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Unit 2 Vocab

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301792025ameliorate(v.) to improve or make better
301792026aplomb(n.) poise, assurance, great self-confidence
301792027bombastic(adj.) pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas
301792028callow(adj.) without experience; immature, not fully developed; lacking sophistication and poise; without feathers
301792029drivel(n.) saliva or mucus flowing from the mouth or nose; foolish, aimless talk or thinking; nonsense (v.) to let saliva flow from the mouth; to utter nonsense or childish twaddle; to waste or fritter away foolishly
301792030epitome(n.) a summary, condensed account; an instance that represents a larger reality
301792031exhort(v.) to urge strongly, advise earnestly
301792032ex officio(adj., adv.) by virtue of holding a certain office
301792033infringe(v.) to violate, trespass, go beyond recognized bounds
301792034ingratiate(v.) to cozy up to, curry favor with
301792035interloper(n.) one who moves in where he or she in not wanted or has no right to be, an intruder
301792036intrinsic(adj.) belonging to someone or something by its very nature, essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part
301792037inveigh(v.) to make a violent attack in words, express strong disapproval
301792038lassitude(n.) weariness of body or mind, lack of energy
301792039millenium(n.) a period of one thousand years; a period of great joy
301792040occult(adj.) mysterious, magical, supernatural; secret, hidden from view; not detectable by ordinary means; (n.) matters involving the supernatural
301792041permeate(v.) to spread through, penetrate, soak through
301792042precipitate(v.) to fall as moisture; to cause or bring about suddenly; to hurl down from a great height, to give distinct form to (adj.) characterized by excessive haste (n.) moisture; the product of an action or process
301792043stringent(adj.) strict, severe; rigorously or urgently binding or compelling; sharp or bitter to the taste
301792044surmise(v.) to guess, to think, infer (n.) inference

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