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Tone Terms

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165826232Acerbicharsh or corrosive in tone
165826233Admiringto admire or be in awe of something
165826234Adoringadoring or appreciating
165826235Agitatedto be annoyed or aggravated
165826236Ambivalentuncertainty and having conflicting attitudes and feelings
165826237Analyticalusing or skilled in using analysis
165826238Anxiousexcited or nervous causing anxiety
165826239Arrogantto have a feeling of being better of above the rest to resist help or suggestions
165826240Austerestern or cold
165826241Bittervery difficult to accept or bear
165826242Candidblunt; characterized by directness in manner or speech
165826243Capriciousdetermined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
165826244Cautiousto proceed with caution or carefulness
165826245Complexmade up or complicated parts, not simple
165826246Conciliatorycompromising, intended or likely to overcome animosity or hostility
165826247Condemningexpressing strong disapproval of
165826248Condescendingdo something that one considers to be below one's dignity
165826249Contemplativepersistently thoughtful
165826250Contemptuousexpressing strong dissapproval of
165826251Cynicalbelieving the worse of human nature and motives
165826252Defiantboldly resisting authority or an opposing force
165826253Disapprovingto be against or not approve of an action or opinion
165826254Discursiveproceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition
165826255Disdainfulhaving or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
165826256Elegiacexpressing sorrow often for something past
165826257Escapista person who escapes into a world of fantasy
165826258Fascinatedto be overwhelmed with interest
165826259Flippantlack of seriousness or care
165826260Good Naturedhaving an easygoing and cheeful disposition
165826261Grudgingpetty or reluctant in giving or spending
165826262Harshunpleasantly stern
165826263Indifferentto have little interest in either side of a subject
165826264Intimatemarked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity
165826265Iratefeeling or showing extreme anger
165826266Neutralto be indifferent; to not have a side in an argument
165826267Ironicto opposite of what you expect to happen
165826268Judiciousmarked by the exercise of good judgement or common sense in practical matters
165826269Laconiccrisp: brief and to the point; effectively cut short
165826271Nostalgiclooking back
165826272Objectiveundistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena
165826273Optimisticexpecting the best in the of all possible words
165826274Pessimisticexpecting the worst in this worse of all possible worlds
165826275Piousreverence to a god/ or God
165826276Pretentiousmaking a claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction
165826277Quizzicalmocking; playfully vexing (especially by ridicule)
165826278Remorsefulcontrite; feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
165826279Satiricalexposing human folly to ridicule
165826280Scornfulexpressing extreme discontent
165826281Self-deprecatingconscious of your own shortcomings
165826282Seriousconcerned with work or important matters tahter than play or tivialities
165826283Stridentconspicuously and offensively loud
165826284Superficialnot deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually
165826285Suspensefulcliff-hanging: (of a situation) charactrized by or causing suspense
165826286Sympatheticexpressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings
165826287Vindictivedespiteful; showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurtl motivated by spite
165826288Whimiscaldetermined by chance or impulese; or whim rather than by necessity or reason; capricious
165826289wittycombining clever conception and facetious expression
165826290Worshipingidolize: love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess
165826291Wrydry: humorously sarcasitc or mocking

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