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Unit #6-10 Vocabulary (AP Language and Composition) Flashcards

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6344129708abject(adj.) degraded; base, contemptible; cringing, servile; complete and unrelieved. (Synonyms) wretched, miserable, ignoble, sheer, utter0
6344129709agnostic(n.) one who believes that nothing can be known about God; a skeptic; (adj.) without faith, skeptical. (Synonyms) (n.) doubter1
6344129710complicity(n.) involvement in wrongdoing; the state of being an accomplice. (Synonyms) connivance, collusion2
6344129711derelict(n.) someone or something that is abandoned or neglected; (adj.) left abandoned; neglectful of duty. (Synonyms) (n.) vagrant; (adj.) remiss, delinquent3
6344129712diatribe(n.) a bitter and prolonged verbal attack. (Synonyms) harangue, tirade4
6344129713effigy(n.) a crude image of a despised person. (Synonyms) figure, figurine, likeness5
6344129714equity(n.) the state or quality of being just, fair, or impartial; fair and equal treatment; something that is fair; the money value of a property above and beyond any mortgage or other claim. (Synonyms) justice, fairness, impartiality6
6344129715inane(adj.) silly, empty of meaning or value. (Synonyms) vapid, idiotic, moronic, fatuous7
6344129716indictment(n.) the act of accusing; a formal accusation. (Synonyms) charge, accusation8
6344129717indubitable(adj.) certain, not to be doubted or denied. (Synonyms) unquestionable, indisputable9
6344129718intermittent(adj.) stopping and beginning again, sporadic. (Synonyms) fitful, spasmodic, random10
6344129719moot(adj.) open to discussion and debate, unresolved; (v.) to bring up for discussion; (n.) a hypothetical law case argued by students. (Synonyms) (adj.) debatable, questionable; (v.) broach11
6344129720motif(n.) a principal idea, feature, theme, or element; a repeated or dominant figure in a design. (Synonyms) theme, idea, concept12
6344129721neophyte(n.) a new convert, beginner, novice. (Synonyms) tenderfoot, tyro, rookie13
6344129722perspicacity(n.) keenness in observing and understanding. (Synonyms) acuity, acumen, discernment14
6344129723plenary(adj.) complete in all aspects or essentials; absolute; attended by all qualified members. (Synonyms) unlimited, unrestricted15
6344129724surveillance(n.) a watch kept over a person; careful, close, and disciplined observation. (Synonyms) observation, scrutiny, monitoring16
6344129725sylvan(adj.) pertaining to or characteristic of forests; living or located in a forest; wooded, woody. (Synonyms) forested, arcadian17
6344129726testy(adj.) easily irritated; characterized by impatience and exasperation. (Synonyms) irritable, peevish, waspish, petulant18
6344129727travesty(n.) a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something; a disguise, especially the clothing of the opposite sex; (v.) to ridicule by imitating in a broad or burlesque fashion. (Synonyms) (n.) burlesque, parody, caricature, farce19
6344129728allay(v.) to calm or pacify, set to rest; to lessen or relieve (fear, suspicion, or worry). (synonyms) reduce, diminish, assuage, alleviate20
6344129729bestial(adj.) beastlike; beastly, brutal; subhuman in intelligence and sensibility. (synonyms) savage, brutish, barbaric21
6344129730convivial(adj.) festive, sociable, having fun together, genial. (synonyms) friendly, genial, affable, amiable, congenial22
6344129731coterie(n.) a circle of acquaintances; a close-knit, often exclusive, group of people with a common interest. (synonyms) clique, inner circle, gang, community23
6344129732counterpart(n.) a person or thing closely resembling or corresponding to another; a complement. (synonyms) equivalent, peer, equal, match, twin24
6344129733demur(v.) to object or take exception to; (n.) an objection (synonyms) (v.) object, protest; (n.) objection, protest, complaint25
6344129734effrontery(n.) shameless boldness, impudence. (synonyms) impertinence, insolence, disrespect, bad manners, temerity26
6344129735embellish(v.) to decorate, adorn, touch up; to improve by adding details. (synonyms) decorate, adorn, elaborate, exaggerate27
6344129736ephemeral(adj.) lasting only a short time, short-lived. (synonyms) fleeting, transient, momentary, bride, short28
6344129737felicitous(adj.) appropriate, apt, well chosen; marked by well-being or good fortune, happy. (synonyms) fitting, suitable, appropriate, germane29
6344129738furtive(adj.) done slyly or stealthily, sneaky, secret, shifty; stolen. (synonyms) secretive, clandestine, sly, sneaky30
6344129739garish(adj.) glaring; tastelessly showy or over decorated in a vulgar or offensive way. (synonyms) gaudy, harsh, showy, brassy31
