3548806187 | abject | (adj.) degraded; base, contemptible; cringing, servile; complete and unrelieved. (Synonyms) wretched, miserable, ignoble, sheer, utter (Antonyms) lofty, noble, exalted | 0 | |
3548806188 | agnostic | (n.) one who believes that nothing can be known about God; a skeptic; (adj.) without faith, skeptical. (Synonyms) (n.) doubter (Antonyms) (n.) believer | 1 | |
3548818376 | complicity | (n.) involvement in wrongdoing; the state of being an accomplice. (Synonyms) connivance, collusion (Antonyms) noninvolvement, innocence | 2 | |
3548818377 | derelict | (n.) someone or something that is abandoned or neglected; (adj.) left abandoned; neglectful of duty. (Synonyms) (n.) vagrant; (adj.) remiss, delinquent (Antonyms) (adj.) conscientious, scrupulous | 3 | |
3548823116 | diatribe | (n.) a bitter and prolonged verbal attack. (Synonyms) harangue, tirade (Antonyms) encomium, eulogy | 4 | |
3548825586 | effigy | (n.) a crude image of a despised person. (Synonyms) figure, figurine, likeness | 5 | |
3548825588 | inane | (adj.) silly, empty of meaning or value. (Synonyms) vapid, idiotic, moronic, fatuous (Antonyms) sensible, meaningful, profound | 6 | |
3548827858 | indictment | (n.) the act of accusing; a formal accusation. (Synonyms) charge, accusation | 7 | |
3548827859 | indubitable | (adj.) certain, not to be doubted or denied. (Synonyms) unquestionable, indisputable (Antonyms) questionable, debatable, dubious | 8 | |
3548830689 | intermittent | (adj.) stopping and beginning again, sporadic. (Synonyms) fitful, spasmodic, random (Antonyms) continuous, uniterrupted | 9 | |
3548830690 | moot | (adj.) open to discussion and debate, unresolved; (v.) to bring up for discussion; (n.) a hypothetical law case argued by students. (Synonyms) (adj.) debatable, questionable; (v.) broach (Antonyms) (adj.) undebatable, indisputable, self-evident | 10 | |
3548830691 | motif | (n.) a principal idea, feature, theme, or element; a repeated or dominant figure in a design. (Synonyms) theme, idea, concept | 11 | |
3548833427 | neophyte | (n.) a new convert, beginner, novice. (Synonyms) tenderfoot, tyro, rookie (Antonyms) veteran, past master, expert, pro | 12 | |
3548835252 | perspicacity | (n.) keenness in observing and understanding. (Synonyms) acuity, acumen, discernment (Antonyms) dullness, obtuseness | 13 | |
3548843380 | surveillance | (n.) a watch kept over a person; careful, close, and disciplined observation. (Synonyms) observation, scrutiny, monitoring | 14 | |
3548846713 | sylvan | (adj.) pertaining to or characteristic of forests; living or located in a forest; wooded, woody. (Synonyms) forested, arcadian | 15 | |
3548846714 | testy | (adj.) easily irritated; characterized by impatience and exasperation. (Synonyms) irritable, peevish, waspish, (Antonyms) even-tempered, imperturbable, unexcitable | 16 | |
3548846715 | travesty | (n.) a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something; a disguise, especially the clothing of the opposite sex; (v.) to ridicule by imitating in a broad or burlesque fashion. (Synonyms) (n.) burlesque, parody, caricature, farce | 17 | |
15984827272 | equity | (n.) the state or quality of being just, fair, or impartial; fair and equal treatment; something that is fair; the money value of a property above and beyond any mortgage or other claim (Synonyms) justice, fairness, impartiality | 18 | |
15984877978 | plenary | (adj.) complete in all aspects or essentials; absolute; attended by all qualified members (Synonyms) unlimited, unrestricted | 19 |
Unit #6 Vocabulary (AP Language and Composition) Flashcards
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