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Tone words AP Language Robinson Flashcards

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9051171321acerbic(uh-SAIR-bick) (adjective) the author sounds bitter, sarcastic, or is offering stinging criticism -"If you had lived 2,000 years ago and sung like that, I think they would have stoned you." - Simon Cowell 1. synonym-sarcastic, harsh antonym-mild, kind 2. herb 3. picture above0
9051171322satiric(suh-TEER-rick) (adjective) the author is ridiculing the subject in order to make a point, or teach the readers -Son: "Dad, I'm considering a career in organized crime" Father: "Government or private sector?" 1. satire 2. satirischen 3. gif above1
9051171323whimsical(suh-TEER-rick) (adjective) the author sounds playful, mischievous, or intentionally a little weird or fantastical -I am a professional mermaid known as Bambalina, the pearl of the seven seas. 1. whim 2. wunderlich 3. syn: playful ant: serious2
9051171324didactic(dye-DACK-tick) (adjective) the author is attempting to educate or instruct the reader - "At the lake's end stands a big hydroelectric dam, 480 feet high, built by the Tennessee Valley authority in the 1930s" - Bill Bryson 1. Bill Bryson has an annoying, didactic style of writing. 2. didaktisch 3. Picture above3
9051171325erudite(AIR-roo-dite) (adjective) the author sounds learned, polished, scholarly - My dozens of scholarly awards allows me to better inform you on the incogitable world of pishposheity. 1. gelehrt 2. syn - knowledgeable ant - uneducated 3. picture above4
9051171326forthright(FORTH-right) (adjective) the author gets straight to the point with no hesitation -Frankly, I despise you. 1. offen 2. syn - blunt ant - tactful 3. picture above5
9051171327jovial(JOE-vee-ull) (adjective) the author sounds light-hearted or happy about his/her subject -Jolly good day, sir! 1. fröhlich 2. syn - lighthearted ant - gloomy 3. picture above6
9051171328morose(muh-ROCE) (adjective) the author sounds depressed, gloomy, and pessimistic -Don't worry about me. Go enjoy yourself. I'll stay here and be miserable. - Eeyore 1. mürrisch 2. syn - melancholy ant - cheerful 3. picture above7
9051171329reverent(REV-ur-rint) (adjective) the author sounds very respectful or worshipful towards his/her subject -I always must pray, study scripture, fast, and pay tithes and offerings to bring glory to God. 1. reverend 2. andächtig 3. picture above8
9051171330guileless(GILE-liss) (adjective) the author is trying to be honest or straightforward, though s/he may come off unsophisticated or naïve -"Dresses wouldn't look good on you, dad - they're not you're style" says the 7 year old to his father 1. arglos 2. syn - unsophisticated; genuine ant - clever 3. picture above9
9051171331effusive(ih-FEW-siv) (adjective) - the author is gushing with praise over the subject -Mrs. Schultz is LITERALLY the best teacher in the world. Gandhi could not compare to her. 1. Pouring out; enthusiastic 2. Niagara falls 3. I hate my parent's effusive praise towards my oldest brother. It's as if the rest of us couldn't compare to him.10
9051171332accusatory(uh-KYU-suh-tore-ee) (adjective) - the author is charging (someone or some entity) with wrongdoing -Have you been taking cookies from the cookie jar? 1. Accuse 2. Police officer 3. picture11
9051171333conventional(kuhn-VEN-shun-null) (adjective) - the author is noticeably unoriginal, lacking spontaneity and individuality -JK LOL 1. konventionell 2. syn- ordinary; typical ant- abnormal 3. A conventional church wedding has a bride in white.12
9051171334lyrical(LEER-ick-cull) (adjective) - the author sounds as though he/she is expressing a poet's inner feelings; the writing is emotional, full of images, and song-like -Roses grew from the depths of her heart, Daisies sprouted from her lungs, Daffodils arose from inside her stomach, And liles near her tongue 1. lyric 2. lyrisch 3. picture above13
9051171335solemn(SAHL-lum) (adjective) - the author sounds deeply earnest, tending towards sad reflection -"I am nearer home today than I ever have been before" 1. Prayer 2. earnest; thoughtful ant- Cheerful; joyful 3. "Expressions of solemn testimony have long been important to the children of God upon the earth."14