6344129740illusory(adj.) misleading, deceptive; lacking in or not based on reality. (synonyms) imaginary, fake, false32
6344129741indigent(adj.) needy, impoverished. (synonyms) penniless, poverty-stricken, destitute33
6344129742inordinate(adj.) far too great, exceeding reasonable limits, excessive. (synonyms) excessive, gratuitous, unwarranted34
6344129743jettison(v.) to cast overboard, get rid of as unnecessary or burdensome (synonyms) dump, discharge, unload35
6344129744misanthrope(n.) a person who hates or despises people. (synonyms) hater, cynic, grouch36
6344129745pertinacious(adj.) very persistent; holding firmly to a course of action or a set of beliefs; hard to get rid of, refusing to be put off or denied. (synonyms) determined, tenacious, persistent, insistent37
6344129746picayune(adj.) of little value or importance, paltry, measly; concerned with trifling matters, small-minded (synonyms) petty, worthless38
6344129747raiment(n.) clothing, garments. (synonyms) apparel, attire, clothes, habiliments39
6344129748allege(v.) to assert without proof or confirmation. Synonyms: claim, contend, assert, accuse40
6344129749arrant(adj.) thoroughgoing, out-and-out; shameless, blatant. Synonyms: egregious, unmitigated, complete, absolute41
6344129750badinage(n.) light and playful conversation. Synonyms: banter, persiflage, repartee42
6344129751conciliate(v.) to overcome the distrust of, win over; to appease, pacify; to reconcile, make consistent. Synonyms: placate, mollify, propitiate, appease, pacify43
6344129752countermand(v.) to cancel or reverse one order or command with another that is contrary to the first. Synonyms: recall, revoke, overrule, annul44
6344129753echelon(n.) one of a series of grades in an organization or field of activity; an organized military unit; a step-like formation or arrangement. Synonyms: level, rank, position, order45
6344129754exacerbate(v.) to make more violent, severe, bitter, or painful. Synonyms: aggravate, intensify, worse, inflame, compound46
6344129755fatuous(adj.) stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way. Synonyms: silly, vapid, inane, doltish, vacuous, idiotic, asinine47
6344129756irrefutable(adj.) impossible to disprove; beyond argument. Synonyms: indisputable, incontrovertible, undeniable, unquestionable, definitive48
6344129757juggernaut(n.) a massive and inescapable force or object that crushes whatever is in its path. Synonyms:49
6344129758lackadaisical(adj.) lacking spirit or interest, halfhearted. Synonyms: listless, indolent, indifferent, lax, lethargic, apathetic50
6344129759litany(n.) a prayer consisting of short appeals to God recited by the leader alternating with responses from the congregation; any repetitive chant; a long list. Synonyms: rigmarole, catalog, megillah, prayer, recital51
6344129760macabre(adj.) grisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject. Synonyms: grotesque, grim, ghoulish, gory, morbid52
6344129761paucity(n.) an inadequate quantity, scarcity, dearth. Synonyms: lack, sparseness, shortage53
6344129762portend(v.) to indicate beforehand that something is about to happen; to give advance warning of. Synonyms: bode, foretell, foreshadow, suggest, prophesy54
6344129763raze(v.) to tear down, destroy completely; to cut or scrape off or out. Synonyms: pull down, demolish, shave off, flatten55
6344129764recant(v.) to withdraw a statement or belief to which one has previously been committed, renounce, retract. Synonyms: repudiate, disavow, deny, renounce56
6344129765saturate(v.) to soak thoroughly, fill to capacity; to satisfy fully. Synonyms: permeate, drench, flood, imbue,57
6344129766saturnine(adj.) of a gloomy or surly disposition; cold or sluggish in mood. Synonyms: sullen, morose, melancholy, moody58
6344129767slough(v.) to cast off, discard; to get rid of something objectionable or unnecessary; to plod through as if through mud; (n.) a mire; a state of depression. Synonyms: shed, slog59
6344129768acclamation(n.) a shout of welcome; an overwhelming verbal vote of approval. Synonyms: ovation, cheering, plaudits60
6344129769bucolic(adj.) characteristic of the countryside, rural; relating to shepherds and cowherds, pastoral. Synonyms: rustic61
6344129770calumniate(v.) to slander; to accuse falsely and maliciously. Synonyms: defame, libel, malign, misrepresent62
6344129771chary(adj.) extremely cautious, hesitant, or slow (to); reserved, diffident. Synonyms: wary, skittish, careful63
6344129772collusion(n.) secret agreement or cooperation. Synonyms: conspiracy, plot, connivance, cahoots, collaboration64
