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Unit 3 & 4 terms Flashcards

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306562641technologytools and skills people use to meet their basic needs0
306562643schismdivision of a group into opposing factions2
306562644doctrinal differencesThe use of documents to compare and contrast two religions.3
306562645epidemic diseaseany infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people4
306562646guildsAssociation of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests5
306562647tax-farmingcollection of excessive taxes6
306562648city statesa city and its surrounding lands functioning as an independent political unit7
306562649sovereigntygovernment free from external control8
306562650statea politically organized body of people under a single government9
306562651empirea group of countries under a single authority10
306562652tax revenuegovernment income due to taxation11
306562653ideologya system of ideas and ideals, esp. one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy12
306562654inequalitylack of equality13
306562655trade goodsarticles of commerce14
306562656mercenarieshired foreign soldiers15
306562657diasporasforced exodus from their lands of origin16
306562659syncretismthe fusion of originally different inflected forms (resulting in a reduction in the use of inflections)17
306562661tribute systemA system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor. This forced transfer of food, cloth, and other goods subsidized the development of large cities. An important component of the Aztec and Inca economies.18
306562662infidela person who does not acknowledge your God19
306562663chartered citiesA charter city is a city in which the governing system is defined by the city's own charter document rather than by state, provincial, regional or national laws.20
306562664usurythe act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest21
306562665sacramentone of the Christian ceremonies in which God's grace is transmitted to people22
306562666caravelA small, highly maneuverable three-masted ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic.23
306562668tariffsTaxes on imports or exports24
306562670conquistadorsspanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas and captured land for Spain25
306562672absolutismthe doctrine of an absolute being26
306562674joint-stock companiesan association of individuals in a business enterprise with transferable shares of stock, much like a corporation except that stockholders are liable for the debts of the business27
306562675trade diasporaspeople who lived in outskirts of a city to trade with other places28
306562676excommunicationthe act of banishing a member of the Church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the Church29
306562677slave tradeThe business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves30
306562679manumissionthe formal act of freeing from slavery31
306562680renaissancethe revival of learning and culture32
306562682protestantthe Protestant churches and denominations collectively33
306562684coerced labor systemForced Labor34
306562686mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)35

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