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Thermodynamics Terms

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284705056Thermodynamicsthe study of heat and how particles move.
284705057Heatthe flow of energy from one object to the next due to temperature differences. Hot will always go to cold as hot particles are more chaotic and high chaos goes to low chaos.
284705058Temperaturecomparison of 2 objects and how hot or cold they are.
284705059Thermal energyhow much potential and kinetic energy are in objects. It is the internal energy. Hot objects have a higher thermal energy.
284705060Conduction2 objects physically touch and the particles collide. The energy from the "HOT" object is transferred to the "COLD" therefore - the "HOT" cools down and the "COLD" heats up.
284705061Conductorallows heat to flow easily.
284705062Insulatoran object that does not allow heat to flow easily.
284705063Absolute Zerothe lowest possible temperature, where there is no longer any thermal energy.
284705064Convectionthe flow of heat due to difference in densities.
284705065Thermal ExpansionWhen an object is heated it expands. When it is cooled it contracts.
284705066Radiationtransfer of heat due to electromagnetic waves. It does not need particles as it is a wave.
284705067Blackbodies emittersblack object that absorbs more heat and therefore is a better emitter.
284705068Specific heatthe amount of energy needed to raise 1 kg of a substance by 1ÂșC/K.
284705069Heat of vaporizationthe amount of energy needed to change 1 kg of liquid to a gas.
284705070BoilingFor this to occur, particles must move fast enough to break surface tension and the liquids pressure must exceed air pressure. Higher elevations and cold days mean less air pressure and therefore faster boiling.
284705071Heat of fusionThe amount of energy needed to change 1 kg of a solid to a liquid (melting).
284705072Calorimetera device that does not allow heat to flow in or out.
297947639Convection currentAn object gets heated > decreases in density and expands > it rises > it cools and contracts > it sinks.
297947640Zeroeth LawIf A is the same temperature as B, and B is the same temperature as C, then A and C must be in thermal equilibrium.
2979476411st LawThe internal energy (thermal energy) of the system is due to heat added and work done on the system. -W means work done ON the system, while +W means work done BY the system.
2979476422nd LawEntropy (chaos) in the universe must always increase. Particles go from high chaos to low chaos.
297947643IsobaricPressure does not change. (Charles Law)
297947644IsovolumetricVolume does not change. (Gay-Lussac Law)
297947645IsothermalTemperature does not change. (Boyle's Law)
297947646AdiobaticTemperature can change, but no thermal energy will be lost or gained.
297947647Heat enginesUse heat and transform it into mechanical energy.
297947648Carnot cycleAn engine with 100% efficiency. Does not exist yet.

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