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Unit 1 US History

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the way goods, wealth and services are created and used
to send goods to another region or country
a newly settled or lightly settled ares of older settlements
to trade a product or service for another product or service
an item brought into a country/region from another region
an open area shared by all villagers
rights given to the people by the government
a group of people who decide whether a person on trial is guilty or innocent
the idea that a nation becomes stronger by building up its gold supply and increasing its trade
to control
money that must be paid to the government
wood that is cut in order to be used for building
a waterway where ships can be loaded or unloaded
British law that said that only English ships or ships made in America could carry goods to and from the colonies
colonist from Pennsylvania who had ideas to add street lights, a fire company and a library to Philadelphia in order to improve the city
King of England before and during the American Revolution
to take over and control
a settlement, built by a church, from which people teach their religion to others
to change from one religion or belief to another
a company in which people give money to share costs
a written agreement giving certain rights
a crop grown for sale rather than use for a farmer
a person who sighns a contract to work for others
a written agreement by two or more nations
a person who owes money to others
a mythical fountain whose water would make old people young again
a Spanish explorer. He went to Mexico where he conquered and destroyed the Aztec Empire
King of the Aztec empire when it was destroyed
A Spanish explorer who traveled to South America. He destroyed the Incan Empire
Spanish explorer who searche for the fountain of youth. He never found the fountain the fountain, but did find Florida.
Spanish explorer who claimed a large area in the southwest of the US for Spain
Frenchman who explored the St. Lawrence River in Canada. Claimed Canada for France
Frenchman who sailed up the St. Lawrence River and built the fort of Quebec
Englishman who was leader of the Jamestown colony
chief of the Algonquin tribe; traded with the English in Jamestown and helped them survive through the winter
another group of people who left England to gain religious freedom. Traveled on Mayflower and settled in Massachusetts
a group of people from England who traveled to New England for religious freedom and settled the Mass. Bay Colony
a Puritan woman who lived in the Mass. Bay colony. She did not agree with all Puritan beliefs and was expelled from the colony
Englishman who explored the Hudson River and claimed the land around it for the Netherlands (Holland)
an Englishman who started the colony of Pennsylvania

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