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The Unfinished Nation, Chapter 9 Flashcards

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5686827202A compromise drafted by __________ __________ brought the nullification crisis to an end.Henry Clay0
5686827203After John __________ died in 1835, President Jackson appointed Roger B. Taney to take his place.Marshall1
5686827205By 1828, presidential electors were elected by _____ in every state except South Carolina.popular vote2
5686827206By embracing the philosophy of the __________ system, the Jackson administration established elected officials' right to appoint their followers to public office.spoils3
5686827207Drawing from the ideas of _____, John C. Calhoun argued that the states were the final arbiters of the constitutionality of federal laws.Madison and Jefferson4
5686827208Henry Clay and Daniel Webster persuaded Nicholas Biddle to apply to Congress for renewal of the Bank of the United States' charter because it would-make the Bank a major issue in the national election. -force a congressional vote.5
5686827210In 1830, Massachusetts Senator Daniel__________ challenged Senator Robert Y. Hayne to a debate about states' rights versus national power.Webster6
5686827211In 1832, the Democrats became the first major American party to hold anational convention.7
5686827212In 1836, a "distribution" act required the federal government to pay its surplus funds to thestates.8
5686827213In developing his theory of __________, John C. Calhoun believed he was offering a moderate alternative to secession.nullification9
5686827216In the spring of 1842, Secretary of State Daniel Webster and Lord Ashburton-agreed that the United States would receive slightly more than half of the disputed border territory. -reached some resolution on the Caroline and Creole Incidents. -established a revised northern boundary as far west as the Rocky Mountains.10
5686827217Jackson was consistently opposed to concentration of power in the federal government overeconomics and banking.11
5686827218Presidents prior to Jackson viewed the Indians asnoble savages.12
5686827219Martin Van Buren argued that a strong national party is essential fordemocracy.13
5686827220Of the Five Civilized Tribes, only the __________ and the __________ managed to partially aviod forced relocation.Seminole, Cherokee.14
5686827222The central issue of the 1832 elections was the _____, which was exactly what _____ wanted.Bank of the United States; Henry Clay15
5686827223The election of Andrew Jackson as president in 1828 was historically significant because it-legitimized the idea of political parties as popular, democratic institutions. -was the result of a popular movement, not simply the work of political elites.16
5686827224The first issue of the New York Sun on September 3, 1833, marked the introduction of the "__________ __________," which inaugurated a new age in American Journalism.penny press17
5686827225The Locofocos were-a radical faction of the Democratic Party in the 1830s. -in favor of vigorous, perhaps even violent, action. -mainly workingmen, small businessmen, and professionals in the Northeast.18
5686827226The outcome of the 1836 presidential election was partly the result of a nationwideeconomic boom.19
5686827227The route the Cherokees took on their removal from Georgia is now commonly known as the Trailof Tears20
5686827228The three leading figures in the Whig Party became known as the "__________ __________."Great Triumvirate21
5686827229Though he had won election as New York governor in 1828, __________ __________ __________ resigned when Andrew Jackson appointed him secretary of state.Martin Van Buren22
5686827230What significant lesson did the resolution of the nullification crisis demonstrate?No state could defy the federal government alone.23
5686827231When the Jackson administration began transferring funds from the Bank of the United States to state banks, Nicholas Biddle responded bycalling in loans and raising interest rates.24
5686827232Which of the following accurately describe Indian and white relations before the mid-nineteenth century?-Whites were at least somewhat aware of Indians' claims to the land. -Interactions were sometimes, but not usually, unfriendly. -The two groups lived in close proximity to one another.25
5686827233Which of the following accurately describe President Jackson's views on the Maysville Road Bill?-It was unconstitutional because the road was located entirely in Kentucky. -It was unwise because it committed the federal government to large expenditures.26
5686827234Which of the following best describes Andrew Jackson's view of Indians?He was deeply hostile toward them and wanted them to move west.27
5686827235Which of the following best describe the soft-money opponents to the Bank of the United States?-They thought the Bank restrained state banks from freely issuing notes. -They were mostly state bankers and their allies.28
5686827236Which of the following best describes Americans who qualified to vote prior to the 1820s?white property owners29
5686827237Which of the following best describes the 1836 presidential election?Democrats united behind Martin Van Buren.30
5686827238Which of the following best describes the significance of the Whigs' attacks on Jackson and Van Buren for their association with the Freemasons?By accusing Democrats of association with the undemocratic Freemasons, the Whigs beat them with their own issue.31
5686827239Which of the following changed most during the "age of Jackson"?the American electorate32
5686827240Which of the following did Martin Van Buren emphasize?-the party's need for a permanent opposition. -party loyalty and preservation of the party.33
5686827241Which of the following did the results of the 1836 presidential election illustrate?-the Whigs' inability to find a single strong candidate. -the continuing strength of Jackson within the Democratic Party. -the Whigs' problem of divided leadership.34
5686827242Which of the following emerged as the core concerns of the Webster-Hayne debate?-nullification. -preservation of the Union. -states' rights.35
5686827243Which of the following groups was not a strong supporter of the Whigs?small farmers in the West who had migrated from the South36
5686827244Which of the following groups were strong supporters of the Democrats in the 1830s?-southern planters suspicious of industrial growth. -smaller merchants and workingmen in the Northeast. -westerners who had roots in the South.37
5686827245Which of the following sparked the nullification crisis of 1832?a state convention vote on the "tariff of abominations"38
5686827246Which of the following statements about Indian removal is not correct?Had the federal government employed scientific study and planning, white expansion into the West could have been controlled.39
5686827247Which of the following statements about people and events that surrounded President Harrison's inauguration is not correct?John Tyler looked to guidance from Whig Party leaders after Harrison died.40
5686827248Which of the following statements about the 1840 presidential election is not correct?It presented a stark contrast between aristocratic Van Buren and honest, man-of-the-people Harrison.41
5686827249Which of the following statements regarding actions by the Jackson administration against the Bank of the United States in 1833 is not correct?Jackson recognized that he had the legal means to abolish the Bank, but he needed the help of a reliable treasury secretary.42
5686827250Which of the following was not one of the "Five Civilized Tribes"?Fox43
5686827251Which of the following were beliefs held by a large portion of the Democratic Party in the 1830s?-The Union should be defended. -The role of the government should be limited. -The government should help remove obstacles to opportunity.44
5686827252With the emergence of the Whigs, the era know to scholars as the "__________ __________ system" had begun.second party45

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