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Unit 4 AP World Strayer Flashcards

These are more question and answer verses definition. Unit four questions. chapters 14, 15, 16. Hope it helps! Also if you're doing the learning section, make sure to check the prompt with a term box

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313175041Why was it Portugal, Spain, France, and Britain that first expanded into the new world?These powers were simply closer to the new world, and once they were able to understand and master the consistent wind patterns of the Atlantic, it was much easier for them to go to the Americas than it was for any Asian competitors0
313175042Which of the following was a motivation for Europeans to expand into the Americas?To cut out Muslim intermediaries from trade with Asia, To spread Christianity, To escape religious and ethnic persecution within Europe1
313175043Why did some Native Americans aid the Spanish in their invasion of the New World?To gain advantage against their own enemies2
313175044What import from Europeans wiped out as many as nine-tenths of the Native American population?Disease3
313175045The silver mines in Mexico and Peru allowed the Spanish conquerors to buy massive amounts of what highly valuable commodities?Chinese silk, tea, and porcelain4
313175046Mercantilismthe guiding principle of most early colonial empires, meant accumulating precious metals through exports from the colonies.5
313175047Why was there such a large mestizo (mixed Spanish and Native American) population in South and Central America?Enormous gender imbalance among early Spanish settlers6
313175048What happened to Native Americans' religious beliefs when confronted with Catholicism?They blended their old customs easily into Catholic practices.7
313175049Where did the majority of enslaved Africans end up once brought across the Atlantic?Brazil and the Caribbean8
313175050All of the following differences existed between the British colonies and the Portuguese/Spanish coloniesMore racial interbreeding occurred in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. British colonists were far more numerous than Spanish colonists. The British colonists sought to escape European traditions, while Spanish/Portuguese sought to recreate it in the Americas.9
313175051What is one major reason for the higher literacy rates in British colonies than in Spanish/Portuguese colonies?Protestantism, which encouraged the reading of the Bible, was the dominant form of Christianity in the British colonies.10
313175052In North America, what percentage of African ancestry qualified a person as "black"?Any at all11
313175053Russia was a "society organized for continuous war" becauseit bordered all the great powers of Asia.12
313175054The expansion of the Chinese and Russian empires into the steppe lands of central Asia led to what result for the nomadic peoples native to this vast area?The political independence and economic prosperity of nomadic peoples came to an end.13
313175055Akbar's policy toward the Hindus of India is best described as:religious tolerance and incorporation of Hindu elites14
313175056The Mughal Empire eventually failed to unite Hindus and Muslims becauseEmperor Aurangzeb attempted to enforce Islam throughout India.15
313175057What was the "Terror of the Turk"?Europeans' fear of an Islamic takeover of all Europe16
313175058What aspects of the Ottoman society did many Europeans admire?Their spirit of religious tolerance17
313175059What was the religious outcome of Ottoman rule in Christian Southeastern (Balkan) EuropeConversion to Islam of about 20 percent of the population18
313175060"Great Dying"mass depopulation of the Native Americans19
313175061The Columbian Exchange led to immense population growth in Europe by introducing calorie-rich crops such ascorn and potatoes20
313175062Spanish colonists born in the coloniescreoles21
313175063The Russian Empire replaced what empire that had once dominated large swaths of Asia.Mongol Empire22
313175064Emperor Akbar's religious tolerance to non-Muslims in India was reversed by emperorAurangzeb23
313175065The elite military and government units of the Ottoman Empire were called theJanissaries24
313175066In 1529 and in 1683 the Ottoman Empire besieged the central European capital ofVienna25
313175067What was the one major advantage that allowed the small Portuguese fleet to dominate the Indian Ocean militarily?Their cannons26
313175068What strategic significance did the Philippines hold for Spain?They were close to China, but not ruled by China27
313175069What was one main difference between the Spanish colonization of the Philippines and the Portuguese strongholds the Indian Ocean Basin?The Spanish converted Filipinos to Christianity; the Portuguese often blended into the local populations28
313175070What was one main difference between the establishment of the British East India Company in Mughal India versus the establishment of the Dutch East India Company in Indonesia?The British used treaties with local Mughal rulers; the Dutch violently conquered and killed many Indonesians.29
313175071What was the attitude of Japanese shoguns toward Christian Europeans in Japan in the early seventeenth century?They violently expelled all but a few Europeans.30
313175072Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of the new European trading networks in the Indian Ocean to other Asian commercial networks?Europeans became just one small group among a vast number of thriving Asian commercial networks.31
