Triangulo IV La Educación
63044595 | El Buen Estudiante | The good student | |
63044596 | Saca buenos apuntes | Take good notes | |
63044597 | Es apto y atento | Is apt and attentive | |
63044598 | Toma riesgos intelectuales | He takes intellectual risks | |
63044599 | Se comporta bien | He behaves well | |
63044600 | Desarrolla la memoria | He develops the memory | |
63044601 | Tiene buena motivación | He has good motivation | |
63044602 | Obedece la crítica del profesor | He obeys the criticism of the teacher | |
63044603 | Se gradúa en el colegio | He graduates from college | |
63044604 | Da respuestas apropiadas y bien pensadas | Give appropriate responses and thoughts | |
63044605 | Es intelectual y curioso | Is intellectual and curious | |
63044606 | El buen profesor | Good teacher | |
63044607 | Enseña con entusiasmo | He teaches with enthusiasm | |
63044608 | Es exigente y compasivo | Is demanding and compassionate | |
63044609 | Da pruebas y exámenes | Give quizzes and tests | |
63044610 | Repasa el material esencial | He reviews essential material | |
63044611 | Borra la pizarra | He erases the board | |
63044612 | Corrige el trabajo de los estudiantes | He corrects the student's work | |
63385401 | Entraron en vigencia | Went into force | |
63385402 | Están en vigencia | Are in affect | |
63385403 | Tienen vigencia | They are valid | |
63385404 | Han salido bien | They have done well | |
63385405 | Van a aprobar | They will approve | |
63385406 | Van a suspender | They will remain | |
63385407 | Han salido mal | They have done badly | |
63385408 | Me preguntaba | I wondered | |
63385409 | Me hacía preguntas | He asks me questions | |
63385410 | Preguntó | He asked | |
63385411 | La facultad | Faculty | |
63385412 | La biblioteca | Library | |
63385413 | La librería/el biblioteca | Library (two words) | |
63385414 | He sostenido | I have argued | |
63385415 | Mantienen | They maintain | |
63385416 | Soportar | To support | |
63385417 | En realidad | Actually, in reality | |
63385418 | El hecho | Fact | |
63385419 | El dato | The data | |
63385420 | La lectura | Reading | |
63385421 | La conferencia | Conference | |
63385422 | El conferenciante | Speaker/orator | |
63385423 | El académico | Academic | |
63385424 | El alumno | Student | |
63385425 | El aprendiz | Apprentice | |
63385426 | El bibliotecario | Librarian | |
63385427 | El compañero | Colleague | |
63385428 | El director | Director | |
63385429 | El maestro | Teacher (maestro) | |
63385430 | El principiante | Beginner | |
63385431 | El profesorado | Professorship | |
63385432 | El rector | Head/leader | |
63385433 | Carecer de | To lack | |
63385434 | Desdichado | Unfortunate | |
63385435 | La encuesta | Survey | |
63385436 | Imprimir | To print | |
63385437 | El promedio | Average | |
63385438 | La bilogía | Biology | |
63385439 | El cálculo | Calculus | |
63385440 | Las ciencias | Sciences | |
63385441 | La computación | Computation | |
63385442 | La informática | Computation (information technology) | |
63385443 | La filosofía | Philosophy | |
63385444 | El francés | French (language) | |
63385445 | El inglés | English | |
63385446 | La literatura | Literature | |
63385447 | Las matemáticas | Math | |
63385448 | La química | Chemistry | |
63385449 | Fastidian al profesor | They annoy the teacher | |
63385450 | Se mofan de las palabras del profesor | They mock the words of the professor | |
63385451 | Se comportan con picardía | They behave mischievously | |
63385452 | Participan con torpeza | They participate with clumsiness | |
63385453 | Son traviesos | They are mischievous | |
63385454 | Analizar teorías | To analyze theories | |
63385455 | Aprender varias materias | To learn various subjects | |
63385456 | Comunicar a través de ordenadores | To communicate through computers | |
63385457 | Corregir ideas anticuadas | To correct outdated ideas | |
63385458 | Dar informes | To give reports | |
63385459 | Definir a fondo | To define the background | |
63385460 | Descubrir nuevos métodos | To discover new methods | |
63385461 | Especializarse en idiomas extranjeros | To specialize in foreign languages | |
63385462 | Expresar pensamientos con precisión | To express thoughts with precision | |
63385463 | Sintetizar varias fuentes | To synthesize various sources | |
63385464 | El bachillerato | Bachelor's degree | |
63385465 | La licenciatura | Graduate degree | |
63385466 | La maestría | Master's degree | |
63385467 | El doctorado | PHD | |
63385468 | Comprender/entender | To understand (two words) | |
63385469 | Incluir | To include | |
63385470 | El desafío intelectual | Intellectual challenge | |
63385471 | El desafío con las armas | Arms/weapons challenge | |
63385472 | El grado temperatura | (Temperature) degree | |
63385473 | El grado nivel académico | Academic degree, grade level | |
63385474 | Las notas | Notes | |
63385475 | La calificación | Mark, rating, grade | |
63385476 | Los apuntes | Grade, score, notes | |
63385477 | La lengua/el idioma | Language (two words) | |
63385478 | La asignatura/la materia | Subject | |
63385479 | El ordenador/la computadora | Computer (two words) | |
63385480 | Aguantar/soportar | To bear/endure (two words) | |
63385481 | Comportarse/portarse | To behave |