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Unit 3: Post Classical Review Flashcards

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3044751593People of the Bookfollowers of the monotheistic faiths other than Islam. Christians ex. Bible Judaism ex. Torah0
5116965635Eastern Orthodox ChurchThe result of a schism from the Roman Catholic Church was the formation of the _______________________1
5116973088IconsHoly images of Jesus, the Virgin Mary or other saints of the Orthodox Church2
5116975563ConstantinopleThe most powerful and advanced city in the Byzantine Empire3
5116977395PatriarchThe most important church official in Constantinople4
5116979280Justinian I____________________ created a well known system of legal codes, formerly Roman Laws.5
5116982347Hagia SophiaThe mother church of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. It is one of the world's most architecturally advanced churches of the ancient world.6
5116987463MuhammadThe prophet and founder of Islam.7
5116992833Great SchismSplitting of a church or religion over religious doctrine8
5116998293Empress Theodorathe wife of Justinian, she helped to improve the status of women in the Byzantinian Empire and encouraged her husband to stay in Constntinople and fight the Nike9
5117007870SunniThe one of the two main branches of Islam that is described as orthodox and acceptance of the first three caliphs10
5117009555Shi'aOne of the two main branches of Islam that is followed especially in Iran and only sees the fourth caliph as the true successor to Muhammad11
5117011280HajjThe muslim pilgrimage to Mecca that takes place in the last month of the year and it is expected that all muslims should go at least once in a lifetime12
5117014438Ibn BattutaIslamic Scholar and World Traveler of Islamic lands during the Post Classical Period.13
5117017721Jizyaa tax imposed among the non-Muslim citizens of the Ottoman Empire14
5117020478Women Issues of Umayyad Caliphateveiling of women; women sent into seclusion.15
5117026006Zakattax imposed to support the welfare of the Islamic community.16
5117029673Abbasid achievementsadvancements in calligraphy, algebra, paper making, medicine, engineering, astronomy17
5117035058DamascusThe capital city of the Umayyad empire18
5117043092CaliphPolitical and religious successors to Muhammad19
5117055944People of the BookJudaism(Torah) and Christianity(Bible) Umyyad's seek to convert them20
5117061843Ottoman Turksgroup that conquered Constantinople21
5117063151Jewish-Christian-Muslims relationsTolerance of Jews and Christians22
5117070522ByzantinesMajor influence of Orthodox Christianity in Russia23
5117111806Abbasid Caliphatenon-Arab group that moved Islam's capital to Baghdad that began a Golden Age of arts, science, & mathematics24

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