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Unit 1 World history part 2 Flashcards

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213622651Prehistorythe time during the development of human culture before the appearance of the written word0
213622652Civilizationsa complex, organized society that has advanced cities, a government, religion, record keeping and writing, job specialization, social classes, and arts and architecture1
213622653Clansgroups of related families that have a common identity and a real or legendary common ancestor2
213622654Foragingcollecting food that is available in nature, by gathering, fishing, or hunting3
213622655Neolithic RevlolutionThe switch from Foraging to farming. Happened over many years. Enabled permanent settelments4
213622656PastoralismA type of agricultural activity based on nomadic animal husbandry or the raising of livestock to provide food, clothing, and shelter.5
213622657Patrilinealrelating to a social system in which family descent and inheritance rights are traced through the father6
213622658Matrilinealrelating to a social system in which family descent and inheritance rights are traced through the mother7
213622659Slash and Burna farming method involving the cutting of trees, then burning them to provide ash-enriched soil for the planting of crops8
213622660Cultural DIffusionThe spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another9
213622661Specialized LaborUrban people developed so many crafts that a single person could not master all the skills needed to make tools, weapons or other goods. For the first time, people began to specialize in certain jobs such as artisans and bricklayers.10
213622662Metallurgythe art or science of extracting a metal from ores, as by smelting. First metal was copper in china.11
213622663Fertile CresentName given to crescent-shaped area of fertile land strecheding from the lower Nile valley, along the east Mediterranean coast, and into Syria and present day Iraq where agriculture and early civilization first began about 8000 B.C12
213622664Gilgameshthe epic story of the king, Gilgamesh, who searched for immortality. This is a Sumerian legend and is believed to be the first story13
213622665Hammurabi's law codebased on Sumerian law, the Code of Hammurabi allowed all people to see the laws of the empire. Worked on the basis of "an eye for an eye" and covered all aspects of society.14
213622666Egyptian Book of the Deadcommon name for the ancient Egyptian funerary texts. Constituted a collection of spells, charms, passwords, numbers and magical formulas for use by the deceased in the afterlife, describing many of the basic tenets of Egyptian mythology. They were intended to guide the dead through the various trials that they would encounter before reaching the underworld. Knowledge of the appropriate spells was considered essential to achieving happiness after death.15
213622667PyramidHuge, triangular shaped burial tombs of Egyptian pharaohs built during the Old Kingdom16
213622668Hieroglyphicsan ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds17
213622669Indus Valley Civilizationcivilization from 2600 BC-1900 BC; entire Indian subcontinent-peninsula; possibly had twin capitals called Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro; well organized government18
213622670XiaA legendary Chinese dynasty that was not believed to exist until relatively recently. Walled towns ruled by area-specific kings assembled armies, built cities, and worked bronze. Created pictograms which would evolve in to the first Chinese script.19
213622671ShangThe dominant people in the earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records (ca. 1750-1027 B.C.E.). Ancestor worship, divination by means of oracle bones, and the use of bronze vessels for ritual purposes were major elements of Shang culture.20
213622672QinA people and state in the Wei Valley of eastern China that conquered rival states and created the first Chinese empire (221-206 B.C.E.). The Qin ruler, Shi Huangdi, standardized many features of Chinese society and enslaved subjects. (163)21
213622673Hanimperial dynasty that ruled China from 206 BC to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy, dynasty that overthrew the Qin, established centrralized government, civil service system, Silk Road22
213622674HittitesA people from central Anatolia who established an empire in Anatolia and Syria in the Late Bronze Age. With wealth from the trade in metals and military power based on chariot forces, the hittites vied with New Kingdom Egypt over Syria23
