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Unit 5 Vocab 2 and 3 Flashcards

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164741047Government of India ActWas the last pre-independence constitution of the British Raj. It granted Indian provinces autonomy. Direct elections are introduced for the first time. The right to vote was increased from seven million to thirty-five million.0
164741048Great Leap ForwardThe disastrous economic policy introduced by Mao Zedong that proposed the implementation of small-scale industrial projects.1
164741049Guomindang (Kuomintang)China's Nationalist political party founded by Sun Yat-sen in 1912 and based on democratic principles; in 1925, the party was taken over by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek), who made in into a more authoritarian party2
164741050Iron CurtainTerm coined by Winston Churchill for the political barrier isolating Soviet dominated Eastern Europe from Western Europe3
164741051Korean ConflictConflict between Communist and non-Communist forces in Korea from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 19534
164741052KulaksRussian peasants who became wealthy under Lenin's New Economic Policy5
164741053Marshall PlanA U.S. plan to support the recovery and reconstruction of Western Europe after WWII6
164741054May Fourth MovementA 1919 protest in China against the Treaty of Versailles and foreign influence7
164741055New Economic PolicyLenin's policy that allowed some private ownership and limited foreign investment to revitalize the Soviet economy8
164741056NonalignmentThe policy of some developing nations to refrain from aligning with either the US or the Soviet Union during the Cold War9
164741057North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationA defense alliance between nations of Western Europe and North America formed in 194910
164741058PerestroikaA restructuring of the Soviet economy to allow some local decision making11
164741059Prague SpringA 1968 program of reform to soften socialism in Czechoslovakia; it resulted in the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia12
164741060PurgesJoseph Stalin's policy of exiling or killing millions of his opponents in the Soviet Union13
164741061Red GuardA militia of young Chinese people organized to carry out Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution14
164741062SandinistasA left-wing group that over threw the dictatorship of Necaraguan Anastacio Somoza in 197915
164741063Six-Day WarA brief war between Israel and a number of Arab states in 1967; during this conflict Israel took over Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the Sinai Peninsula, and the West Bank16
164741064SolidarityA Polish trade union that began the nation's protest against communist rule17
164741065Tiananmen SquareBeijing site of a 1989 student protest in favor of democracy; the Chinese military killed a large number of protestors18
164741066Truman DoctrineA 1947 statement by US President Truman that pledged aid to any nation resisting communism19
164741067Warsaw PactThe 1955 agreement between the Soviet Union and the countries of eastern Europe in response to NATO20
164741068Al-QaedaA terrorist group based in Afghanistan in the late 20th and early 21st centuries21
164741069CartelsUnions of independent businesses in order to regulate production, prices, and the marketing of goods22
164741070International Monetary FundAn international organization founded in 1944 to promote market economies and free trade23
164741071Persian Gulf WarThe 1991 war between Iraq and the US24
164741072World BankAn agency of the UN that offers loans to countries to promote trade and economic development25
164741073EuroThe standard currency introduced and adopted by the majority of members of the European Union in January 200226
164741074European Economic CommunityAn economic organization of European states set up by the Treaties of ROME in March 1957. Its member states agreed to coordinate their economic policies, and to establish common plicies for agriculture, transport, the movement of capital and labor, the erection of common external tariffs, and the ultimate establishment of political unification27
164741075European CommunityAn organization of Western European countries, which came into being in 1967 through the merger of the European Economic Community, European Atomic Energy Community, and European Coal and Steel Community, and was committed to economic and political integration as envisaged by the Treaties of Rome. It was superseded in 1993 by the EUROPEAN UNION28
164741076Import Substitution IndustrializationAn economic system that attempts to strengthen a country's industrial power by restricting foreign imports29
164741077McDonaldizationTerm used by sociologist George Ritzer in his book. He describes in as the process by which a society takes on the characteristics of a fast food restaurant; extension of world trade to the Soviet Union30
164741078North American Free Trade AgreementAn organizatoin that prohibits tariffs and other trade barriers between Mexico, the US, and Canada31
164741079Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesOrganization formed in 1960 by oil-producing countries to regulate oil supplies and prices32
164741080World Trade OrganizationAn international organization begun in 1995 to promote and organize world trade33
164741081Deoxyribonucleic acidThe blueprint of heredity34
164741082Helsinki AccordsA 1975 politcal and human rights agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, by Western European countries and the Soviet Union35