9051171336patronizing(PAY-trun-nyze-ing) (adjective) - the author is condescending towards the reader's knowledge or opinions -"Your dads work for our dads" 1. New Trier girls 2. snobbish; arrogant ant- humble 3. picture above15
9051171337intimate(IN-tim-mit) (adjective) - the author sounds very familiar with the reader, as if he or she knows the reader personally -My dear readers, what do you think about this? 1. Affectionate ant- cold 2. "Sitting here in my study, surrounded by my books, enjoying the sweet and intimate companionship of the great and the wise" 3. picture above16
9051171338callous(KAL-us) (adjective) - the author sounds very unfeeling, as if disinterested in the feelings of others or the reader -Sucks to suck 1. Monkey bars 2. insensitive ant- mindful; responsive 3. The man who stole from the poor was a callous thief17
9051171339objective(ub-JECK-tiv) (adjective) - the author has an unbiased view, as if trying to leave personal opinions aside -Trump also wants to end birthright citizenship, which means children soon to be born in America will not be considered citizens unless their parents are also citizens. 1. Ms. Daniels 2. My first choice was to telephone the Atlanta office but I wondered if I might get a more objective hearing from an office further from a good old boy network. 3. detached ant- biased; involved18
9051171340quizzical(KWIZ-ick-kull) (adjective) - the author is questioning an odd, amusing or otherwise strange subject -She's quite strange, however her odd personality amused me. 1. fragend 2. She raised a quizzical eyebrow, but he didn't explain. 3. incredulous ant- certain; understanding19
9051171341reflective(ree-FLECK-tiv) (adjective) - the author is thoughtful, or in the process of reflecting while writing - I come to find that I'm very impatient 1. mirror 2. reflektierende 3. His reflective gaze searched her face, his brows furrowed with concern.20
9051171342indignant(in-DIG-nint) (adjective) - the author is righteously angry at some perceived insult or injustice -21
9051171343scolding(SKOHL-ding) (adjective, in this case) - the author is speaking to an audience that s/he thinks needs a reprimand -You should have known better! 1. Mrs. Daniels 2. Schelte 3. picture22
9051171344ribald(RYE-bald) (adjective) - the author is raunchy or obscene - Let's make fun of that fat person in Spanish 1. deftig 2. Alexis 3. He got into some trouble with the chancellor, Gardiner, over a ribald play, "Pammachius,"23
9051171345obsequious(ob-SEE-kwee-us) (adjective) - the author is kissing up to either subjects within the writing or to his/her readers -I think your idea is the best idea ever thought of in the history of anything, Mr. Bossman, sir. 1. Band kids 2. unterwürfig 3. picture24
9051171346subjective(sub-JECK-tiv) (adjective) - the author is emotional, basing his/her judgments on emotion rather than fact -Animal testing is evil and unethical and shouldn't be allowed ever!! 1. Mom 2. subjektiv 3. biased; abstract ant- mediated25
9051171347abashed(uh-BASHED) (adjective) - the author is somehow ashamed, embarrassed, or apologizing to the readers -I'm extremely sorry for my behavior at the banquet last night, it was inappropriate and uncalled for. 1. beschämt 2. bewildered; bugged ant- clear; oriented 3. picture26
9051171348contemplative(kun-TEMP-pluh-tiv) (adjective) - the author has thoughtful consideration for his subject; synonym to reflective -As I typed out my vocab, I realized that I'm extremely impatient and I don't know how I will ever manage to finish. 1. besinnlich 2. Her contemplative face showed the boy that she realized that she was acting strange that day. 3. Picture27
9051171349derisive(de-RYE-siv) (adjective) - the author is ridiculing his/her subject -You're ridiculously awkward, it's so weird 1. höhnisch 2. cheeky; disdainful ant- kind 3. picture28
9051171350matter-of-fact(adjective) - the author describes the subject plainly, with little to no embellishing -The sky is blue 1. sich an Tatsachen haltend 2. unvarnished; deadpan ant- excited; unreasonable29
9051171351vituperative(vit-TOO-per-uh-tiv) (adjective) - the author is verbally abusive to his/her subject and/or the readers - You suck! 1. My sister 2. schmähend 3. Picture30
