience (1519) | |
592501397 | The brains of the movement, and right hand man to Luther was? | Philipp Melanchthon | |
592501398 | Friar whose sale of indulgences led to Martin Luther posting his protest in Wittenberg in 1517? | Friar Johann Tetzel's | |
592501399 | Document posted by Martin Luther in 1517 that protested indulgences? | 95 Theses | |
592501400 | What pope authorized the sale of indulgnces for Friar Johann Tetzel? | Leo X | |
592501401 | After Leo X refused to end the sales, Luther broke with the church; he described the new religion in 3 major works of 1520. | To the Nobility of the German Nation. On the Babylonian captivity of the Church On the Freedom of Christians | |
592501402 | Luther's views? | He felt priesthood was unnecessary as each individual could interpret the bible himself. He attacked the cult of the saints, the Mass, fast, and pilgrimages. He disavowed "transubstantiation." He supported state control over the church. | |
592501403 | Papal bull issued by Leo X that threatened Luther with excommunication? | Leo X's Exsurge Domine (1520) | |
592501404 | Body, presided over Charles V, that called Luther from the HRE? | Diet of Worms (1521) | |
592501405 | Quote by Luther at the Diet of Worms? | "Here I stand, I can do no other." | |
592501406 | German prince who protected Luther from the HRE? | Elector of Saxony | |
604726117 | In response to Martin Luther, who peasants were inspired by, the peasants? | In 1524, the Peasant Revolt broke out in the HRE, inspired by Luther's apparent advocacy of freedom (On freedom of a Christian) sought social revolution.) | |
604726118 | Radical Protestant Anabaptist who supported the Peasant Revolt of 1524? | Thomas Muntzer | |
604726119 | Writing of Luther that condemned the Peasant Revolt of 1524 | Against the Murdering and Robbing Peasants | |
604726120 | What league crushed the revolt, leaving over 100,000 peasants dead? | Swabian League | |
604726121 | Princes took the opportunity to Seize church lands using this term ______ and gain independence from the HRE? | "secularization" | |
604726122 | Protestant leader of Zurich who split with Luther over the nature of Communion. He considered Communion just a memorial at the Last Supper | Ulrich Zwingli | |
604726123 | Meeting in 1529 attended by Luther, Melanchthon, and Zwingli to create a unified Protestant theology? | Marsbury Colloquy | |
604726124 | City seized by John of Leyden in 1534 | Munster | |
604726125 | Munster and the Peasant's Revolt led Luther to become more conservative leading Luther? | Advocating a clergy and religious submission to the state. | |
604726126 | Clash betwwen Charles V and german princes that ended with the peace of Augsburg? | War of the Schmalkaldic League (1546-1555) | |
604726127 | Schmalkaldic League was formed by the? | Diet of Augsburg | |
604726128 | Document, issued at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530, that outlined the Lutheran Creed | Confessions of Augsburg | |
604726129 | War of the Schmalkaldic League ended with? | Peace of Augsburg | |
604726130 | Policy established at the Peace of Augsburg? | "cuius region euis religio" ("Whose the region, his the religion.") | |
604726131 | "cuius region euis religio" means? | This mandated that all subjects in a realm be the religion of the master of that realm.The acceptable religions were limited to Lutheranism and Catholicism | |
604749835 | What was supposed to protect church lands from turncoats clerics, but it was not really followed? | Ecclesiastical Reservation | |
604749836 | Book by Calvin that outlined the tentets of Calvinism? | Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) | |
604749837 | Some tentets of Calvinism? | Justification by Faith Bread and wine at communion only symbolized Christ Predestination Those who were saved were the "elect" Church was not subordinate to the state; the church led the state The Church was led by presbyteries made up of lay members and clerics Services were to be severe, intellectual, and austere ("Four bare walls and a sermon.") | |
604749838 | City that was known as the Protestant Rome | Geneva | |
604749839 | According to Calvin those who were saved were the? | "elect" | |
604749840 | Calvinist who brought his religion to Scotland? | John Knox | |
