6344129708 | abject | (adj.) degraded; base, contemptible; cringing, servile; complete and unrelieved. (Synonyms) wretched, miserable, ignoble, sheer, utter | 0 | |
6344129709 | agnostic | (n.) one who believes that nothing can be known about God; a skeptic; (adj.) without faith, skeptical. (Synonyms) (n.) doubter | 1 | |
6344129710 | complicity | (n.) involvement in wrongdoing; the state of being an accomplice. (Synonyms) connivance, collusion | 2 | |
6344129711 | derelict | (n.) someone or something that is abandoned or neglected; (adj.) left abandoned; neglectful of duty. (Synonyms) (n.) vagrant; (adj.) remiss, delinquent | 3 | |
6344129712 | diatribe | (n.) a bitter and prolonged verbal attack. (Synonyms) harangue, tirade | 4 | |
6344129713 | effigy | (n.) a crude image of a despised person. (Synonyms) figure, figurine, likeness | 5 | |
6344129714 | equity | (n.) the state or quality of being just, fair, or impartial; fair and equal treatment; something that is fair; the money value of a property above and beyond any mortgage or other claim. (Synonyms) justice, fairness, impartiality | 6 | |
6344129715 | inane | (adj.) silly, empty of meaning or value. (Synonyms) vapid, idiotic, moronic, fatuous | 7 | |
6344129716 | indictment | (n.) the act of accusing; a formal accusation. (Synonyms) charge, accusation | 8 | |
6344129717 | indubitable | (adj.) certain, not to be doubted or denied. (Synonyms) unquestionable, indisputable | 9 | |
6344129718 | intermittent | (adj.) stopping and beginning again, sporadic. (Synonyms) fitful, spasmodic, random | 10 | |
6344129719 | moot | (adj.) open to discussion and debate, unresolved; (v.) to bring up for discussion; (n.) a hypothetical law case argued by students. (Synonyms) (adj.) debatable, questionable; (v.) broach | 11 | |
6344129720 | motif | (n.) a principal idea, feature, theme, or element; a repeated or dominant figure in a design. (Synonyms) theme, idea, concept | 12 | |
6344129721 | neophyte | (n.) a new convert, beginner, novice. (Synonyms) tenderfoot, tyro, rookie | 13 | |
6344129722 | perspicacity | (n.) keenness in observing and understanding. (Synonyms) acuity, acumen, discernment | 14 | |
6344129723 | plenary | (adj.) complete in all aspects or essentials; absolute; attended by all qualified members. (Synonyms) unlimited, unrestricted | 15 | |
6344129724 | surveillance | (n.) a watch kept over a person; careful, close, and disciplined observation. (Synonyms) observation, scrutiny, monitoring | 16 | |
6344129725 | sylvan | (adj.) pertaining to or characteristic of forests; living or located in a forest; wooded, woody. (Synonyms) forested, arcadian | 17 | |
6344129726 | testy | (adj.) easily irritated; characterized by impatience and exasperation. (Synonyms) irritable, peevish, waspish, petulant | 18 | |
6344129727 | travesty | (n.) a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something; a disguise, especially the clothing of the opposite sex; (v.) to ridicule by imitating in a broad or burlesque fashion. (Synonyms) (n.) burlesque, parody, caricature, farce | 19 | |
6344129728 | allay | (v.) to calm or pacify, set to rest; to lessen or relieve (fear, suspicion, or worry). (synonyms) reduce, diminish, assuage, alleviate | 20 | |
6344129729 | bestial | (adj.) beastlike; beastly, brutal; subhuman in intelligence and sensibility. (synonyms) savage, brutish, barbaric | 21 | |
6344129730 | convivial | (adj.) festive, sociable, having fun together, genial. (synonyms) friendly, genial, affable, amiable, congenial | 22 | |
6344129731 | coterie | (n.) a circle of acquaintances; a close-knit, often exclusive, group of people with a common interest. (synonyms) clique, inner circle, gang, community | 23 | |
