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Traughber Ch. 13-15 Test Flashcards

Ch. 13-15 Test Review

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238692200CaesaropapismThe emperor not only ruled as a secular lord, but also played a prominent role in ecclesiastical affairs.0
238692201Hagia SophiaCathedral with a massive dome structure.1
238692202JustinianMost important Byzantine emperor, known as the "sleepless emperor" because of his hard work. Developed a code of Roman imperial law.2
238692203BulgarsCentral Asian peoples.3
238692204Basil IIKnown as the "Bulgar slayer". Byzantine emperor.4
238692205Greek FireA devastating incendiary weapon compound of lime, sulfur, and petroleum.5
238692206Theme SystemGave an imperial province to a general, who had responsibility for military, administration and defense.6
238692207BezantByzantium's gold coin, also standard currency throughout the Mediterranean Basin.7
238692208Pillar SaintsA type of Christian ascetic who, in the early days of the Byzantine empire, stood on pillars, preaching and praying.8
238692209HippodromeA circus arena, featured in the center of Constantinople. Many chariot events took place there.9
238692210Council of NiceaCaused the split between the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches (East and West Churches)10
238692211IconoclasmThe deliberate destruction of religious icons and other symbols or monuments11
238692212St. AugustineBishop of Hippo. Converted to Christianity after becoming disillusioned with Hellenistic philosophy and Manichaeans. Made Christianity an intellectually respectable alternative to Hellenistic philosophy12
2386922131054The patriarch and the pope excommunicated each other, each refusing to recognize the other's church properly Christian13
238692214Battle of ManzikertBattle in Anatolia in 1071 C.E. between the Byzantines and the Saljuqs; the Saljuqs won and it caused the Byzantines to lose their source of grain, wealth, and military forces14
238692215Battle of ConstantinopleWas sacked by the crusaders in 1204; Byzantine forces recaptured the capital 1261; the empire never fully recovered15
238692216SeljugsSeized much of Anatolia by late 12th Century16
238692217OttomansGermanic peoples that renamed Constantinople to Istanbul.17
238692218KievEstablished firm, Caesaropapist control over the Russian Orthodox Church. Served as religious barrier.18
238692219IslamTo surrender. Faith developed by Muhammad of Mecca.19
238692220Five PillarsMuslims must acknowledge Allah as the only god and Muhammad as his prophet. Pray to Allah daily while facing Mecca. Observe fasting during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan. Contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor. Make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca.20
238692221HijraMuhammad flees to Yathrib (Medina) 622 CE21
238692222MuhammadProphet who came about by Bedouin herders. Founder of Islam. Started out as a merchant.22
238692223MeccaHome to Ka 'Ba, Muhammad was born here, later conquered.23
238692224UmayyadsMost prominent of Meccan merchant clans. Conquered the dar al-Islam.24
238692225AbbasidOver threw the Umayyads, rebel clan.25
238692227Al AndalisConquered territory, by Muslims. Area located in Spain.27
238692228CordobaCapital of Al Andalis: roads, free schooling, big library and mosque.28
238692229Dar al-IslamHouse of Islam, place where Muslims could worship.29
238692230QuranTeachings of Muhammad complied into a book.30
238692231UlamaPeople with much religious knowledge.31
238692232Harun al RashidRuler during the high point of Abbasid dynasty, gave lavish gifts to his favorites, liberal support for artists and writers, and gave money to the poor.32
238692233CaravanseraisRoadside inns.33
238692234al GhazaliMajor thinker from Persia, impossible to intellectually comprehend Allah.34
238692235MadrasasA building or group of buildings used for teaching Islamic, usually including a mosque.35
238692236VietnamHuge commercial city with relations to China.36
238692237Nara JapanCapital of China moved to in 71037
238692238Neo ConfucianismSong emperors did not persecute Buddhists. Confucianism blended with Buddhism to form Neo-Confucianism38

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