Different types of alternative medicine and their definitions to study for the final exam in Health Occupations 2.
818896084 | Meditation | Therapy that teaches breathing, muscle relaxation techniques to quiet the mind by focusing attention on obtaining a sense of oneness within oneself | 0 | |
818896085 | Swedish Massage | Uses kneeling, gliding, friction, tapping, and vibration motions by the hands to increase circulation of the blood and lymph, relieve musculoskeletal stiffness, pain, increase range-of-motion, and induce relaxation | 1 | |
818896086 | Acupressure (Shiutsu) | Pressure applied with fingers, palms, thumbs, or elbows to specific pressure points of the body to stimulate and regulate the flow of energy | 2 | |
818896087 | Ayurveda | An ancient Hindu art of medicine about prolonging life, body and mind is regulated through diet, herbal remedies, and meditation | 3 | |
818896088 | Reiki | A Japanese technique in which palm healing or hands on healing involves the transfer of energy through the palms between individuals | 4 | |
818896089 | Holistic Care | Comprehensive patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic and spiritual needs of the person; treats the whole person not just the symptoms | 5 | |
818896090 | Biofeedback | Relaxation therapy that uses monitoring devices to provide a patient with information about his/her reaction to stress by showing the effect of stress on heart rate, respirations, blood pressure, muscle tension, and skin temperature | 6 | |
818896091 | Hypnotherapy | Technique used to induce a trance-like state so a person is more receptive to suggestion | 7 | |
818896092 | Aroma Therapy | Therapeutic use of selected fragrances to alter mood and restore the body, mind, and spirit | 8 | |
818896093 | Pet Therapy | The use of pets, such as dogs, cats, and birds, to enhance health and stimulate interest in life | 9 | |
818896094 | Homeopathy | The use of very minute, diluted doses of drugs made from natural substances to produce symptoms of the disease being treated to stimulate the immune system and remove toxins | 10 | |
818896095 | Acupuncture | An ancient Chinese therapy that involves the insertion of very thin needles into specific points along the pathways in the body to stimulate and balance the flow of energy | 11 | |
818896096 | Yoga | A Hindu discipline that uses concentration, specific positions, and ancient ritual movements to maintain the balance and flow of life energy | 12 | |
818896097 | Therapeutic Touch | Based on an ancient healing practice with the belief that illness is an imbalance in an individuals energy field, it involves a therapist moving their hands over the patient to balance the persons energy without actually touching them | 13 | |
818896098 | Color Therapy | The use of colors to affect people both physically and emotionally | 14 | |
818896099 | Hydrotherapy | Uses water in any form, internally and externally for healing purposes | 15 | |
818896100 | Art/Dance Therapy | A type of psychotherapy that encourages the expression of emotions through artistic activities such as painting, drawing, and dancing | 16 | |
818896101 | Reflexology | An ancient healing art based on the concept that the body is divided into ten equal zones that run from head to toes, application of pressure on different parts of the foot to heal these zones | 17 | |
818896102 | Phytochemicals | Nutritional therapy that recommends foods containing phytochemicals with the belief that the chemicals help prevent disease | 18 | |
818896103 | Magnet Therapy | Uses magnets of varying sizes and strengths that are placed on the body to relieve pain and treat disease | 19 | |
818896104 | Rolfing | A massage technique aimed at the vertical realignment of the body, deep enough to release muscular tension at skeletal level | 20 |