6344129732 | counterpart | (n.) a person or thing closely resembling or corresponding to another; a complement. (synonyms) equivalent, peer, equal, match, twin | 24 | |
6344129733 | demur | (v.) to object or take exception to; (n.) an objection (synonyms) (v.) object, protest; (n.) objection, protest, complaint | 25 | |
6344129734 | effrontery | (n.) shameless boldness, impudence. (synonyms) impertinence, insolence, disrespect, bad manners, temerity | 26 | |
6344129735 | embellish | (v.) to decorate, adorn, touch up; to improve by adding details. (synonyms) decorate, adorn, elaborate, exaggerate | 27 | |
6344129736 | ephemeral | (adj.) lasting only a short time, short-lived. (synonyms) fleeting, transient, momentary, bride, short | 28 | |
6344129737 | felicitous | (adj.) appropriate, apt, well chosen; marked by well-being or good fortune, happy. (synonyms) fitting, suitable, appropriate, germane | 29 | |
6344129738 | furtive | (adj.) done slyly or stealthily, sneaky, secret, shifty; stolen. (synonyms) secretive, clandestine, sly, sneaky | 30 | |
6344129739 | garish | (adj.) glaring; tastelessly showy or over decorated in a vulgar or offensive way. (synonyms) gaudy, harsh, showy, brassy | 31 | |
6344129740 | illusory | (adj.) misleading, deceptive; lacking in or not based on reality. (synonyms) imaginary, fake, false | 32 | |
6344129741 | indigent | (adj.) needy, impoverished. (synonyms) penniless, poverty-stricken, destitute | 33 | |
6344129742 | inordinate | (adj.) far too great, exceeding reasonable limits, excessive. (synonyms) excessive, gratuitous, unwarranted | 34 | |
6344129743 | jettison | (v.) to cast overboard, get rid of as unnecessary or burdensome (synonyms) dump, discharge, unload | 35 | |
6344129744 | misanthrope | (n.) a person who hates or despises people. (synonyms) hater, cynic, grouch | 36 | |
6344129745 | pertinacious | (adj.) very persistent; holding firmly to a course of action or a set of beliefs; hard to get rid of, refusing to be put off or denied. (synonyms) determined, tenacious, persistent, insistent | 37 | |
6344129746 | picayune | (adj.) of little value or importance, paltry, measly; concerned with trifling matters, small-minded (synonyms) petty, worthless | 38 | |
6344129747 | raiment | (n.) clothing, garments. (synonyms) apparel, attire, clothes, habiliments | 39 | |
6344129748 | allege | (v.) to assert without proof or confirmation. Synonyms: claim, contend, assert, accuse | 40 | |
6344129749 | arrant | (adj.) thoroughgoing, out-and-out; shameless, blatant. Synonyms: egregious, unmitigated, complete, absolute | 41 | |
6344129750 | badinage | (n.) light and playful conversation. Synonyms: banter, persiflage, repartee | 42 | |
6344129751 | conciliate | (v.) to overcome the distrust of, win over; to appease, pacify; to reconcile, make consistent. Synonyms: placate, mollify, propitiate, appease, pacify | 43 | |
6344129752 | countermand | (v.) to cancel or reverse one order or command with another that is contrary to the first. Synonyms: recall, revoke, overrule, annul | 44 | |
6344129753 | echelon | (n.) one of a series of grades in an organization or field of activity; an organized military unit; a step-like formation or arrangement. Synonyms: level, rank, position, order | 45 | |
6344129754 | exacerbate | (v.) to make more violent, severe, bitter, or painful. Synonyms: aggravate, intensify, worse, inflame, compound | 46 | |
6344129755 | fatuous | (adj.) stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way. Synonyms: silly, vapid, inane, doltish, vacuous, idiotic, asinine | 47 | |
6344129756 | irrefutable | (adj.) impossible to disprove; beyond argument. Synonyms: indisputable, incontrovertible, undeniable, unquestionable, definitive | 48 | |
6344129757 | juggernaut | (n.) a massive and inescapable force or object that crushes whatever is in its path. Synonyms: | 49 | |