6344129773dilettante(n.) a dabbler in the arts; one who engages in an activity in an amateurish, trifling way; (adj.) superficial. Synonyms: amateur, trifler, nonprofessional65
6344129774imperturbable(adj.) not easily excited; emotionally steady. synonyms Synonyms: unflappable, unexcitable, serene, unruffled66
6344129775increment(n.) an enlargement, increase, addition. Synonyms: accretion, gain, suuplement67
6344129776mandate(n.) an authoritative command, formal order, authorization; (v.) to issue such an order. Synonyms: (n.) directive, order, decree, instruction68
6344129777paltry(adj.) trifling, insignificant; mean, despicable; inferior, trashy. Synonyms: measly, meager, piddling, trivial69
6344129778paroxysm(n.) a sudden outburst; a spasm, convulsion. Synonyms: fit, seizure, eruption70
6344129779pedantry(n.) a pretentious display of knowledge; overly rigid attention to rules and details. Synonyms: nit-picking, hairsplitting, pettifoggery, perfectionism, fastidiousness71
6344129780peregrination(n.) the act of traveling; an excursion, especially on foot or to a foreign country. Ssynonyms: journey, wandering, odyssey72
6344129781redolent(adj.) fragrant, smelling strongly; tending to arouse memories or create an aura. Synonyms: evocative, reminiscent, aromatic, suggestive73
6344129782refulgent(adj.) shining, radiant, resplendent. Synonyms: luminous, splendid74
6344129783shibboleth(n.) a word, expression, or custom that distinguishes a particular group of persons from all others; a commonplace saying or truism. Synonyms: catchphrase, password, slogan75
6344129784tyro(n.) a beginner, novice; one with little or no background or skill. Synonyms: neophyte, learner, fledgling76
6344129785unremitting(adj.) not stopping, maintained steadily, never letting up, relentless. Synonyms: constant, incessant, unrelenting77
6344129786vacillate(v.) to swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; to waver weakly in mind or will. Synonyms: seesaw, fluctuate, oscillate78
6344129787vituperative(adj.) harshly abusive, severely scolding. Synonyms: abusive, scurrilous, insulting, bitter79
6344129788askance(adv) with suspicion, distrust, disapproval. Synonyms: distrustfully, suspiciously, skeptically80
6344129789attenuate(v) to make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value. Synonyms: thin out, dilute, water down81
6344129790benign(adj) gentle, kind; forgiving, understanding; having a favorable or beneficial effect; not malignant. Synonyms: benevolent, salutary, salubrious, harmless82
6344129791cavil(v) to find fault in a petty way, carp; (n) a trivial objection or criticism. Synonyms: nitpick, quibble83
6344129792charlatan(n) one who feigns knowledge or ability; a pretender, imposter, or quack. Synonym: fraud, mountebank84
6344129793decimate(v) to kill or destroy a large part of. Synonyms: ravage, devastate85
6344129794foible(n) a weak point, failing, minor flaw. Synonyms: shortcoming, defect, quirk86
6344129795fraught(adj) full or loaded with; accompanied by. Synonyms: charged with87
6344129796forgo(v) to do without, abstain from, give up. Synonyms: refrain from, renounce88
6344129797inure(v) to toughen, harden; to render used to something by long subjection or exposure. Synonyms: accustom, acclimate89
6344129798luminous(adj) emitting or reflecting light, glowing; illuminating. Synonyms: radiant, bright, refulgent, lustrous90
6344129799obsequious(adj) marked by slavish attentiveness; excessively submissive, often for purely self-interested reasons. Synonyms: fawning, servile, sycophantic, mealy mouthed91
6344129800obtuse(adj) blunt, not coming to a point; slow or dull in understanding; measuring between 90 degrees and 180 degrees; not causing sharp impression. Synonyms: stupid, dumb, thick, mild, dull-witted92
6344129801oscillate(v) to swing back and forth with a steady rhythm; to fluctuate or waver. Synonyms: vibrate, vacillate93
6344129802penitent(adj) regretful for one's sins or mistakes; (n) one who is sorry for wrongdoing. Synonym: remorseful, regretful, rueful, sorry94
6344129803peremptory(adj) having the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute. Synonyms: high-handed, unconditional95
6344129804rebuff(v) to snub; to repel, drive away; (n) a curt rejection, a check. Synonyms: (v) to spurn, repulse, reject; (n) setback96
6344129805reconnoiter(v) to engage in reconnaissance; to make a preliminary inspection. Synonyms: scout97
6344129806shambles(n) a slaughterhouse; a place of mass bloodshed; a state of complete disorder and confusion, mess. Synonyms: chaos, mess, confusion98
6344129807sporadic(adj) occurring at irregular intervals, having no set plan or order. Synonyms: intermittent, spasmodic99

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