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Unit 1 AP US History Flashcards

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4780254346Christopher ColumbusItalian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)0
4780254347Columbian ExchangeAn exchange of goods, ideas and skills from the Old World (Europe, Asia and Africa) to the New World (North and South America) and vice versa.1
4780254348Spanish ConquistadorsEarly-sixteenth-century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America, and Peru.2
4780254349Cortes and the AztecsCortes was a Spanish conquistador who traveled to Mesoamerica. He was welcomed by the Aztec, who thought he was their prophesied god Quetzlcoatl because he matched the description (white foreigner). He turned on them real quick and captured Moctezuma. He could've destroyed them with military power (guns & steel swords), but he was instead aided by germs (smallpox and other diseases).3
4780254350Pizzaro and the IncaPizzaro read about Cortes as a young sapling, said "I wanna do that when I grow up," then sailed to Peru. He met the Inca, 1/2 of whom had already died of disease that was previously brought over, and vanquished them in a flashy display. He basically copied Cortes, kidnapping the emperor Atahualpa and killing the rest with infectious disease and vicious murder.4
4780254351Trans-Atlantic Slave TradeA commercial system surrounding the process of transporting blacks from Africa to the New World (read: sugar/tobacco plantations) and occasionally to Europe for forced labor.5
4780254352Middle PassageForced transport of African slaves to colonies. 250,000 Africans came to American Colonies during 1700s. 1/10 slave ships had revolts, which were almost entirely unsuccessful (exception: Amistad). Extremely poor conditions: overcrowding, dysentery (due to urine/fecal matter), and malnutrition.6
4780254354Encomienda SystemA grant of land made by Spain to a conquistador to settle in the Americas, including the right to use local Native Americans as laborers.7
4780254356Bartolome de Las CasasPublished an eloquent defense of indian rights, which among other things questioned european conquest. "Black Legend" theory = Spanish conquest was basically evil: just torture, disease, exploitation, and massacre. Triggered a heated debate in Spain.8
4780254360Pueblo Revolt (1680)Also known as "Popé's Rebellion" against Spanish colonizers. Relentless wave of soldiers, missionaries, & settlers took over lands in "Entradas." The Priests tried to force the Natives into Catholicism, forbidding dances and destroying ceremonial objects. The Pueblos revolted, destroying all Spanish forts and missions in New Mexico. It took the Spanish more than a decade to regain control.9
4780254364Robert Cavelier de La SalleLed an expedition in 1682 to the mouth of the Mississippi River. He claimed the entire valley for France and called it Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV.10
4780254366Queen Elizabeth IThis "virgin" queen ruled England from 1558-1603 years and was one of the most successful monarchs in English History. She was the last of the Tudors and a religious moderate with Protestant beliefs and Catholic traditions: she established the Anglican Church as the legally-backed, main religion in England. She supported the arts and exploration of the New World, increased the treasury, allowed "sea dogs" to pirate Spanish ships. The Spanish Armada was defeated during her reign, which reflected well on her.11
4780254367Protestant ReformationStarted in 1517 with the publication of German theologian Martin Luther's "95 Theses" that criticized Catholicism by marginalizing Pope's authority, revealing that the merits of Saints had no scriptural foundation, and demeaning the selling of indulgences. It was heightened by John Calvin's focus on salvation & sovereignty as well has his doctrine of predestination. His community in Geneva, Switzerland and led to the establishment of the Protestant churches (Lutherans, Calvinists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Anabaptist) throughout the 16th century.12
4780254368Church of EnglandWhen the Pope would not annul Henry VIII's marriage, he split off from the Roman Catholic church and created Anglicism in 1534.13
4780254369Spanish ArmadaAs directed by Philip II, a Spanish fleet set out in 1588 to invade England and reestablish Catholic dominance there.A raging storm in the English Channel and the smaller but tactical English navy led by Francis Drake ended that plan. This is viewed as the decline of Spain's Golden Age, and the rise of England as a world naval power.14
4780254370Sir Walter RalieghSponsored the settlement of Roanoke in the Carolinas in 1584. He left the colony to get supplies and when he returned, they'd vanished almost without a trace.15
4780254371Virginia CompanyJoint-Stock Company in London that received a charter for land in the new world. Charter guarantees new colonists same rights as people back in England. Founded Jamestown settlement16
4780254372King James I1566-1625 King of England. Gave the Virginia Company of London a charter to set up a colony in 1607... Jamestown.17
4780254373Capt. John SmithSaved the settlement of Jamestown during that first, hard winter by taking over as leader. He enforced the "no work, no food" rule, the digging of wells, building of better shelters, planting of crops and raiding of Powhatan villages for food.18