6344129758 | lackadaisical | (adj.) lacking spirit or interest, halfhearted. Synonyms: listless, indolent, indifferent, lax, lethargic, apathetic | 50 | |
6344129759 | litany | (n.) a prayer consisting of short appeals to God recited by the leader alternating with responses from the congregation; any repetitive chant; a long list. Synonyms: rigmarole, catalog, megillah, prayer, recital | 51 | |
6344129760 | macabre | (adj.) grisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject. Synonyms: grotesque, grim, ghoulish, gory, morbid | 52 | |
6344129761 | paucity | (n.) an inadequate quantity, scarcity, dearth. Synonyms: lack, sparseness, shortage | 53 | |
6344129762 | portend | (v.) to indicate beforehand that something is about to happen; to give advance warning of. Synonyms: bode, foretell, foreshadow, suggest, prophesy | 54 | |
6344129763 | raze | (v.) to tear down, destroy completely; to cut or scrape off or out. Synonyms: pull down, demolish, shave off, flatten | 55 | |
6344129764 | recant | (v.) to withdraw a statement or belief to which one has previously been committed, renounce, retract. Synonyms: repudiate, disavow, deny, renounce | 56 | |
6344129765 | saturate | (v.) to soak thoroughly, fill to capacity; to satisfy fully. Synonyms: permeate, drench, flood, imbue, | 57 | |
6344129766 | saturnine | (adj.) of a gloomy or surly disposition; cold or sluggish in mood. Synonyms: sullen, morose, melancholy, moody | 58 | |
6344129767 | slough | (v.) to cast off, discard; to get rid of something objectionable or unnecessary; to plod through as if through mud; (n.) a mire; a state of depression. Synonyms: shed, slog | 59 | |
6344129768 | acclamation | (n.) a shout of welcome; an overwhelming verbal vote of approval. Synonyms: ovation, cheering, plaudits | 60 | |
6344129769 | bucolic | (adj.) characteristic of the countryside, rural; relating to shepherds and cowherds, pastoral. Synonyms: rustic | 61 | |
6344129770 | calumniate | (v.) to slander; to accuse falsely and maliciously. Synonyms: defame, libel, malign, misrepresent | 62 | |
6344129771 | chary | (adj.) extremely cautious, hesitant, or slow (to); reserved, diffident. Synonyms: wary, skittish, careful | 63 | |
6344129772 | collusion | (n.) secret agreement or cooperation. Synonyms: conspiracy, plot, connivance, cahoots, collaboration | 64 | |
6344129773 | dilettante | (n.) a dabbler in the arts; one who engages in an activity in an amateurish, trifling way; (adj.) superficial. Synonyms: amateur, trifler, nonprofessional | 65 | |
6344129774 | imperturbable | (adj.) not easily excited; emotionally steady. synonyms Synonyms: unflappable, unexcitable, serene, unruffled | 66 | |
6344129775 | increment | (n.) an enlargement, increase, addition. Synonyms: accretion, gain, suuplement | 67 | |
6344129776 | mandate | (n.) an authoritative command, formal order, authorization; (v.) to issue such an order. Synonyms: (n.) directive, order, decree, instruction | 68 | |
6344129777 | paltry | (adj.) trifling, insignificant; mean, despicable; inferior, trashy. Synonyms: measly, meager, piddling, trivial | 69 | |
6344129778 | paroxysm | (n.) a sudden outburst; a spasm, convulsion. Synonyms: fit, seizure, eruption | 70 | |
6344129779 | pedantry | (n.) a pretentious display of knowledge; overly rigid attention to rules and details. Synonyms: nit-picking, hairsplitting, pettifoggery, perfectionism, fastidiousness | 71 | |
6344129780 | peregrination | (n.) the act of traveling; an excursion, especially on foot or to a foreign country. Ssynonyms: journey, wandering, odyssey | 72 | |
6344129781 | redolent | (adj.) fragrant, smelling strongly; tending to arouse memories or create an aura. Synonyms: evocative, reminiscent, aromatic, suggestive | 73 | |
6344129782 | refulgent | (adj.) shining, radiant, resplendent. Synonyms: luminous, splendid | 74 | |