313175073Which of the following was NOT a factor in the emergence of silver as the currency of global trade in the sixteenth century?The lack of any silver mines in Asia.32
313175074What impact did the discovery of the world's largest silver mine at Potosi have on the native (mostly) Incan population there?They were forced to work in deadly, hellish conditions33
313175075How did the discovery of the vast silver mines in South America affect Spain's position in Europe?It allowed Spain to pursue political and military goals far beyond what they could afford previously.34
313175076How did the discovery of silver mines in Japan impact Japanese fortunes?The ruling shogunate wisely invested wealth from the mines to create a sustainable market-based economy and ecology35
313175077In what way did the Chinese response to the global silver economy differ from the Japanese response?Economic changes resulted in ecological devastation in China, but not in Japan.36
313175078What was the main way through which Europeans acquired furs in North America?Trade with Native Americans37
313175079In what way did the fur trade benefit Native Americans?It protected them against enslavement and genocide, initially38
313175080In what way did the fur trade harm Native Americans?Because of contact with Europeans, it eventually led to warfare, disease, and alcoholism39
313175081How did African slavery in the New World differ fundamentally from past instances of slavery in world history?Slavery in the Americas was clearly associated with race and with plantation economies.40
313175082What was the social status of those Africans who were captured by other Africans to be sold to Europeans?They were the outcasts and foreigners, often prisoners of war, within local villages41
313175083What best describes the long-term impact of the slave trade on West Africa?Economic stagnation and political disruption42
313175084How did Luther's belief in the Bible as the source of religious truth threaten the power of the church?It freed individuals to disagree with the Church's interpretation of Christianity.43
313175085Why did certain princes and kings embrace Luther's ideas?They had long resented the Pope's political power over them.44
313175086. Which of the following was a major difference between Protestants and Catholics in European colonies?Catholics sought to convert native peoples; Protestants did not.45
313175087Thirty Years WarProtestant rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire ends with peace of westpahlia.1618-48) A series of European wars that were partially a Catholic-Protestant religious conflict. It was primarily a batlte between France and their rivals the Hapsburg's, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire.46
313175088In what way did most Native Americans in the Andes and Mexico respond to the imposition of Christianity on their culture?The incorporated their older religious beliefs into Christian doctrine and practice47
313175089Which of the following best describes the behavior of the Jesuits in China?They learned about and adopted much Chinese culture and learning48
313175090How did Europeans commonly react to African slaves' syncretic religions, such as Santeria and Vodou?They considered these religions to be satanic witchcraft and tried to suppress them.49
313175091How were individual merchants, wandering holy men, or scholars able to spread Islam further throughout Africa, Asia, and even the Americas during the Early Modern Era?They were not threatening to local rulers, and were often quite useful.50
313175092What best describes the state created by Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad Ibn Saud in the 1740s?A state based on a pure and strict interpretation of Islam.51
313175093How was Wang Yangmin's Confucianism MOST similar to Martin Luther's Christianity?They both saw truth as innately accessible for every human being52
313175094How might the Hindu practice of bhakti have threatened the social order in India?It set aside caste distinctions53
313175095Why did Sikhism evolve from a peaceful religion into a militant community?They had to defend themselves against both Mughal and Hindu hostility.54
313175096Why was the legal concept of a "corporation" so important to the development of the European Scientific Revolution?It allowed universities to have a measure of educational and intellectual freedom from the church and state55
313175097What role did science play in the educational systems of Islamic and Chinese societies?Marginal.56
313175098What was the radical implication of Newton's law of mutual gravitation?It implied that the heavens and earth obeyed the same laws57
313175099How does the Enlightenment compare to the Scientific Revolution?The Enlightenment applied the idea of natural laws to human affairs.58
313175100Which of the following best describes the response of China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire to the Scientific Revolution?They adopted some of the more practical aspects, such as map-making and anatomy, but little beyond that59
313175101Which of the following best describes the Enlightenment-era philosophy of Rousseau?Children should be educated in nature, not in society60
313175102. How did many Enlightenment thinkers, such as Voltaire, think about established religion?They saw most religions as superstitious and intolerant.61

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