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Unit 1B AP Psy Masters

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68631662empirical investigationan approach to research that relies on sensory experience and observation as research data
68631663operational definitionA statement that describes how to measure (in #s) a variable or define a term
68631664hypothesistestable prediction, often implied by a theory
68631665scientific methodA research method whereby a problem is identified, a hypothesis stated, and hypothesis is tested
68631666independent variablethe experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied
68631667dependent variablevariable that changes as a result of a change in the independent variable
68631668populationall people in a group, from which subjects may be drawn for a study
68640435samplethe small group of participants, out of the total number available, that a researcher studies
68640436random samplemethod of selecting from a population in which each person has an equal probability of being selected
68640437control groupthe group that does NOTreceive the experimental treatment; often recieve the placebo
68640438experimental groupsubjects in an experiment to whom the independent variable is administered
68640439confounding variablesanything other than the IV that might affect the DV
68640440single blindsubject does not know what is being tested or what group they are in
68640441double blindNeither subjects nor researchers know who is in the control group or the experimental group
68640442placebo effectimprovement resulting from the mere expectation of improvement
68640443self fulfilling prophecya situation in which a researcher's expectations influence their own behavior, and thereby influence the participant's behavior
68640444naturalistic observationresearch method in which the psychologist observes the subject in a natural setting without interfering
68640445case studyresearch method that involves an intensive investigation of one or event
68640446surveyresearch method in which information is obtained by asking many individuals a fixed set of questions
68640447longitudinal studyresearch in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period
68640448cross sectional studyA research study that examines effects of development (maturation) by examining different subjects at various ages at the same time
68640449correlationresearch method which measures the relationship between two variables or sets of data
68640450positive correlationboth variable increases, or both variables decreases; they move in the same direction
68640451negative correlationa relationship that exists when one set of data values increases while the other decreases
68640452causationcause and effect relationship in which one variable controls the changes in another variable
68640453scatterplota graphed cluster of dots, each of which represents the values of two variables. The slope of the points suggests the direction of the relationship between the two variables.
68640454frequency distributiona chart or array of scores, usually arranged from highest to lowest, showing the number of instances for each score
68640455modenumber that occurs most often in a set of data
68640456meanaverage (add all values and divide by how many there are)
68640457medianthe middle score in a distribution; half the scores are above it and half are below it
68640458rangethe difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution
68640459standard deviationa measure of variability that describes an average distance of every score from the mean
68640460statistical significancea statistical statement of how likely it is that an obtained result occurred by chance
68640461descriptive statisticsbranch of statistics that focuses on describing in numerical format, numbers that describe and summarize a set of research data
68640462inferential statisticsmathematical analysis that allow researchers to draw conclusions regarding the reliability and generalizability of their data
68640463normal curvesymmetrical bell shaped curve in which most scores fall near the average and fewer and fewer individual have scores at either end; normal distribution
68640464central tendencynumber that describes something about the average score of a distribution

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