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Underpinnings units study guide chapter 1-3

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203157043natural rightslife, liberty property
203157045governmentthe institutions and processes through which public policies are made
203157046public common goodgoods that everyone must share. ex) clean water, clean air, roads, such services can only be provided by the government
203157047politicsthe process by which we select our government leaders and what policies these leaders pursue
203157048political participationall the activies in which citizens attempt to influence of selection of political leaders and policies they pursue
203157049single issue groups/votersgroups that are concerned by one issue, doesn't care about polititions view on other things
203157050policy agendaissues that attract serious attention of public officials and others involved in politics
203157051policy making systemthe procces in which policies evolves. peoples interests and concerns can be expressed
203157052linkage institutionselections, political parites, interest groups, media
203157053public policythe course of action the government takes in response to an issue or problem
203157054democracythe political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives
203157055democratic theoryideal democratic process should have equality in voting
203157056majority rulethe belief that policies should reflect the view of over half the voters
203157057minority rightsrights of the minorities including freedom of assembly and freedom of speech
203157058representationrelationship between the few leaders and many followers
203157059pluralist theorytheory that says policy making process is very open to the participation of all groups with shared interests with no single group usually dominating. Tends to result in everyone getting SOMETHING that they want from the government as opposed to one group dominating.
203157060elite or class theorycontends that an upper class holds the power and makes the policy regaurdless of what organizations are out there
203157061hyperpluralismpluralism on steriods. groups are so strong that the government gives in and weakens
203157062political gridlockinterests conflict and no collition that is strong enough to form a majority
203157063gross domestic productthe total value of all goods produced annually in the US
203157064individualismthe belief that people and should get along on their own
203157065natural rights philosophylife liberty, property
203157066republicvoting for a representative, not a direct democracy.
203157067representative democracysame thing as republic
203157068constitutionnations basic law.
203157069declaration of independencedocument approved by the colonies in 1776 that states their grievences against the british. monarch, declares independence
203157070consent of the governedidea that government derives its authority from the people
203157071limited governmentrestictions should be placed on the government to protect natural rights
203157072articles of confederationthe 1st constituion after independence. 1777
203157073shay's rebelliona series of attacts on courthouses by farmers led by daniel shays about forecloses. issues on articles of confederation. reviled economic problems
203157074factionsparties or interests groups that madison saw as arising from unequal wealth or property who could have potential to cause instablity in the government
203157075virginia planproposed by edmond randolf. called for state rep and congress based on state population. wanted rep on a big sate
203157076new jersey planproposed by william patterson. called for equal representation. each sate regaurdless of population
203157077great compromiseestablished two houses of congress. rep of population. senate equal representation.
203157078writ of habeas corpuscourt order stating you must have a reason for jailtime
203157079separation of powersfeature of constition that requires each of the three branches of government to be realitivly independent so that no one branch can control the other branch
203157080checks and balancesfeature of consitution that limits power by requiring that the power be balced by the different institutions. these institutions constrain each others activities.
203157081federalistssupportives of the consitution
203157082anti federalistsopposed to the constituion
203157083federalist paperswritten by madison, hamilton, and john j. support of consitution
203157084bill of rightsfirst ten amendments in the constitution drafted in response to anti federalist concerns they define the the basic liberty such as freedom of speech, religion
203157085judicial reviewthe power of the courts to determine wheater acts of congress and by implication the executive are in according with the consitution. Established marbury v madison
203157086marbury v madisonThis case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review
203157087block grantsfederal grants given more or less automatically to the states or communities to support broader programs such as community developement
203157088categorical grantsfederal grants that are used only for specific purposes. Come with strings attatched. Defined.
203157089cooperative federalismsystem of government in which the powers and the policies are shared between the states and the national government.
203157090concurrent/reserved/inherant powerspowers that held by state and federal governent and may be used simotantiously
203157091equal rights amendmentconstitutional amendment inctroducing congress in 1923, passed in 1972. did not pass
203270413Political issuea result of people disagreeing on an issue and must be voted on
203844092devolutionthe transfer of powers and responsibilities from the federal government to the states
203844093dual federalismA system of government in which both the states and the national government remain supreme within their own spheres, each responsible for some policies.
203844094elastic clausethe part of the Constitution that permits Congress to make any laws "necessary and proper" to carrying out its powers
203844095enumerated powerspowers that the federal government that are specifically expressed in the constitution.
203844096extraditionthe legal procces where a state surrenders a person who commits a crime to another state
203844097federalismthe way of organizing a nation so that two or more levels of government rule a country
203844098fiscal federalismelaborate assortment of federal grants and aid to states and localities. grants, block grants, formula grants, categorical grants
203844099formula grants...
203844100full faith and creditrequires states to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings" of all the other states. except defence of marriage
203844101givvons v. ogdenset up intersate commerce act
203844102implied powers...
203844103intergovernmental relations...
203844105mcculloch v. maryland...
203844106privileges and immunitiesprovisons of the constitution according citizens of each state the privalages of citizens of other states. if you're in illinois, they're required to protect you. There are expections to the rule.
203844107project grantsgrants federal government categorical grants that are given for a specific purpose and are based off the merits of application. these are common
203844108supremacy clauseclause in article six that states that constitution national laws and treaties are supreme over state laws
203844109tenth amendmentpowers not delegated by the consitution. if not listed in the constitution, its a state law
203844110unitary governmenta way of organizing a nation so that all power resides in a national government

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