4780254374Chief Powhatan/PowhatenChief of the eponymous tribe also known as Virginia Algonquians who traded with the English settlers at Jamestown. Father of Pocahontas and brother of Opchanacanough.19
4780254375PocahontasSaved John Smith from execution Later married John Rolfe and moved to England with him. She helped fix relations between the Powhatan and the Jamestown settlers, initially by performing cartwheels in the nude.20
4780254376First Anglo-Powhatan War(1610-1614) Lord De La Warr of the Virginia Company initiated conflict with the Indians. It ended with the union of John Rolfe and Pocahontas.21
4780254378John RolfeHe brought a new strain of tobacco to Jamestown, which saved the colony from fiscal failure, and married Pocahontas.22
4780254379Headright SystemA way to attract immigrants; gave 50 acres of land to any plantation owner who paid their his passage and/or person who paid an indentured servant's way; predominately in Chesapeake Bay (VA & MD)23
4780254380Second Anglo-Powhatan WarIndians' last effort to dislodge Virginians that was unsuccessful. Peace treaty of 1646 crushed any hope of creating an integrated Virginia society or coexistence with the native peoples.24
478025438116191)The Virginia House of Burgesses formed, the first legislative body in colonial America. Later other colonies would adopt their own representative governments when possible. 2)Also, the first African slaves were brought to the New World.25
4780254382PredestinationCalvin's religious theory that God has already determined who will receive salvation (the elect).26
4780254384PuritansA religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They came to America to be a "city on a hill," and exemplify perfect Christian living. They settled Massachusetts Bay in 1629. NOT SEPARATISTS!27
4780254385The PilgrimsThey didn't want to pay taxes to support the Anglican church or be conscripted in the military, so they separated. Arrived on the Mayflower in Plymouth.28
4780254386Mayflower Compact1620 - The first agreement for autocracy (self-gov't) in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony that didn't heed English monarchs initially.29
4780254389King Charles I(ruled 1625- 1649), He came to power after King James. He was a cruel opponent of the Puritans and Parliament. Eventually, the people revolted against him and led a resistance to overthrow the king.30
4780254390John Winthrop1588-1649 First governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630.31
47802543911630 A Model of Christian CharityWritten by John Winthrop. Inequality is good, enables God to manifest Himself and be glorified. Allows rich to be generous and give and the poor to receive and be humble. Increases interdependence and community. Love is a ligament that binds the body of Christ (church, people, community). City upon a Hill. "Eyes of the world" focused on them. Influenced American religious and societal ideals.32
4780254392Massachusetts Bay Colony1629 - King Charles gave the Puritans a right to settle and govern a colony in this area. The colony established relative political freedom and a representative government. However, church and state were far from separated (the so-called elect ran the town), neighbors were all up in each other's business, and dissension would reach a tipping point in just 15 years.33
4780254394Pequot War1637 The Mass. Bay and Plymouth colonists wanted to claim CT for themselves, but it belonged to a Native American tribe called the Pequot. The colonists burned down their village and 400 were killed.34
4780254395Roger WilliamsA dissenter who clashed with the Massachusetts Puritans over separation of church and state and was banished in 1636, after which he founded the colony of Rhode Island to the south. He eventually started the first Baptist church in America.35
4780254397Metacom's War (King Philip's war)Period of bloody conflict between Wampanoag Indians and Puritan settlers in New England (1675-1676); an example of Indian resistance to English expansion in North America.36
4780254398New HampshireThe population as well as the activities of fishing and trading were growing. Puritans lived in small farms on rocky land. It was absorbed by Bay Colony then separated by the king and made into royal colony.37
4780254399Salem Witch trials1629 outbreak of fear, hysteria, and stress in Salem, a Puritan village in Massachusetts. Rev. Samuel Parris' two daughters started having strange afflictions and it spread to all the girls in the village. Three women, including Parris' Indian slave Tituba, were accused of witchcraft. The governor created a special court to try all those suspected of dealing with the devil. Many were hung and drowned in the ordeal. Later, the governor and all jurors apologized for their involvement after realizing the ridiculousness of the hubbub.38
4780254402Henry HudsonAn English explorer who explored for the Dutch. He claimed the Hudson River around and founded the city of New Amsterdam, which became the capital of New Netherland. The area did not attract a lot of Dutch settlers because freehold farmers there had more rights and the climate was cold. However, the fur trade did draw some.39
4780254403Five Nations IroquoisStrong ties with Dutch; traded furs for guns and wampum; attacked French and Hurons. Fought w/ British in both French & Indian War and later in the American Revolution. Were originally brought together by mourning ceremonies that Hiawatha learned from spirits. Eventually became Six Nations.40