604749841 | One famous John Knox's writings? | The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regimen of Women | |
604749842 | Writing by Henry VIII that earned him the title Defender of the Faith? | Defense of the Seven Sacraments (1521) | |
604749843 | Henry broke with the Church when? | When Pope Paul III refused to grant him a divorce from Catherine of Aragon (Charles V's aunt). | |
604749844 | Act passed by parliament in 1534 in which all English subjects were compelled to recognize Henry as the head of the Anglican church | Act of Supremacy | |
604749845 | In 1539 what maintained in the Anglican church much of the Catholic tradition? | Six Articles | |
604749846 | The chief architect of Protestant Anglicanism and Henry VIII's Archbishop of Canterbury? | Thomas Cranmer | |
604749847 | One major work by Thomas Cranmer ? | Book of Common Prayer | |
604749848 | Who attempted to reinstate Catholicism after Henry's death in 1547 and the short reign of Edward VI (1547-1553)? | "Bloody" Mary Tudor | |
604749849 | After Mary's death in 1558, _______ made England Anglicanism thoroughly Protestant? | Elizabeth I | |
604749850 | Sattement of belief of the Anglican Church issued under Elizabeth I? | The 39 Articles (1563) | |
604749851 | Name for Catholics and Calvinists who were prosecuted? | "Recusants" | |
604749852 | After fighting the Turks, the French, and German princes, Charles V retired in 1556. How was the kingdom divided? | His brother, Ferdinand, became HRE and controlled the eastern Habsburg empire His son became Philip II of Spain and controlled the western Habsburg lands, including the New World (& Portugal in 1580) | |
604749853 | Rabidly Catholic, Philip sought to extinguish _____ everywhere? | heresy | |
604749854 | King Philip II's palace was a reflection of his austerity and faith? | Escorial palace | |
604749855 | Philip sent the _________, with 20,000 troops, to the Netherlands in 1567 to deal with the Dutch rebellion | Duke of Alva | |
604749856 | The Duke of Alva was a leader of this council in the Netherlands? | Council of Blood | |
604749857 | The Council of Blood is also known as? | The Council of Troubles | |
604749858 | Alva's Council of Troubles (Council of Blood) did this? | Condemned thousands as heretics and executed 1000+. | |
604749859 | Stadholder of the Netherlands who led the oppositition to Spanish rule? | William the Silent | |
604749860 | King Philip II's brother? | Don Juan | |
604749861 | In 1576, Philip's brother, Don Juan, took on this role? | Governor general of the Netherlands | |
604749862 | What led Elizabeth I to openly aid the Dutch | When Don Juan planned an invasion of England to free Mary, Queen of Scots | |
604749863 | In 1578, who replaced the deceased Don Juan and won the Southern provinces back to Spain? | Duke of Parma | |
604749864 | When Elizabeth I sent 6,000 troops to the Netherlands, Philip planned retaliation? | Philip's Spanish Armada was destroyed in 1588, signaling the start of Spain's decline | |
604749865 | Philip also clashed with the still growing power of the Ottoman Turks in the Mediterranean and North Africa. The victory of a Catholic naval alliance at _________ in 1571 helped turn the tide against the Turks. | Lepanto | |
604749866 | Results of Philip's Crusades? | The Dutch and English emerged as great naval and mercantile powers Spain, after decades of conflict, slowly faded | |
604749867 | How did the Dutch and English emerged as great naval and mercantile powers? | The Dutch East India Company was founded in 1602 The English founded Jamestown in 1607 | |
604749868 | How was Spain on the decline after Philip's crusade? | Ruined by inflation from New World bullion, inept and inbred monarchs, and the flight of Moriscos others who ran afoul of the Inquisition Portugal broke away in 1640; Catalonia rebelled for 20 years | |
604749869 | The French wars were rooted in both? | Politics & Religion | |
604749870 | Examples of several feuds in France? | Huguenots vs. Catholics Lords, towns, and provinces vs. the King | |
604749871 | What helped chaos spread? | The lack of a strong monarch | |
604749872 | Who ruled in place of her under-aged sons after Henry II died in 1559? | Catherine de Medici | |
604749873 | One leader of the Huguenots during the French Wars of Religion? | Admiral de Coligny and Henry of Navarre | |