213622675AssyriansKnown as a warrior people who ruthlessly conquered neighboring countries; their empire stretched from east to north of the Tigris River all the way to centeral Egypt; used ladders, weapons like iron-tipped spears, daggers and swords, tunnels, and fearful military tactics to gain strength in their empire24
213622676Persian EmpireAncient Middle Eastern empire comprising modern day Iran. The Perisan Empire dominated the Middle East from the middle of the 6th century BCE to about the end of the 5th century BCE, Its greatest ruler was Dairus I. Persia was later conquered by Alexander the Great.25
213622677Phoenicianslocated on eastern Mediterranean coast; invented the alphabet which used sounds rather than symbols like cuneiform26
213622678Greek City-StatePolis, which was a small local organized government based on a single centered city with enough land for agriculture, slow evolution during ninth century BCE, war with Persian empire27
213622679Persian WarsConflicts between Greek city-states and the Persian Empire, ranging from the Ionian Revolt (499-494 B.C.E.) through Darius's punitive expedition that failed at Marathon. Chronicled by Herodotus. (131)28
213622680Peloponnesian WarConflict between Athenian And Spartan Alliances. The war was largely a consequence of Athenian imperialism. Possession of a naval empire allowed Athens to fight a war of attrition. Ultimately, Sparta prevailed because of Athenian errors/Persian $$$29
213622681Alexander the Greatson of Philip II; received military training in Macedonian army and was a student of Aristotle; great leader; conquered much land in Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and Mesopotamia; goal was to conquer the known world, died from fever in 30's30
213622682HellenismThe civilization that spread from Greece through much of the ancient world. Much of its influence such as philosophy, athletics and architecture penetrated the Middle East.31
213622683SocratesAthenian philosopher (ca. 470-399 B.C.E.) who shifted the emphasis of philosophical investigation from questions of natural science to ethics and human behavior. He made enemies in government by revealing the ignorance of others.32
213622684AristotleGreek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system, which led him to criticize what he saw as Plato's metaphysical excesses, theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry.33
213622685Roman RepublicThe ancient Roman state from 509 BC until Augustus assumed power in 27 BC. was governed by an elected Senate but dissatisfaction with the Senate led to civil wars that culminated in a brief dictatorship by Julius Caesar, lasted till Augustus34
213622686Plebeiansthe poorer majority of the roman empire; the working class; couldnt be part of government; could vote but not hold office; couldnt be in army35
213622687PatriciansPowerful landowners who controlled Roman government and society36
213622688Punic Warsthe three wars waged by Rome against Carthage, 264-241, 218-201, and 149-146 b.c., resulting in the destruction of Carthage and the annexation of its territory by Rome.37
213622689Julius CeaserRoman general and one of the greatest military leaders in history; he conquered most of Gaul and was named dictator for life in Rome. He was later murdered by a group of senators who opposed his enlarged powers38
213622690Roman EmpireExisted from 27 BCE to about 400 CE. Conquiered entire Mediterranean coast and most of Europe. Ruled by an emperor. Eventually oversaw the rise and spread of Christianity, established by Augustus, later broken into east and west(Byzantine)39
213622691Shi HuandiA ruler from the western state of Qin united and subjugated the Warring States and formed China in 221 B.C. He declared himself the first emperor of China (his name literally means "First Emperor"). Also known for the Great Wall, Terra Cotta army and Legalism.40
213622692Aryan Invasion of India...41
213622694Caste SystemA Hindu social class system that controlled every aspect of daily life43
213622695AshokaThird ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 270-232 B.C.E.). He converted to Buddhism and broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars, the earliest surviving Indian writing.44
213622696ConstantinopleThe capital of the eastern Roman Empire and later of the Byzantine Empire45
213622697Byzantine Empire(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.46
213622698JustianianExpanded his power to the level of previous caesars, he ruled from 527 - 565, he authorized the Corpus Juiris Civilisis, bulit the Hagia Sophia, crushed the Nika Revolt, changed a law on marriage so that he could marry Theodora, who was an actress.47