9051171352sardonic(sar-DON-ick) (adjective) - the author is sarcastic, mocking, and bitter - If I ever need a heart transplant, I'd want my ex's. It's never been used. 1. Dr. Evil 2. sardonisch 3. picture31
9051171353disingenuous(dis-in-JEN-yoo-us) (adjective) - the author is hiding his/her true purpose, perhaps hypocritically -You must be so busy if you don't have time to eat dinner with us. 1. Passive 2. unaufrichtig 3. picture32
9051171354fanciful(FAN-siff-full) (adjective) - the author is playful or imaginative, not totally grounded in reality - I'm a professional mermaid 1. Ms. Schultz's mermaid friend 2. phantastisch 3. picture33
9051171355choleric(KOLL-er-ick) (adjective) - the author is irritated or angry about his subject -I can't believe you would even think about petting my pet bunny after I specifically told you not to! 1. KKK 2. cholerisch 3. picture34
9051171356allusive(uh-LOO-siv) (adjective) - the author refers indirectly to another work -And so the two fell in young love, then they both died 1. connotative; implied 2. anspielend 3. The links between the art-work and the biblical themes it seeks to explore, illustrate, and interpret, are often highly allusive35
9051171357audacious(aw-DAY-shus) (adjective) - the author is bold, reckless, going farther than expected - I studied opera at Julliard, that is, after I complete my doctrine in law at Harvard. 1. kühn 2. adventurers 3. Picture36
9051171358bantering(BAN-ter-ing) (here: adjective) - the author is teasing or joking playfully -You're so dumb lol *wink* 1. taunt; chaff ant- be serious 2. neckisch 3. Joey37
9051171359frank(FRAYNK) (adjective) - the author is honest, candid, volunteering information rather than making the reader wait - Did you hear that Jessica cheated on that biology test? 1. Candor 2. frank- german 3. real; straight forward ant- indirect38
9051171360incisive(in-SY-siv) (adjective) - the author's conclusions are piercing, cutting into the subject in a new, sharp way - Introducing the new IPhone 18, it reads your mind. 1. knife 2. prägnant 3. Apple's new phone was exactly like the old one, in no way incisive.39
9051171361conciliatory(kun-SILL-ee-uh-tore-ee) (adjective) - the author is giving in, trying to appease his audience -Politicians: I did this stupid thing, please still vote for me 1. Hillary Clinton 2. versöhnlich 3. picture40
9051171362colloquial pic(kuh-LOKE-kwee-ull) (adjective) - the author is talking to a specific audience, using particular language that they would understand -SMH 1. Inside joke 2. umgangssprachlich 3. picture41
9051171363paternalistic(puh-turn-null-LIST-tick) (adjective) - the author is speaking to his or her reader like a father to his children - Oh, honey, you should know better. 1. Fatherly 2. paternalistischen 3. picture42
9051171364laudatory(LAW-duh-tory) (adjective) - the author's work contains or expresses praise - I liked what you had to say 1. approving ant- blaming; critical 2. lobend 3. picture43
9051171365clinical(KLIN-nick-kull) (adjective) - the author is dispassionately analytical, unemotionally critical of his subject -Sorry ma'am, you have cancer. 1. Doctor's professional coldness 2. klinisch 3. picture44
9051171366authoritative(uh-THOR-it-tay-tiv) (adjective) - the author commands respect, is or refers directly to an expert -You should respect me cause I did this and that 1. Teachers/bosses 2. maßgebend 3. Picture45
9051171367pretentious(pree-TEN-shus) (adjective) - the author believes himself to be more important than the reader, sounds snobbish or imposing -Well, we're a little more sophisticated than dirty UofI, here at Midwestern. 1. Rich kids 2. protzig 3. picture46
9051171368cautionary(KAW-shun-nair-ee) (adjective) - the author is warning the reader - If you don't do this, this will happen 1. Wet floor signs 2. warn 3. picture47
9051171369hyperbolic(hy-per-BAHL-ick) (adjective) - the author is exaggerating, overstating his or her point -I'm literally dead 1. Text 2. hyperbolisch 3. picture48
9051171370pedantic(ped-DAN-tick) (adjective) - the author is overly concerned with detail and showily demonstrating his or her knowledge of the subject -These trees are all over 1 million feet tall *fact fact fact* 1. Bill Bryson 2. pedantisch 3. picture49

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