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Unit 2 Test Flashcards

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103616689Iran differed from the early river valley civi. in thatit never had a dense population0
103616690The first group in Iran to achieve a complex political organization was theMedes1
103616691The dominant element in Iranian society were theWarriors2
103616692THe individual responsible for initially unifying Iran wasCyrus3
103616693The visitation of what group of people pushed Greece from the Dark Age into the Archaic Period?Phoenicians4
103616694Early Greek Armies consisted ofPrivate citizens, mostly farmers5
103616695The development of coinage in greeceAllowed for more rapid exchange of goods, allowed for more efficent record keeping, stimulated trade6
103621462An individual who seized and held power in violation of normal political traditions was atyrant7
103621463Greece was organized into city-states calledpolis or poleis8
103621464The Greek Father of HIstory wasHerodotus9
103621465Oracles wereSacred sites where Greeks sought predictions or advice10
103621466Sparta did not participate in the Archaic Age's Cultural and political renaissance becausetheir complete subordination of all else to the military demands of the state11
103621467The New Athenian navy expanded democracy becauserowers from lower classes became important military figures and could demand more rights12
103621468One Irony of Athenian democracy wasthe abundance of slaves13
103621469All of the Following are beliefs of Zorastianismone supreme god, the eventual triumph of good over evil, a world created by Ahuramazda14
103621470Greek city-states developed becausegeography esp. mountains that separated populations15
103621471All of the following are true of rationalismUnaided reason can elicit truth, arguments can be broken down into syllogisms16
103621472The 500 year period in which various thinkers came up with new ideologiesAxial Age17
103621473In Persia all of the following is true of womenthey could be royal attendants, the could earn higher wages than men, they could own property18
103621474Greek democracy differed from out modern democracy becauseIt's definition of citizenship was distinctly limited and it was direct democracy rather than representational19
123346904The main reason for the success of the Roman Empire wasTheir willingness to grant political and economic privileges to conquered people20
123346905The economic wealth of the EARLY Roman state was based onFarming21
123346906The Roman's ultimate art form wasengineering22
123346907Which statement is true of Roman women?They exercised influence over husbands and sons23
123346908How did early Romans view the natural world?as filled with numerous invisible, shapeless forces called numina24
123346909The center of political action in the Roman Republic wasThe senate25
123346910The emperor responsible for the reorganization of the Roman government after 31 BCE wasAugustus26
123346911The irony of the Roman victory in the punic wars wasIt required them to go to sea, which they hated rather than land war27
123346912In what way did Christianity differ from Judaism?It was a reigion of doctrine rather than a lifestyle28
123346913The person credited with defining the doctrine of Christianity wasPAUL29
123346914Why was being a Christian in The Roman Empire considered an act of disloyaltyChristians would not worship the emperor as a deity30
123346915The term ________ empire came to refer to the eastern half of the Roman EmpireByzantine31
123346916The first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity wasConstantine32
123346917Because of the influence of the Confucian ethics, chinese values emphasizedobedience and proper conduct33
123346918The early han emperors reformed the legalist system byincorporating Confucianism34
123346919In order to supply administrators for the empire, the hanused officials from the gentry class used a version of confucianism to guide the government35
123346920the fundamental economic activity in both han and roman empires wasagriculture36
123346921Importnt Han innovations inclueThe horse collar, the watermill, and the crossbow37
123346922Not a contributing factor to the fall of the Han Empire?The subversice ideas of Buddhism38
123442765A possible explanation for the relatively late emergence of a historical consciousness in India inGeographic isolation by the himalayas.39
123442766Three harvests per year have been possible in some parts of India becausehigh rainfall from the monsoons40
123442767The varna system developed in order to createSocial order between groups41
124162875What is the underlying message of the Law of Karma or cycle of reincarnationyou are what you deserve to be42
124162876The Braahmins may have delayed the intro of writing to the general public becausethey were tring to protect their status within society as keepers of knowledge43
124162877The concept of reincarnationprevented class rebellion, guaranteed that villages had adequate people to fill every job44
124162878Buddhism and Jainism gained popularity in the late vedic period becausethey offered insight or enlightenment as a path to salvation instead of rituals45
124162879Four Noble Truths?life is suffering and suffering in caused by desire46
124162880The ultimate spiritual reward in buddhism isNirvana47
124162881The mauryan's Mandela theory of foreign policy wasthe enemy of my enemy is my friend48
124162882The Mauryan leader Ashoka was a unique ruler becausehe turned to NONVIOLENCE after being overwhelmed by the brutallity49
124162883One of the most important contributions of the gupta intellectuals was theconcept of zero50
124162884Southeast Asia is descirbed as geologically active zone becauseits islands are the tops of a chain of volcanoes51
124162885The 1st major SE asiasn center of commerce wasFUNAN52
124162886SE asia first rose to prominence becauseit was an intermediary in regional trade53
124162887A common characteristic of patriarcy is thatupper class women were more retricted than lower class54
124162888In china the three obediences emphasized a women's subordination tofather, husband, son55
124162889In greek cultureathens attude towards women was more restrictive than sparta's56
124162890Which of the major indian religions were the most patriarcial and placed most retrictions of women?hinduism57
124208879What Sasanid innovation n the 3rd century provide a key arab prosperity?the horse stirrup58
124208880The branch of christianity that believed human characteristics and divinity co-existed in Jesus wasNestorianism59
124208881Christianity spread to armenia only afterthe invention of an armenain alphabet allowed them to reach a larger audience.60
124208882Another name for trade where goods move through a series of markets or middlemen rather than single expedition isrelay trade or emporium trade61
124208883The silk Roads mainly carredluxury items for an elite clientele62
124208884The sasanids est. ______ as their state religionZorastrianism63
124208885the agricultural area bordering the Saharan Desert is called The Sahel which in arabic literaly meansthe coast64
124208886the term slave came fromthe majority of slaves coming from slavic lands in Europe65
124208887the importance of the trans-saharan trade wasit linked the north and south africa66
124208888Pan-African cultural changes may have been shaped byenvironmental changes that inspired southern migration67
124208889Most sub saharan languages come from one giant linguistic family calledBantu68
124208890the most important metallurgical development in the sub saharan africa invovlediron69
124208891The silk roads and the India ocean trade fostered the spread odBUDDHISM70

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