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Unit 3-Postclassical era Flashcards

Ch.s 17, 18, 20, 22

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259874397Mahmud of GazniTurkish leader in Afghanistan that conquered the north western part of India from1001-1027 c.e0
259874398Dehli SultanateKingdom of northern India that was Muslim ruled from 1206-15261
259874399Germanic KingdomKingdoms of the German tribes in Central Europe2
259874400FranksA germanic tribe that led france3
259874401ClovisLeader of the Franks in 486 c.e4
259874402CarolingiansThe line of kings that overthrew Clovis's reign5
259874403CharlemagneThe one of the greatest rulers of the Franks and was crown emperor by pope leo III6
259874404MagyarsMuslims who attacked Europe and established Hungary7
259874405Norse ExpansionVikings that attacked Europe and was able to bring riches and do some amount cultural unification8
259874406VikingsNorman soldiers that sailed on small ships and raided European settlements9
259874407Otto IDefeated the Maygars and was crowned by in 962 to be the Holy Roman Emperor10
259874408Holy Roman EmpireEmpire that was started by Otto of Saxony or Otto I.11
259874409Feudalisma political and social system that developed during the Middle Ages; nobles offered protection and land in return for service12
259874410Lords and RetainersThe hierarchy of control and power of mid-evil Europe13
259874411SerfPeasant that was tied to the land owned by a Lord14
259874412ManorWere all economic activity took place in the early middevil Europe15
259874413Pope Gregory 1Pope that started papal supremacy and started16
259874414Papal SupremacyChurch played a major role in day to day life17
259874415St BenedictDiscipline rule for people living in a monastery18
259874416Investiture ContestA controversy over the appointment of church officals19
259874417BarbarossaAn emperor in Southern Germany.20
259874418NormansDecedents of vikings in England21
259874419Papal StatesTerritory in Central Italy controlled by the Pope22
259874420HorseshoeU-shaped plate nailed to underside of horse's hoof23
259874421Horse CollarA collar that went around the put the weight of the plow on the shoulders of the horse and not the neck24
259874422Hanseatic Leaguea commercial and defensive confederation of free cities in northern Germany and surrounding areas25
259874423Three EstatesThose who pray (the church), Those who fight (knights & nobility), Those who work (serfs), the class structure of medieval Europe26
259874424ChivalryThe code of honor that knights followed27
259874425TroubadourAristocratic women who founded the chivalric code28
259874426GuildAn organization that helps support members of the guild and defines how much an item should be priced29
259874427ScholasticismThe understanding of Aristotle thought in the 1200's and the increasing of educations30
259874428SacramentsRituals to bring spiritual blessings to a person31
259874429Eucharista Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine32
259874430SaintA person who is said to live such a exemplar life that god gave them a special place in heaven33
259874431CapetiansDecendent kings that added resources and land to their ruling state (in france)34
259874432St ScholasticaA version of living for women in midieval Europe35
259874433Elanor of AquitaneAristocratic women who supported romantic poet and entertainers (1122-1204)36
259874434Chinggis Khan"universal ruler" unified Mongol tribes through alliance and conquests37
259874435Sultanruler, the ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the former Ottoman Empire)38
259874436Khanruler; organized vast confederation of individual tribes for expansion39
259874437Shamansreligious specialists who possessed supernatural powers, communicated w/ gods & nature spirits, invoked divine aid on behalf of their communities & informed their companions of the gods' will.40
259874438Mahmud of Ghazniled Turkish Ghaznavids of Afghanistan in raids in Northern India41
259874439Khubilai KhanChinggis Khan grandson, under is reign came the consolidation of Mongol rule in China42
259874440KamikazeJapanese term "divine wind" storms that destroyed Mongol invasion fleets43
259874441Khanate of Chaghatairun under Khubilai, extended rule to all of China44
259874442Khanate of Golden Hordeoverran Russia 1237-1241, expeditions into Poland, Hungary & Germany45
259874443Ilkhanate of PersiaMongol state that ruled Persia after abolitions of the Abbasid empire in the 13th century46
259874444Tamerlane1336-1405, conquered an empire ranging from the Black Sea to Samarkand47
259874445Samarkandcapital established by Tamerlane48
259874446Osman1299, declared independence from Saljuq sultan and launched campaign to build a state at the expense of the Byzantine empire49
259874447Ottoman empirepowerful Turkish empire that lasted from conquests of Constantinople until 1918 and rached its peak during suleyman the magnificent50
259874448Sultan Mehmed IISultan Mehmed II, Ottoman ruler who sacked Constantinople, effectively ending the Byzantine empire. Renamed it Istanbul and then absorbed the lands of Byzantium.51
259874449Pilgrimagelong distance travelled to honor the saints the relics represented52
259874450Dominicanhave no personal possessions and would have to beg for their food and other needs from audiences to whom they preached (Mendicants)53
259874451Franciscanhave no personal possessions and would have to beg for their food and other needs from audiences to whom they preached (Mendicants)54
259874452Vinlandnamed by Lief, Vinland because wild grapes growing in this region; Newfoundland today55
259874453Teutonic KnightChristians who formed a series of hybrid, military-religious orders; took religious vows and pledged to devote their lives and efforts to the struggle against Muslims and pagans; waged military campaigns against the pagan Slavic peoples56
259874454TemplarChristians who formed a series of hybrid, military-religious orders; took religious vows and pledged to devote their lives and efforts to the struggle against Muslims and pagans57
259874455Reconquistareconquest of Spain58
259874456Crusadeholy war59
259874457Urban IIlaunched crusade in 1095; called for Christian knights to take up arms and seize the Holy Land, promising salvation for those who fell during the campaign60
259874458Council of Clermontwhere Pope Urban II declared his famous crusade to the Holy Lands61
259874459Bubonic Plaguespread from fleas to rodents to ships to other Italian trading cities & etc. Mongol military campaigns helped spread this easily62
259874460Hundred Years Warthe series of wars between England and France, 1337-1453, England claimed French land and over feudal rights versus the emerging claims of national states63
259874461Isabel & Fernandotwo wealthiest and most important Iveruab realms; Christians completed the reconquista under the two64
259874462Tsar (Tzar, Czar)a Russian form of the word caesar65
259874463Renaissance"rebirth" round of artistic and intellectual creativity that took place from the 14th to the 16th century and that reflected the continuing development of a sophisticated urban society66
259874464Humanist (Humanism)scholars interest int he humanities: literarture, history, and moral philosophy67
259874465Erasmuspublished the first edition of the Greek New Testament along with a revised Latin translation and copious annotations68
259874466Patrontravelled through Europe searching for manuscripts of classical works69
259874467Magna Carta"Great Charter" confirmed feudal rights against monarchical claims70

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