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Unit I and II Flashcards

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36682827Main reasons for change over timemass migration, imperial conquests (fighting for land/expanding territory), Cross cultural trade and exchange (contact throughout the world brings new ideas, goods, customs)0
366828285 pillars of islamic beliefsFaith, Prayer (face the city of Mecca and Pray 5 times a day), Alms (Tax that gave money to the poor), Fasting, Pilgrimage (Muslims travel to mecca at least once to worship at the Ka'aba and other holy sites)1
36682829HajjThe Pilgrimage to Mecca (ultiamte act of worship)2
36682830Qur'anholy book of Muslims, believed to be the actual words of Allah3
36682831MuhammadFounder of islam, spoken to by angel Gabriel- in which he was made to prhphet of Allah, born in Mecca, retreated to Medina infear of his life, last prophet, his way of life called Sunna, originally a merchant like his wife4
36682832CaliphateOffice established in succession to the Prophet Muhammad, to rule the Islamic empire; also the name of the empire.5
36682833Caliphsuccessor to Muhammad as political and religious leader of the Muslims (head of caliphate)6
36682834abu-bakrFirst caliph, one of Muhammads close friends7
36682835Sunnibelieved the cahiph should continue to be selected by the leaders of the muslim community, interested in peace, accepted Umayyad rule follow muhammads example8
36682836Shi'abelieved the caliph should be a realitive of Muhammad, rejected Umayyads' authority9
36682837rapid spread of IslamWell disciplined armies, weakness of the Byzantine and persian empires (empires had less power then they had in pervious times so many were willing to convert), and treatment of conquered people (Qur'an forbid forced conversions so people could maintain their own religion when conquered many converted anyway so they would not have to pay poll tax)10
36682838"People of the book"muslims believed christians and Jews to be superior to polytheistic people because they were also monotheistic and they had a written relogious code11
36682839Alithe fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites12
36682840Extra rights of women in Arabiainheriting property,divorcing husbands, having business ventures, Qur'an outlawed female infanticide, and provided that dowries go directly to brides13
36682841fewer rights of women in ArabiaDescent was recognized through the male line, women could have one husband and men could have four wives, women were veiled, inside doing housework unless escorted out14
36682842Ibn khaldunGreatest historian of 14th century, Set the standard for scientific study of history, stressed economics and social structure as the cause of historical events, wrote "history of the world"15
36682843Arabic numerialshad a symbol for zero, many muslims credited with mathmatical developments/ algebra16
36682844Nasir al-DinIslamic scholar, improved the cosmological model of Ptolemy, his model was used by copernicus17
36682845silk roadAn ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea extending some 4,000 mi linking China with the Roman Empire. Marco Polo followed the route on his journey to Cathay.18
36682846umayyadsa dynasty that ruled the Muslim Empire from AD 661-750 and later established a kingdom in al-Andalus19
37799643scholar gentrythe educated upper class in china20
37799644neo-confucianthe confucians reviving after buddhism was influential in china for a long time. Assereted male dominence more so then before since buddhism allowed women to gain more power and career option (still significantly lower then men)21
37799645autocracya political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single individual22
37799646tangchina (618-907 AD) Buddhism at its peak. promotion of art, literature, etc. made compasses, paper, gun powder, gave women more rights under buddhism uitil neo- confucian took over, succeeded by song, broke up geart estates and gave land to peasants to reduce to threat of aristocracy23
37799647songcapital Hangzhou,neo confucian ideas became dominant, located on Yangteez river, one of the most beatuiful, sophistacatied, and largest cities in the world24
37799648li bofamous tang poet blended everyday world with philosophical musings25
37799649crusadeswestern europe was poor and serfs could only do what they were told by the land owners where as the east was much nicer. Islam invaded the east so the patriarch asked the west for help, the western christains hated the islams so they helped and the serfs would leave and fight being givena wider world view. Effects= increased trade, break up of fudal system (serfs were no longer tied to the land) and increased influence of the church and the king26
37799650confucianismthe system of political and ethical ideas formulated by the Chinese philosopher Confucius toward the end of the Zhou dynasty; it was intended to help restore order to a society that was in a state of confusion. emphasis on ethics,values, respect for elders (those above you), and relationships- younger brother to older brother, husband to wife etc27