6344129783 | shibboleth | (n.) a word, expression, or custom that distinguishes a particular group of persons from all others; a commonplace saying or truism. Synonyms: catchphrase, password, slogan | 75 | |
6344129784 | tyro | (n.) a beginner, novice; one with little or no background or skill. Synonyms: neophyte, learner, fledgling | 76 | |
6344129785 | unremitting | (adj.) not stopping, maintained steadily, never letting up, relentless. Synonyms: constant, incessant, unrelenting | 77 | |
6344129786 | vacillate | (v.) to swing indecisively from one idea or course of action to another; to waver weakly in mind or will. Synonyms: seesaw, fluctuate, oscillate | 78 | |
6344129787 | vituperative | (adj.) harshly abusive, severely scolding. Synonyms: abusive, scurrilous, insulting, bitter | 79 | |
6344129788 | askance | (adv) with suspicion, distrust, disapproval. Synonyms: distrustfully, suspiciously, skeptically | 80 | |
6344129789 | attenuate | (v) to make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value. Synonyms: thin out, dilute, water down | 81 | |
6344129790 | benign | (adj) gentle, kind; forgiving, understanding; having a favorable or beneficial effect; not malignant. Synonyms: benevolent, salutary, salubrious, harmless | 82 | |
6344129791 | cavil | (v) to find fault in a petty way, carp; (n) a trivial objection or criticism. Synonyms: nitpick, quibble | 83 | |
6344129792 | charlatan | (n) one who feigns knowledge or ability; a pretender, imposter, or quack. Synonym: fraud, mountebank | 84 | |
6344129793 | decimate | (v) to kill or destroy a large part of. Synonyms: ravage, devastate | 85 | |
6344129794 | foible | (n) a weak point, failing, minor flaw. Synonyms: shortcoming, defect, quirk | 86 | |
6344129795 | fraught | (adj) full or loaded with; accompanied by. Synonyms: charged with | 87 | |
6344129796 | forgo | (v) to do without, abstain from, give up. Synonyms: refrain from, renounce | 88 | |
6344129797 | inure | (v) to toughen, harden; to render used to something by long subjection or exposure. Synonyms: accustom, acclimate | 89 | |
6344129798 | luminous | (adj) emitting or reflecting light, glowing; illuminating. Synonyms: radiant, bright, refulgent, lustrous | 90 | |
6344129799 | obsequious | (adj) marked by slavish attentiveness; excessively submissive, often for purely self-interested reasons. Synonyms: fawning, servile, sycophantic, mealy mouthed | 91 | |
6344129800 | obtuse | (adj) blunt, not coming to a point; slow or dull in understanding; measuring between 90 degrees and 180 degrees; not causing sharp impression. Synonyms: stupid, dumb, thick, mild, dull-witted | 92 | |
6344129801 | oscillate | (v) to swing back and forth with a steady rhythm; to fluctuate or waver. Synonyms: vibrate, vacillate | 93 | |
6344129802 | penitent | (adj) regretful for one's sins or mistakes; (n) one who is sorry for wrongdoing. Synonym: remorseful, regretful, rueful, sorry | 94 | |
6344129803 | peremptory | (adj) having the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute. Synonyms: high-handed, unconditional | 95 | |
6344129804 | rebuff | (v) to snub; to repel, drive away; (n) a curt rejection, a check. Synonyms: (v) to spurn, repulse, reject; (n) setback | 96 | |
6344129805 | reconnoiter | (v) to engage in reconnaissance; to make a preliminary inspection. Synonyms: scout | 97 | |
6344129806 | shambles | (n) a slaughterhouse; a place of mass bloodshed; a state of complete disorder and confusion, mess. Synonyms: chaos, mess, confusion | 98 | |
6344129807 | sporadic | (adj) occurring at irregular intervals, having no set plan or order. Synonyms: intermittent, spasmodic | 99 |
Unit #6-10 Vocabulary (AP Language and Composition) Flashcards
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