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Unit 3 Vocab Flashcards

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2489379275 pillarsmake a declaration of faith, pray five times daily, give to charity, fast from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca0
248937928AbbasidThe dynasty that came after the Umayyads. Devoted their energy to trade, scholorship, and the arts.1
248937929Abu Bakrfirst caliph after death of muhammad2
248937930AllahMuslim name for the one and only God3
248937932CaliphThe civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth5
248937933Dar al Islaman Arabic term that means the "house of Islam" and that refers to lands under Islamic rule6
248937934Hajjpilgrimage to Mecca7
249808878Jihad..., a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels8
249808879Ka'ba..., ("cube") a pre-islamic cubed building in mecca believed by muslims to have been built by Abraham. It is the center of the Muslim Pilgrimage9
249808880Mecca..., the holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace10
249808881Medina..., City in western Arabia to which the Prophet Muhammad and his followers emigrated in 622 to escape persecution in Mecca. (p. 231)11
249808882Muhammad..., Founder of Islam, considered the greatest prophet in Islam12
249808883Quran..., the holy book of Islam13
249808884Shiria..., islamic law14
249808885Shiite..., a member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali as the legitimate successor to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs15
249808886Sufi..., a Muslim who represents the mystical dimension of Islam16
249808887Sultan..., Muslim ruler17
249808888Sunni..., a member of the branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as rightful successors to Muhammad18
249808889Umayyad..., the first dynasty of Arab caliphs whose capital was Damascus19
249808890Umma..., the community of all muslims20
249808891Conscription..., a military draft21
249808892Draft animals..., animals used for pulling loads22
249808893Equal field system..., This Chinese system allotted land to individuals and their families according to the land's fertility and the recipients' needs.23
249808894Foot binding..., practice in Chinese society to mutilate women's feet in order to make them smaller; produced pain and restricted women's movement; made it easier to confine women to the household24
249808895Grand canal..., an inland waterway 1000 miles long in eastern China25
249808896Heian Japan..., (794-1185 C.E.) local rulers on the island of Honshu recognized the emperor as Japan's supreme political authority, but, unlike China, Japanese emperors rarely ruled; they only acted as figure heads. Fujiwara family had the power. Two sections of rule: imperial house and ruling parties and factions. Culture of Heian was influenced by Chinese traditions.26
249808897Kowtow..., a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission27
249808898Mercenaries..., hired soldiers28
249808899Nara japan..., Japanese period (710-794) centered around city of Nara, that was the highest point of Chinese influence.29
249808900Neo-Confucianism..., term that describes the resurgence of Confucianism and the influence of Confucian scholars during the T'ang Dynasty; a unification of Daoist or Buddhist metaphysics with Confucian pragmatism30
249808901Porcelain..., ceramic ware made of a more or less translucent ceramic31
249808902Samurai..., class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land32
249808903Shinto..., the native religion and former ethnic cult of Japan33
249808904Shogun..., a hereditary military dictator of Japan34
249808905Song dynasty..., the imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 127935
249808906Sui dynastyThe short dynasty between the Han and the Tang; built the Grand Canal, strengthened the government, and introduced Buddhism to China36
249808907Tang dynastydynasty often referred to as China's Golden age that reigned during 618 - 907 AD; China expands from Vietnam to Manchuria37
249808908Terrace farming..., a farming system that is in the form of steps going up a mountain38
249808909Tributary Relationship..., A relationship between two countries where one gives gifts to another in exchange for protection39
249808910Uighurs..., A group of Turkic-speakers who controlled their own centralized empire from 744 to 840 in Mongolia and Central Asia.40
249808911Wu zhao..., the only woman to ever declare herself empress, she was a member of the Tang Dynasty; takes over when Li Shimin dies; she used trickery to get power, cuts taxes, raises salaries of government officials, encourages trade and buddhism, takes korea as a tributary state, reforms the civil service exams, builds more school for more job opprotunities, takes critism from Li Bo and improves41
249823087White hunsnomadic invaders from central Asia; invaded India; disrupted Gupta administration42
249823088King harsha(r. 606-648) temporarily restored unified rule in most of northern India.43
249823089Axumtrading center, and powerful ancient kingdom in northern present-day Ethiopia44
249823090EmporiaTrading centers where merchants came from all around to sell things45
249823091Byzantine empirea continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 39546
249823092Ceasaropapismbelive that emperor rules under rule of emperor47
249823093JustinianByzantine emperor who held the eastern frontier of his empire against the Persians48
249823094Hagai Sophia"Holy Wisdom" which was a church built by Justinian49
249823095ThemesLike states50
249823096Germanic stateswhat the western Rome became after fall51
249823097CarolingiansRoyal house of Franks after 8th century until their replacement in 10th century.52
249823098CharlemengeThe king, he was christian, forced germany to become christian.53
249823099VikingsInvaders of Europe that came from Scandinavia54
249823100Bezanta gold coin of the Byzantine Empire55
249823101Feudalisma political and social system that developed during the Middle Ages; nobles offered protection and land in return for service56
249823102Roman catholicthe Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy57
249823103Eastern orthodoxderived from the Byzantine Church and adhering to Byzantine rites58
249823104Schismdivision of a group into opposing factions59
249823105Pope Gregory 1believed that priests should be celibate, sent missionaries to England, made new Church60

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