164741083Hubble Space TelescopeOptical telescope that was placed in Earth orbit by the space shuttle in 1990. It now produces accurate images of bodies that cannot be observed clearly by terrestrial telescopes due to atmospheric distortion36
164741084International Space StationA vehicle sponsored by sixteen nations that circles earth while carrying out experiments37
164741085Service industriesOccupations that provide a service rather than a manufactured or agricultural product38
164741086SputnikWorld's first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. Weighing 83.5kg(184 lb) and with a radio transmitter, it circled the Earth for several months.39
164741087CubismA school of art in which persons and objects are represented by geometric forms40
164741088Balfour DeclarationBritish minister Lord Balfour's promise of support for the establishment of Jewish settlement in Paestine issued in 191741
164741089Kabuki theaterA form of Japanese theater developed in the seventeenth century that features colorful scenery and costumes and an exaggerated style of acting42
164741090Mass consumerismTrade in products designed to appeal to a global market43
164741091National Organization of WomenUS organization founded in 1969 to campaign for women's rights44
164741092New DealUS President Roosevelt's program to relieve the economic problems of the Great Depression; it increased government involovement in the society of the United States45
164741093No theaterThe classical Japanese drama with music and dances performed on a simple stage by elaboratly dressed actors46
164741094Welfare stateA nation in which the government plays an active role in providing services such as social security to its citizens47
164741095Green RevolutionA program of improved irrigation methods and the introduction of high-yield seeds and fertilizers and pesticides to improve agricultural production; it was espeially successful in Asia but also was used in Latin America48
164741096Guest workersWorkers from North Africa and Asia who migrated to Europe during the late 20th century n search of employment; some guest workers seettled in Europe permanently49
164741097Ozone depletionThe thinning of the layer of the gas ozone high in the earth's atmosphere; ozone serves as a protection against the sun's ultraviolet rays50
164741098Coup d'etatSuddne overthrow of a government51
164741099Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity SphereThe pseudo-political and economic union of Japanese-dominated Asian and Pacific territories during WWII. By the end of the war, it had become an object of hatred and ridicule52
164741100Weimar RepublicThe republic that wasw established in Germany in 1919 and ended in 193353
164741101Viet MinhCommunist-dominated Vietnamese nationalist movement; operated out of base in southern china during WWII; emplyed guerilla tactics similar to Maoists in China54
164741102PropagandaInformation or material spread to advance a cause or to damage an opponent's cause55
164741103European UnionBegan as European Economic Community, an alliance of Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, to create a single economic entity across national boundaries in 1958; later joined by Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Austria, Finland, and other nations for further European economic integration56
164741104Viet CongName given to by the Diem regime to the communist guerilla movement in southern Vietnam; reorganized with northern Vietnamese assistance as the National Liberation Front in 195857
164741105African National CongressBlack political organization within South Africa; pressed for end to policies of apartheid; sought open democracy leading to black majority rule; until 1990s declared illegal58
164741106Free Officers MovementMilitary nationalist movement in Egypt founded in the 1930s; often allied with the Muslim Brotherhood; led coup to seize Egyptian government from khedive in July 195259
164741107Dien Bien PhuMost significant victory of the Viet Minh over French colonial forces in 1954; gave the Viet Minh control of northern vietnam60
164741108National Liberation FrontRadical nationalist movement in Algeria; launched sustained guerilla was against France in the 1950s; success of tactics led to independence of Algeria in 195861
164741109Afrikaner National PartyEmerged as the majority party in the all white South African legislature after 1948; advocated complete independence from Britain; favored a rigid system or racial segregation called apartheid62
164741110Muslim LeagueFounded in 1906 to better support demands of Muslims for separate electorates and legislative seats in Hindu-dominated India; represented division within Indian nationalist movement63
164741111Atlantic Charter of 1941WWII alliance agreement between the US and Britain; included a clause that recognized the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they live; indicated sympathy for decolonization64
164741112Total WarA conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort65
164741113VichyFrench collaborationist government established in 1940 in sourthern France following defeat of French armies by the Germans66
164741114PolitburoExecutive committee of the Soviet Communist party; 20 members67
164741115Twenty-one Demandsinstrument by which Japan secured temorary hegemony over China. Japan used its declaration of war against Germany as grounds for invading Kiaochow, the German leasehold in Shangong prov., Chind. Disregarding the Chinese request to withdraw, Japan secretly presented President Yuan Shih-kai with an ultimatum comprising 21 demands divided into five sections68

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