Chapters 35 Daily lIfe in Ancient Rome,36 The spread of Christianity, & 37 Rome's legacy.
775182128 | the Forum | the center of Rome | 0 | |
775182129 | Law and Order in Rome | "Whatever pleases the emperor is Law." The wealth had more protection The poor had harsher punishments Juries decided cases at trials | 1 | |
775182130 | Religion in Rome | Polytheistic - belief in many gods/goddesses Adopted Greek gods and gods from conquered regions. Gave offerings to the gods Special holidays and festivals were held to honor the gods throughout the year. Thought the emperor was a god | 2 | |
775182131 | Family Life in Rome | Husband was the head of the household Women ran the homes, buying food and cleaning. Kept only strong and healthy babies. People got married between the ages of 12-18. | 3 | |
775182132 | Food and Drink in Rome | Diets depended on wealth. Only the rich had kitchens in their homes. Poor cooked on grills and when to thermopolia (fast food places). | 4 | |
775182133 | Housing in Rome | Wealthy lived in marble and stone that were stable in the clean part of the city. Poor lived in wood homes that were prone to catch on fire easily in the dirty, cramped, and noisy part of the city. Decorated with statues, pictures, and paintings. | 5 | |
775182134 | Education in Rome | Wealthy kids went to school till about the age of 12/13. Used a sylus to write on wax tablets. Taught by Greek teachers. Poor kids learned trade jobs like leather working and metal working. | 6 | |
775182135 | Recreation in Rome | Emperors gave the poor entertainment to keep them from rebelling, like chariot races and gladiator games at the Circus Maximus. People met at the public baths to socialize. | 7 | |
775182136 | Country Life in Rome | 90% of Romans lived in the country. Wealthy Romans lived in Villas. The poor lived in small huts. Main foods they grew were grains, grapes, and olives. Slaves worked on the farms. | 8 | |
775182137 | Christianity | Monotheistic religion that started in the Roman empire, the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. | 9 | |
775182138 | Gospels | Written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Told the stories of Jesus and his message of love. Means "good news" | 10 | |
775182139 | Why Romans didn't like Christianity | Belief in only one god, not many gods. Message to follow one's heart, rather than the law. Everyone was viewed as the same, one group not more special than another. Thought Jesus was teaching people to rebel against the Roman government. | 11 | |
775182140 | Parable | a simple story that explains a moral or religious lesson, like helping a poor man on the side of a road. | 12 | |
775182141 | Order of events of Jesus | John the Baptist said the Messiah was coming Jesus was crucified Paul spread Jesus' teachings. The gospels were written. | 13 | |
775182142 | Why Christians were persecuted | Didn't worship Roman gods. Didn't want great wealth. Didn't believe the emperor was a god. Didn't serve in the Roman army. | 14 | |
775182143 | Legacy | "gift" a contribution of one culture to another Examples: architecture, art, engineering, language, philosophy, law | 15 | |
775182144 | Economic Problems in Rome | Pople paid high taxes. More poor than wealthy people. Amount of trade went down - making less money. | 16 | |
775182145 | Reasons for the fall of Rome | -political instability - bad emperors. -economic and social issues - lack of money and lack of Roman citizenship. -Weakening frontiers - too hard to defend against enemies. | 17 | |
775182146 | Influence of Architecture | vault dome use of concrete stadium triumphal arch | 18 | |
775182147 | Influences of Engineering | Greatest builders of roads bridges aqueducts | 19 | |
775182148 | Influences of Language | Latin Latin alphabet proverbs words prefixes Roman numerals | 20 | |
775182149 | Influences of Art | realistic statues frescoes sense of style | 21 | |
775182150 | Influences of Philosophy and Law | Universal Law of Justice called Natural Law = All people have rights. Stoicism - divine intelligence ruled by nature, virtues of self-control and courage. Prized duty and community over personal comfort. | 22 |