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Unit 1 AP World History Terms Flashcards

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160695373Paleolithic Era"Old Stone Age"0
160695374Neolithic Era"New Stone Age"1
160695375foraging societiesSmall nomadic communities -no politics -economic equality2
160695376hunter/gatherersfollow animals/wild plants from season to season3
160695377Neolithic Revolutionstart of farming4
160695378domesticationtaming of wild plants and animals5
160695379matrilinealbelonging to mother's lineage6
160695380patrilinealfather's line7
160695381sedentary agriculturedomestication of plants and animals8
160695382slash and burn agriculturecutting down trees, burning plot, planting9
160695383cultural diffusionspread of ideas, culture, tech, etc.10
160695384independent inventioncreating a solution to a problem11
160695385specialization of labordifferent jobs other than agriculture12
160695386gender division of labordifferent jobs for men and women (hunting/gathering)13
160695387Fertile Crescentsite of first civilizations14
160695388Epic of Gilgameshfirst literary epic15
160695389Code of Hammurabifirst set of defined laws (written)16
160695390hieroglyphicsEgyptian writing17
160695391Hittites/iron weaponsfirst to produce iron18
160695392Assyrians/calvaryfirst to use in battle19
160695393democracymajority rule20
160695394Persian WarsGreeks v. Persians21
160695395Hellenismadoption and spread of Greek culture throughout the lands that Alexander conquered22
160695396plebians v. patricians (Rome)peasants v. elites23
160695397Silk Roadtrade route throughout Asia24
160695398caste systemsocial system of India25
160695399AshokaMauryan ruler (India), conversion to Buddhism26
160695400aristocracyupper class27
160695401oligarchyrule by few (Sparta)28
160695402Zoroastrianismancient monotheistic religion (Persia)29
160695403TorahJewish holy book30
160695404Talmudset of laws to live by (Judaism)31
160695405samsaramigration of soul from one body to the next32
160695406dharmapersonal obligations, duties33
160695407Four Noble Truthsfoundation of Buddhism34
160695408Eightfold Pathway to end suffering (part of Four Noble Truths35
160695409Nirvanarealization of absolute truth (end of the road)36
160695410Theravada BuddhismBuddha is a guy37
160695411Mahayana BuddhismBuddha is a god38

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