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Unit 4 Flashcards

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272714714Bubonic plagueA deadly sickness spread throught Europe in the 1340's by fleas on rats; also called the balck death0
272714715Emissariessomeone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else1
272714716Ghenghis khanUnited nomadic tribes. Created the greatest Mongol empire2
272714717Istanbulthe largest city and former capital of Turkey3
272714718Kamikazea fighter plane used for suicide missions by Japanese pilots in World War II4
272714719Khana Mongol ruler5
272714720Khubilai khanLast of the Mongol Great Khans (r. 1260-1294) and founder of the Yuan Empire. (p. 351)6
272714721Marco poloVenetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324)7
272714722OsmaBuilt an empire8
272714723Ottoman empirea Turkish sultanate of southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa and southeastern Europe9
272714724Pax mongolicapeaceful period from mid 1200s to mid 1300s in Asia10
272714725SaljuksA rising power of mulim turks who gained contol of Palistine11
272714726Shamansreligious specialists who possessed supernatural powers, communicated with the gods and nature spirits, invoked divine aid on behalf of their communities, and informed their companions of their gods' will12
272714727Sultanthe ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the former Ottoman Empire)13
272714728Sultan mehmed IIOttoman ruler who sacked Constantinople, effectively ending the Byzantine empire. Renamed it Istanbul and then absorbed the lands of Byzantium.14
272714729Tamerlane the the conquerorConquered many lands15
272714730Turksa member of the Turkish-speaking ethnic group in Turkey, or, formerly, in the Ottoman Empire16
272714731Yan dynastyAD 1279-136817
2735150474 Mongol empiresAfter chuggis khan died his sons divided the regions into 4 sections18
274017052Bantu migrationsfarmers and herders who migrated south and spread language and skills-1000BC - 1000AD19
274017053Divinersritual practitioners who specialize in the art of divination20
274017054Griotsa storyteller in West Africa21
274017055Ibn battutaMoroccan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan.22
274017056Kingroup of people related by blood or marriage23
274017057Kingdom of ghanaby the 700s, this was a kingdom and its rulers were growing rich by taxing the goods that traders carried through their territory.24
274017058Kingdom of maliBy 1235 this emerged from Mande speaking people who lived south of Ghana.25
274017059Mansa musathis Mali king brought Mali to its peak of power and wealth from 1312 the 1337; he was the most powerful king in west africa26
274017060Sahela strip of land that divides the desert from wetter areas27
274017061Swahilithe most widely spoken Bantu languages28
274017062Timbuktua city in central Mali near the Niger river29
274017063Chivalrycourtesy towards women30
274017064Crusades1096 Christian Europe aim to reclaim Jerusalem and aid they Byzantines; 1st success and the rest a failure; weakens the Byzantines; opens up trade31
274017065Eucharista Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine32
274017066Excommunicateexclude from a church or a religious community33
274189220St. Thomas Aquinaswell-known mendicant saints in the Middle Ages. was brilliant and was taught by St. Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus). his most famous work is the Summa Thologiae. mystic and scholar34
274189221Serfsa person who lived on and farmed a lords land in feudal times35
274189222TroubadoursTraveling poet-musicians at the castles and courts.36
274189223Urbanizationthe social process whereby cities grow and societies become more urban37
274189224Vassalsa person holding a fief38
274189225Virgin Marythe mother of Jesus39
274189226William the Conquerorduke of Normandy who led the Norman invasion of England and became the first Norman to be King of England40
274189227ZealotsJews that rose up in armed rebellion against Rome in 66ce; unsuccessful, and Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed41
274189228Aboriginal PeoplePeople who migrated to Australia from Asia at least 40,000 years ago; the original settlers of the land.42
274189229ChinampasRaised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields.43
274189230Incaa member of the small group of Quechuan people living in the Cuzco valley in Peru who established hegemony over their neighbors to create the great Inca empire that lasted from about 1100 until the Spanish conquest in the early 1530s44
274189231MesoamericaMexico and Central America45
274189232MexicaThe name given to themselves by the Aztec people46
274189233Quipuknotted cords of various lengths and colors used by the inca to keep financial records47
274189234Subjugationforced submission to control by others48
274189235ToltecsPowerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900-1168 C.E.). It influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization. (p. 305)49
274189236Little Ice Age 1300 CESmall ice age in 1300 CE50
274189237Mandarinsmembers of the elite class of civil servents in Chinese government51
274189238Renaissancethe revival of learning and culture52
274189239HumanistsPeople who specialize in studying the grammar, history, poetry, and rhetoric. Taught life should be meaningful. Displayed a critical approach to learning.53
276616617Frederick BarbarossaRuler of the Holy Roman Empire; went on the third crusade but failed when he fell into a river and died.54
276616618GuildsAssociation of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests55
276616619Hanseatic Leaguea commercial and defensive confederation of free cities in northern Germany and surrounding areas56
276616620Heresya belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion57
276616621High middle agesthe period from 1000 to 1300 in which the church had a key role shaping the new world58
276616622Holy roman empirethe lands ruled by Charlemagne59
276616623Iberian Peninsulaa peninsula in southwestern Europe60
276616624Investiture contestA struggle between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope over who nominates clergymen. The Pope eventually won this struggle.61
276616625Leif ericksonviking explorer who reached North America around 1000, before Columbus62
276616626Manorslarge farm estates of the Middle Ages that were owned by nobles who ruled over the peasants living in the land63
276616627Normansa member of that branch of the Northmen or Scandinavians who in the 10th century conquered Normandy64
276616628Paganismthe profession of no religion65
276616629ReconquistaThe effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492.66
276616630RelicsValued holy objects from the past67
276616631Saintsfollowers of christ who lived lives of holiness on earth and now share in eternal life with God in heaven68

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