213622699Charlemangeking of the franks (768-814) founder of first empire in western Eroupe after the fall of Rome48
213622700AllahGod of Islam49
213622701Muhammadthe founder of the Islam religion; to Muslims, Muhammad is the ultimate and final prophet, Mecca, Merchant50
213622702Tenets of Islam1. proffesion of faith(publicly showing faith) 2. prayer 5 times day facing mecca 3. chairty(giving to poor) 4.Haj-NOT REQUIRMENT- pillgramage to Mecca done once in a lifetime 5. Fastinsfast 1 month/year during rhamadon -1 meal at sundown during fast everynight51
213622703Abbasid DynastyMuslim dynasty after Ummayd, a dynasty that lasted about two centuries that had about 150 years of Persia conquer and was created by Mohammad's youngest uncle's sons52
213622704CaliphateThe Islamic empire ruled by those believed to be the successors to the Prophet Muhammad.53
213622705BantuCollective name of a large group of sub-Saharan African languages and of the peoples speaking these languages.54
213622706Nubiaan ancient region in the Nile River Valley, on the site of present-day southern Egypt and northern Sudan, trade55
213622707GhanaFirst known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries C.E. Also the modern West African country once known as the Gold Coast.56
213622708OlmecThe first Mesoamerican civilization. Between ca. 1200 and 400 B.C.E., the Olmec people of central Mexico created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agriculture, wide-ranging trade, ceremonial centers, and monumental construction. GIANT HEADS (¬_¬)57
213622709Mayaa family of American Indian languages spoken by Mayan peoples58
213622710Andean Societies- Second millenium BCE - in the central Andes and Pacific coast of South America - semi/urbanized cultures - economic surplus?59
213622711OligarchyA system of government in which a small group holds power60
213622712RepublicA government in which elected representatives make the decisions61
213622713Theocracygovernment headed by religious leaders or a leader regarded as a god62
213622714Slaverya social-economic system under which certain persons — known as slaves — are deprived of personal freedom and compelled to perform labour or services63
213622715SerfdomLords in Eastern Europe revived serfdom to combat increasing economic challenges. Lords demanded that kings and princes issue laws restricting or eliminating peasants' right of moving freely64
213622716ZorastrianismMonotheistic, Belived in 2 opposite forces. Imperial bureaucracy. The gov't helped the king rule. Tolerant of conquered people65
213622717Torahthe first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit66
213622718TalmudA collection of authoritative Jewish writings that comment and interpret biblical laws.67
213622719Abrahamthe first of the great Biblical patriarchs, father of Isaac, and traditional founder of the ancient Hebrew nation: considered by Muslims an ancestor of the Arab peoples through his son Ishmael.68
213622720Mosesthe Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus69
213622721Rig VedaA collection of 1,017 Sanskrit hymns composed about 1500 BC or earlier; Hinduism's oldest sacred text.70
213622722Hinduisma body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme beingof many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a71
213622723UpanishadsA group of writings sacred in Hinduism concerning the relations of humans, God, and the universe.72
213622724Bhagavada Gitaa portion of the hindu epic mahabharata in which Lord Krishna specifies ways of spiritual process73
213622725Samsarathe Hindu cycle of death and rebirth; in Buddhism means rebirth74
213622726KarmaIn Hindu belief, all the actions that affect a person's fate in the next life75
213622727Brahamathe main god or creator in Hinduism76
213622728Vishnuthe preserver77
213622730Laws of Manuancient compliation of teachings from Hindu India, states laws for traditions within family members79
213622731Buddhisma world religion or philosophy based on the teaching of the Buddha and holding that a state of enlightenment can be attained by suppressing worldly desire, mainly in Asia, kicked out of India80
2136227324 Nobel Truthscentral teaching of Buddhism, to live is to suffer, suffering is caused by desire, the cessation of suffering can be achieved, the solution is the 8 fold path81
213622733Eight Fold patheight guides to thought and conduct in the Buddhism religion82
213622734Siddhartha Gautamafounder of Buddism; born a prince; left his father's wealth to find the cause of human suffering; also know as Buddha83

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