Vocabulary exercises for use in AP Spanish Language with Un oso y un amor
92063457 | la sierra | mountain | 0 | |
92063458 | la carpa | tent | 1 | |
92063459 | el pasto | grass, pasture | 2 | |
92063460 | la armonía | harmony | 3 | |
92063461 | el alarido | shout, cry | 4 | |
92063462 | la broma | joke, jest | 5 | |
92063463 | idílico | idyllic | 6 | |
92063464 | cargar con | to carry | 7 | |
92063465 | la carrera | the race | 8 | |
92063466 | la paloma | dove | 9 | |
92063467 | posarse | to perch on | 10 | |
92063468 | fugaz | fleeting | 11 | |
92063469 | el coqueteo | flirtation | 12 | |
92063470 | derribar | to knock down, to pull down | 13 | |
92063471 | las entrañas | entrails, guts | 14 | |
92063472 | atrevido | daring | 15 | |
92063473 | enfurecerse | to infuriate | 16 | |
92063474 | gruñir | to growl | 17 | |
92063475 | topar con | to bump into | 18 | |
92063476 | depender de | to depend upon | 19 | |
92063477 | alzar | to raise, to lift | 20 | |
92063478 | apuntar | to aim; to jot down | 21 | |
92063479 | disparar | to fire (a weapon) | 22 | |
92063480 | el balazo | bullet, pellet, ball | 23 | |
92063481 | la nuca | the nape of the neck | 24 | |
92063482 | juntar | to join | 25 | |
92063483 | compartir con | to share | 26 | |
92063484 | las ramas | branches | 27 | |
92063485 | los temblantes | aspen trees | 28 | |
92063486 | la alegría | happiness | 29 | |
92063487 | los olores | smells, odors | 30 | |
92063488 | el agua helada | ice cold water | 31 | |
92063489 | la paz | peace | 32 | |
92063490 | la ollitas | pots and pans | 33 | |
92063491 | hervir | to boil | 34 | |
92063492 | las ovejas | sheep | 35 | |
92063493 | pacer | to graze | 36 | |
92063494 | gozar | to enjoy | 37 | |
92063495 | de aquí en adelante | from now on | 38 | |
92063496 | el rodeo | campsite | 39 | |
92063497 | la belleza | beauty | 40 | |
92063498 | la grandeza | grandeur, grandness, large | 41 | |
92063499 | la naturaleza | nature | 42 | |
92063500 | ensillar, desensillar | to saddle, to unsaddle | 43 | |
92063501 | las bromas | jokes | 44 | |
92063502 | sabroso | savory, tasty | 45 | |
92063503 | las brasas | coals, embers | 46 | |
92063504 | la caballeriza | stable | 47 | |
92063505 | posar | to rest, roost, perch | 48 | |
92063506 | el puente | bridge | 49 | |
92063507 | el cucurucú | cooing | 50 | |
92063508 | el dueño | owner | 51 | |
92063509 | azotar | to whip | 52 | |
92063510 | la ola | wave | 53 | |
92063511 | balido | bleat (sound of a sheep) | 54 | |
92063512 | espantar | to scare | 55 | |
92063513 | el rifle | rifle | 56 | |
92063514 | el arbusto | bush | 57 | |
92063515 | ensangrentado | bloody | 58 | |
92063516 | el cachorro | puppy, pup, cub | 59 | |
92063517 | herido | wound, wounded | 60 | |
92063518 | bravo, feroz | fierce | 61 | |
92063519 | atrevido | daring | 62 | |
92063520 | interrumpir | to interrupt | 63 | |
92063521 | sacudir | to shake | 64 | |
92063522 | recular | to back up, to recoil | 65 | |
92063523 | no había remedio | to was nothing to do | 66 | |
92063524 | el bicho | bug, animal, beast | 67 | |
92063525 | la confianza | confidence | 68 | |
92063526 | firme, seguro | firm, sure | 69 | |
92063527 | retumbar | to echo | 70 | |
92063528 | desollar | to skin | 71 | |
92063529 | la piel | the skin | 72 | |
92063530 | atar | to tie | 73 | |
92063531 | espantoso | scary | 74 | |
92063532 | los tientos | straps | 75 | |
92063533 | de vez en vez, de vez en cuando | from time to time, every now and then | 76 | |
92063534 | la juventud | youth | 77 | |
92063535 | acordarse | to remember | 78 |