37799651hanimperial dynasty that ruled China from 206 BC to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy, dynasty that overthrew the Qin, established centrralized government, civil service system, Silk Road28
37799652zhouoriginally a vassal family of the Shang; possibly Turkic in origin; overthrew Shang and established 2nd Chinese dynasty., The people and dynasty that took over the dominant position in north China from the Shang and created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify their rule. Remembered as prosperous era in Chinese History. (p. 61), The Zhou Dynasty (POJ: Chiu Tiau; 1122 BC to 256 BC) was preceded by the Shang Dynasty and followed by the Qin Dynasty in China. The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history—though the actual political and military control of China by the dynasty only lasted during the Western Zhou. During the Zhou, the use of iron was introduced to China, while this period of Chinese history produced what many consider the zenith of Chinese bronze-ware making. The dynasty also spans the period in which the written script evolved from the ancient stage as seen in early Western Zhou bronze inscriptions, to the beginnings of the modern stage, in the form of the archaic clerical script of the late Warring States period.29
37799654buddhismfounded in India; Siddhartha Guatama wanted to reform Hinduism; anti-caste system and believed in equality of women with men; as it made its way to China it took a more patriarchal view; Four Noble Truths, Eightfold path. Suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth31
37799655hinduismthe main religion in India, it emphasizes reincarnation, based on the results of the previous life, and the desirability of escaping this cycle. Its various forms feature both asceticism and the pleasures of ordinary life, and it encompasses a multitude of gods as different manifestations of one ultimate reality.caste system- Brahman, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras (Untouchables) Polytheistic - Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva. Had Upanishaps- literature based on the Vedas32
37799656daoismappealed more to upper class,natures harmony/mystery, withdrawn form the world, furthered by Lao-Zi, Dao=way of nature, buddhist influence33
37799658shitransformed into corps of professional bureaucrats because of knowledge of writing during Zhou dynasty35
37799659catal huyukOne of first true cities in history, created in the Neolithic Era in 6500 to 5500 BC, from which were created agriculture, trading, temples, housing, and religions36
37799661hammurabia famous babylon emperor of ancient Mesopotamia, ruled from 1792 to 1750 B.C., best known for the code of Hammurabi which had very harsh punishments (tell a falsehood = death)38
37799662zigguratstemples built by Sumerians to honor the gods and goddesses they worshipped39
37799663hierarchythe organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body40
37799664indus valley civilizationa41
37799665tigris euphrates civilizationa42
37799666egyptian civilizationa43
37799667hunsA nomadic tribe in western Asia who conquered much of central and eastern Europe; known for their cruelty and destructiveness44
37799668calligraphyartistic form of writing used by the Chinese45
37799669brahmathe creator (hindu god - other gods a manifestaion of him)46
37799671dharmathe moral duties of an individual48
37799675minoan civilizationa52
37799679constantinopleEmperor Constantine,AD 330 moved the capital from Rome to the Greek city Byzantium in the east, and renamed the city. This city became the capital of the Roman empire. It was strategically located for trade and defense purposes56
37799680justinianbecame emperor in AD 527 at the age of 44. In AD 532, Theodora saved Justinian his throne by urging him to put down the rebels instead of running away like his advisors urged him to do. As a result, from that moment on till AD 565, Justinian's death, he ruled without any challenges. Later on during his rule, Justinian set out to accomplish his goal of restoring the Roman Empire. Since Justinian was really the only emperor to seek land, the Byzantine Empire reached its peak under his reign. However, even though the Byzantine Empire fell, the law code Justinian set up, the Corpus of Civil Law still lasts today, supplying the basis for most of Europe's legal systems. Lastly, under Justinian's rule, art and architecture thrived and achieved, especially after he ordered the building of Hagia Sophia (largest domed church), "Holy Wisdom," the largest church for that empire, bringing much influence over the Catholic Church57
37799681rise of islama58
37799682expansion of civilizationa59
37799683world religionsa60
37799684world networka61
37946015legalismPhilosophy founded by "Hanfeizi" teaching that human nature was basically evil, requiring strict laws and harsh punishments. Adopted by the brief, Chin Dynasty62
37946016feudalisma, a system in which poor people are legally bound to work for wealthy landowners (Europe 15th century)63
37963296patriarchthe head of the Eastern Orthodox Church, originally appointed by the Byzantine emperor64
37963298neolithic revolutiona66
37963299dark agea67
37963300trojan wara68
37963302direct democracya70

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