604749874 | During the French Wars of Religion what family led the Catholics? | Guise | |
604749875 | On August 24, 1572, Catherine ordered the execution of 3,000+ Huguenots who had gathered in Paris. This massacre which ultimately claimed the lives of 40,000 Calvinists throughout France is known as? | St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre | |
604749876 | What group of people came out of the French Wars of Religion? | Politiques | |
604749877 | Several noted politiques? | Henry of Navarre (who changed religion frequently) Jean Bodin Michel de L'Hopital (Catherine de Medici's chancellor) | |
604749878 | After Henry III and Henry of Guise were killed in 1589, Henry of Navarre became? | King Henry IV | |
604749879 | King Henry IV established what dynasty? | Bourbon Dynasty | |
604749880 | King Henry Iv "Converted" to Catholicism saying? | "Paris is worth a mass." | |
604749881 | Proclamation of Henry IV that gave Huguenots equal rights and fortified towns? | Edict of Nantes (1598) | |
604749882 | Despite his politique tendencies and his successful rule, Henry was assassinated in 1610 and his wife, _____________, assumed control | Marie de Medici | |
604749883 | Who ruled as Regent (1615-1642) for the child-king Louis XIII? | Cardinal Richelieu | |
604749884 | At heart Cardinal Richelieu was a politique, he removed the fortified towns of the Huguenots through ______ for political reasons, not religious ones? | Peace of Alais (1629) | |
604749885 | Concept developed by Max Weber that explained by capitalism developed in Calvinist counttries? | Protestant Work Ethic | |
604749886 | Protestant Work Ethic is also known as? | Weber Thesis | |
604749887 | Who developed the Protestant Work ethic? | Sociologist Max Weber | |
604749888 | One major work of Max Weber? | The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905) | |
604749889 | One impact of the Reformation on the women of Europe? | Women became less visible in Protestant churches, as convents and nunneries were closed? | |
604749890 | During the Reformation the highest role played by a woman was as ? | Mothers and wives | |
604749891 | The Catholic/ Counter Reformation started with? | Council of Trent (1545-1563) | |
604749892 | The Council of Trent called? | A council in response to Protestantism after years of arguing by Charles V | |
604749893 | What individual worked to keep a council from being called in opposition to Charles? | Francis I of France | |
604749894 | The council was not well attended, but it did create long lasting reforms. Trent established | Justification by Faith and Good Works The Seven sacraments The need for a well-educated and celibate clergy Clear procedures for Reconciliation Transubstantiation Tradition, the writings of the Church fathers, and scriptures were equal sources of faith. | |
604749895 | What was the only true translation of the bible? | Vulgate | |
604749896 | After the Council of Trent what was the language of the Mass? | Latin | |
604749897 | The council of Trent reformed? | Indulgences were clarified, but not abandoned Monastic Orders Absent Bishops + Clergy The Power of Bishops over clergy and mendicant friars in their diocese Pluralism Seminaries were established in every diocese to train clergy | |
604749898 | Three influential popes during the Catholic counter reformation? | Paul III (1534-49) Paul IV (1555-1559), Pius V (1566-1572) | |
604749899 | Who established the first Index of Prohibited Books in (1557/59)? | Pius V (1566-1572) | |
604749900 | What rooted out heresy through torture. | Spanish Inquisition (1480) Roman Inquisition (1542) | |
604749901 | Two Catholic religious Orders that founded schools? | Ursuline Sister | |
604749902 | Who founded the Ursuline Sister? | Saint Angela de Medici | |
604749903 | Who founded the Society of Jesus? | Saint Ignatius of Loyola | |
604749904 | The Jesuits philosophy was rooted in the? | Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola | |
604749905 | Philip Neri (1515-1595) founded these two religious orders? | Order of Oratorians "Descalzas" Carmelite Sisters. | |
604749906 | One famous work by Philip Neri? | The Way of Perfection The Interior Castle | |
604749907 | Who led to the movement to train priests in seminaries? | Charles Borromero (1538-1584 |
The Reformation Flashcards
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