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The Rise and Spread of Islam (6) Flashcards

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22360016Muslimsthe follwers of the Islamic religion0
22360017MuhammadProphet of Islam; born in 570 o Banu Hashim clan of Quraysh tribe in Mecca; raised by father's family; received revelations from Allah in 610 CE and thereafter; died in 6321
22360018MeccaCity located in mountainous region along the Red Sea in Arabian peninsula; founded by Umayyad clan of Quraysh; site of Ka'ba; original home of Muhammad; location of cheif religion2
22360019Ka'baMost revered religious shrine in pre-Islamic Arabia; located in Mecca; focus of obligatory annual truce among bedouin tribes; later incorporated as important shrine in Islam3
22360020MedinaAlso known as Yathrib; town located northeast of Mecca; grew date palms whose fruit was sold to bedouins; became refuge from Muhammad following flight from Mecca (hijra).4
22360021UmmaCommunity of the faithful within Islam; transcended old tribal boundaries to create degree of political unity5
22360022HijraFlight of Muhammad and followers in 622 CE from Mecca to Medina; marks the first year of Islamic calendar6
22360023ZakatTax for charity; obligatory for all Muslims. "Alms Giving".7
22360024HajjPilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca to worship at the Ka'ba8
22360025UmayyadClan of Quraysg that dominated politics and commerical economy of Mecca; clan late able to establish dynasty as rulers of Islam9
22360026CaliphThe political and religious successor to Muhammad10
22360027Abu BakrOne of Muhammad's earliest converters; succeeded Muhammad as first caliph of Islamic community11
22360028JihadAn Islamic holy war. For example, the crusades.12
22360029DamascusUmayyad political capital. Caliphs built imperial administration.13
22360030"People of the Book"Originally Jews and Christians, later added Zoroastrians and Hindus.14
22360031AbbasidDynasty that succeeded the Umayyads as caliphs within Islam; came to power in 750 CE15
22360032The Thousand and One NightsA book that told of the luxurious lifestyle of Caliph Harun Al-Rashid16
22360033Seljuk TurksNomadic invaders from central Asia via Persia; staunch Sunnis; ruled in name if Abbasid caliphs from the mid-11th century17
22360034Holy LandThe Arabian peninsula was considered the biblical holy land to the Christians and the Christians invaded the Muslims trying to capture the holy land during the Crusades18
22360035CrusadesSeries of military adventures initally launched by western Christians to free the holy land from Muslims; temporarily succeeded in capturing Jerusalem and establishing Christian kingdoms; later used for other purposes such as commericals wars and extermination of heresy19
22360036SaladinMuslim leader in the last decades of the 12th century; reconquered most of the crusader outposts for Islams20
22360037RubiyatAn epic poem that blends mystical and commonplace theme; written by Sa'di and Omar Khayyan21
22360038UlamaOrthodox religious scholars within Islam; pressed for a more conservative and restrictive theology; increasingly opposed to non-Islamic ideas and scientific thinking22
22360039SufisMystics within Islamic; responsible for expansion of Islam to southeastern Asia23
22360040MongolsCentral Asian nomadic peoples; smashed Turko-Persian kingdoms; captured Baghdad in 1258 and killed last Abbasid caliph24
22360041Genghis KhanBorn in 1170s in decades following death of Kabul Khan; elected khan of all Mongol tribs in 1206; responsible for conquest of northern kingdoms of China, territories as far west as the Abbasid regions; died the 1227, prior to conquest of most of Islamic world25
22360042MamluksMuslim slave warriors; established a dynasty in Egypt; defeated the Mongols at Ain Jalut in 1260 and halted Mongol advance26
22360043Tamerlaneaka Timur; leader of Turkic nomads; beginning in 1360s from base at Samarland launched series of attacks in Perisan, the Fertile Crescent, India and southern Russia; empire disintegrated after his death in 140527
22360044SatiRitual in India of immolating surviving widows with the bodies of their deceased husbands28
22360045MalaccaThis city was key to the spread of Islam from there it spreads to Malaya, Sumatra and the state of Demark. It was Indonesia and had a lot of spices. Muslim merchants traded29

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