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Unit 10

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Second Industrial revolution, womens rights, Freud and such.

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19882859PasteurThis French Biologist Developed the germ theory of Disease
19882860ListerThis Man Developed the anti-septic principle, and used carbolic acid as a disinfectant
19882861John Hopkins UniversityThis Model for medical training utilized as a four year curriculum, clinical training, and eventualy became the standard for medical education
19882862Elisabeth BlackwellThis woman achieved a major breakthrough when she received her M.D> defree in 1849
19882863Preventative MedicineThe Public Health movement had an emphasis on______ rather that curative medicine
19882864Edwin ChadwickThis man was a British Ubran and Sanitary Reformer who believed that filthy living conditions caused epidemics
19882865Construct cheap housing for the working classThe British Houseing Act of 1890 empowered local town councils to collect taxes to _______.
19882866Octavia HillThis woman rehabilitated old dwellings and constructed new ones to creating housing for the working class.
19882867Buildings without running water and drainageThe Public Health Act of 1875 prohibited construction of ________.
19882868RingstrasseThe Great boulevard of Vienna that replaced outdated medieval walls is an example of the urban redesign of the late nineteenth century.
19882869NursingThis was the profession of Clara Barton and Florence Nightengale.
19882870DomesticityThis was the middle-class ideal that stressed that a woman's role was to stay at home and provide for the needs of the children and husband.
19882871Barbara BodichonThis woman established schools for women where they could train for economic independence
19882872SweatingThis was the subcontraction of work done at home, normally tailoring, that was often done by women to support their faimilies.
19882873SuffragettesThe radical Women's Social and Political Union and other women who fought for women's rights, specifically to vote were known as_____.
19882874Karl MarxThis writer of Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital is the man commonly credited with the formulation of Communism
19882875Friedrich EngelsThis German man wrote Condition of the Working Classes in England and was a life long friend of Marx.
19882876The ProletariatMarx and Engels were proponets of the overthrow of bourgeoisie society by this group.
19882877HegelMarx was heavily influenced by this German Philosopher who believed that history is determined by ideas that are present in historical forces.
19882878First InternationalMarx was a major participant and organizer of this multi-national working men's association
19882879RealismThis style of art was characterized by the realistic portrayal of everyday life and ordinary people
19882880Post-ImpressionismWhat movement/style was starry night by Van Gogh?
19882881CubismThis style of art utilizes geometric designs as visual stilmuli to re-create reality in the viewer's mind
19882882ImpressionismThis style/movement in art stressed not obeying rules and principles, but rather capturing the feeling of a specific moment and included artists such as Monet.
19882883Franz LisztThis child prodigy si the inventor of symphonic poems and is considered by some to be the greatest pianist ever.
19882884KulterkampfGermanys attack on the Catholic Church led by Bismarck was known as the ________.
19882885Alexander IIIThis Russian Czar undid the reforms done by his father Alexander II, who was assinated.
19882886William GladstoneThis British liberal expanded the right to vote with the Reform Act of 1884
19882887The chamber of DeputiesThis was the lower house of the legislature in France's Third Republic that was elected by universal male sufferage
19882888The FabiansThis British group of intellectuals wanted the workers to use their right to vote to benefit the laboring class
19882889Demitri MendeleyevThis Russian chemist classified all of the material elements based on their atomic weight.
19882890Pierre and Marie CurieThis huband and wife collaborated in their discovery of the subatomic particle given off my radium.
19882891Charles DarwinIn his book On the Orgin of Species, this man outlines his concept of "survival of the fittest.
19882892Albert EinsteinThis physicist formulated the theory of relativity
19882893Michael FaradayThe discovery of electro-magnetic induction was the major contribution of this British scientist
19882894Sigmund FreudThis Viennese psychologist theorized about unconscious thoughts and repression
19882895Friedrich NietzscheThis man proclaimed "God is dead" and believed that Europe was being enfeebeled by the "slave morality" of Christianity
19882896Social DarwinismThe application of Darwin's principle of organic evolution to society is known as ______.
19882897George SorelThis French Political Theorist applied the ideas of Bergson and Nietzsche to politics and believed that socialist goals could be accomplished through violence
19882898Houston Stewart ChamberlainThis man was the writer of The Foundations of the Ninteenth Century and believed in Aryan Superiority.
19882899Boy ScoutsThis organization for boys was formed in Britain in 1908 and is known for "merit badges."
19882900Team SportsThis form of mass leisure grew to become highly organized with written rules and the formation of leagues such as the Rugby Football union.
19882901Mass TourismTomas Cook was a pioneer in this field that grew rapidly as workers were given paid vacations.
19882902The Yellow PressThese popular tabloid newspapers began developing in the late 19th century.
19882903Amusement ParksNew technology created novelties such as the Gerris Wheel at _______.
19882904Eduard BernsteinThis man believed in revisionism, that the proletariat could improve their conditions without violent revolution
19882905ItalyThis nation was the first to lose an African colony, in this case Ethiopia
19882906The SlavsThese people were the minority that plagued the dual-monarchy of Austria-Hungary with problems.
19882907SpainAlfonso XII established a parliamentary government in this European Nation.
19882908Louise MichelThis woman and school teacher emerged as one of the leaders of the Paris Commune
19883146Christain SocalistsThis group, led by Vienna mayor Karl Lueger, combined socialist workers movements and anti-semitism.

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