4780254405Royal ColonyA colony under the direct control of a monarch.41
4780254406Proprietary ColonyA colony owned and ruled by one person who was chosen by a king or queen. Most were given to the proprietors because the King owed someone money or a favor.42
4780254407Lord Baltimore1694- Cecil Calvert. The founder of Maryland, a colony which offered religious freedom, and a refuge for the Roman Catholics being persecuted in England.43
4780254408Maryland1632; founded in Northern half of the Chesapeak Bay Region; becomes safe place for English Catholics44
4780254409Act for Religious TolerationFirst law in America (Maryland) to call for freedom of worship for all *Christians*. Passed in 1649 to quell disputes between Catholics and Protestants, but failed to bring peace in the long run.45
4780254410Bacon's Rebellion1676 - Nathaniel Bacon and other western Virginia settlers were angry at Governor William Berkeley for trying to appease the Doeg Indians even after they'd attacked the western settlements. The frontiersmen formed an army, with Bacon as its leader, which defeated the Indians and then marched on Jamestown. They burned down the city. However, the rebellion ended suddenly when Bacon died of an illness46
4780254411William BerkeleyGovernor of Virginia. Did not provide protection to the settlers from the Indians, and actually acted favorably towards the Deog, which pissed off some indentured servants and freeholders, leading to Bacon's Rebellion in 1676.47
4780254413Charles IIKing of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1660-1685) who reigned during the Restoration, a period of expanding trade and colonization as well as strong opposition to Catholicism48
4780254414Navigation ActsStarting in 1650 with decisions made by Charles II's Parliament, laws were passed that required (among other things) that all goods to and from the colonies be transported on British ships. Goal: to keep colonial trade in the hands of the motherland. It wasn't a cup of tea or a piece of cake, though: many of the acts were hard to enforce, and thus, largely ignored by foreign and colonial merchants.49
4780254415The CarolinasGranted to eight nobles by Charles II as a reward for helping him attain the English throne. The North was settled mainly by poor tobacco farmers and the South became farmers of rice and indigo. Initially exploiting Native Americans, they turned to English indentured servants and finally to African slave labor. This shift occurred because the labor was backbreaking, people were contracting malaria, and NAs died much faster than Africans did. By 1680, Black slaves far outnumbered indentured servants in all the colonies.50
4780254416New York(Middle Colony) It was founded by the Dutch for trade and furs (Henry Hudson, New Netherland) and became a proprietary English Colony (owned and governed by Chuck II's bro James, the Duke of York) in 1664.51
4780254419William PennA friend who founded Pennsylvania to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution.Oxymoronically, Quaker Billy lived a lavish lifestyle.52
4780254422Dominion Of New England1686- James I's combines the colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut into a single province headed by a royal governor (Sir Edmund Andros). William & Mary didn't scrap the royal province when they came into power, but it ended in 1692, when the colonists revolted and drove Andros out.53
4780254423The Glorious Revolution(1688 - 1689), Bloodless coup d'etat (overthrow) of Catholic monarch James II of England b/c his wife gave birth to a son and the Protestant Whig Party didn't want him to reign. They knew that if he succeeded his father, Parliament would continue to be a legislative joke→ enthroned Dutch prince William II and WASP wife Mary I (Stuart)→ mob in Boston rose up against Dominion of New England. Result: new monarchs relax control over colonial trade and predestination/salvation r cool in England.54
4780254425Leisler's Rebellion1689- 1691. Rebellion that took place in NYC due to conflicts between landholders and merchants (social strife).55
4780254426James OglethorpeEnglish leader who founded the colony of Georgia as a place where debtors from English prisons could begin new lives. Enforced strict regulations (ex: no drinking), but was a pretty nice dude (philanthropist).56
4780254436George WhitefieldCredited with starting the Great Awakening, also a leader of the "New Lights." A religious big wig. Or should I say Big whig?57
4780254439PresbyteriansA branch of Protestant Christianity that has theological Calvinist tradition, emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Scriptures, and the necessity of grace through faith in Christ58
4780254440Old LightsConservative clergymen who were against the emotional approach of the Great Awakening. Include the following denominations: Congregationalist (Puritans)59
4780254441New LightsClergymen who defended the Great Awakening for reinvigorating American religion. Reformed denominations included the Calvinist Pres-biters, Bat-pisseds, Methodisseds, and Congregationalist Pour-it-ins.60
4780254443Jonathan EdwardsA Congregationalist preacher of the Great Awakening who spoke of the fiery depths of hell. Famous sermon: "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." Very captivating articulation. Also Henneberry's Halloween costume this year.61

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