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Units 1 and 2 (8000BCE-600CE) AP World Review Flashcards

Key terms from the Princeton Review Cracking the AP World History Exam 2013 review book and the AP World History: An Essential Coursebook (first edition).

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1475672050agriculturethe deliberate tending of crops and livestock in order to produce food and fiber1
1475672051agrariana society that depends on agriculture is...2
1475672052bands/clansbasic unit of social organization among foragers; includes fewer than 100 people in a nomadic, small, mobile, kin-based groups with little differential power.3
1475672053barbariana person belonging to a tribe or group that is considered uncivilized4
1475672054bureaucracya government organized by department5
1475672055civilizationa society with reliable food surplus, specialized occupations, social class distinctions, cities, complex governments, trade, and an organized writing system6
1475672056city-stateslarge towns that conquered the surrounding countryside; often competed with each other7
1475672057classicalthe period from approximately 600 BCE to 600 CE8
1475672058domesticationthe taming of animals for human use, such as work or as food9
1475672059economythe way civilizations manage money and resources for the production of goods and services10
1475672060egalitariana society in which all people are relatively equal11
1475672061emperorthe ruler of an empire12
1475672062empirea group of states or territories controlled by one ruler13
1475672063feudalismloosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other support to a greater lord14
1475672064foraginga food-getting strategy that does not involve food production or domestication of animals15
1475672065hierarchythe organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body16
1475672066hierarchicalarranging things one above the other by rank17
1475672067hunter-gatherera member of a nomadic group whose food supply depends on hunting animals and collecting plant foods.18
1475672068irrigationa way of supplying water to an area of land19
1475672069monarchya government ruled by a king or queen20
1475672070monotheismbelief in one god21
1475672071neolithicThe period of the Stone Age associated with the ancient Agricultural Revolution. It follows the Paleolithic period.22
1475672072nomadic(of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently23
1475672073pastoralsocieties that were characterized by the domestication of animals but usually did not settle down and farm or build towns.24
1475672074paleolithicThe period of the Stone Age associated with the evolution of humans. It predates the Neolithic Period.25
1475672075philosophya basic viewpoint of the system of values of an individual or society26
1475672076polytheismthe worship of many gods27
1475672077river valleythe fertile land surrounding a river28
1475672078sedentarynot migratory; settled29
1475672079settlementa community of people smaller than a town30
1475672080substistencecondition in which people produce only enough to survive31
1475672081surplusmore than is needed, desired, or required32
1475672082sustenancethe act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence33
1475672083theocracygovernment by divine power or priests34
1475672084traditionalpertaining to time-honored orthodox doctrines35
1475672085urbanizationthe growth of cities36
1475672086vassalsperson granted land by a feudal lord in return for services37
1475672087Alexander the Great356-323 b.c., king of Macedonia 336-323: conqueror of Greek city-states and of the Persian empire from Asia Minor and Egypt to India.38
1475672088Analectsthe collection of Confucius's thoughts and sayings39
1475672089Bronze Agethe latter part of the Neolithic Era, characterized by the use of a new, stronger metal40
1475672090Byzantiumthe eastern portion of the Roman empire; lasted 1000 years after the fall of Western Rome41
1475672091calendara system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year42
1475672092Code of Hammurabicredited as the first written law code; written by a Babylonian king and established the basis for law codes43
1475672093cuneiformthe form of writing developed by the Sumerians44
1475672094democracya political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them45
1475672095Eight Fold Patheight guides to thought and conduct in the Buddhism religion46
1475672096Four Noble Truthsas taught by the Buddha, the four basic beliefs that form the foundation of Buddhism47
1475672097Gothic Migrationswere the migrations of the visigoths into the buffer states of Rome then into Rome itself48
1475672098Great Walla fortification 1,500 miles long built across northern China in the 3rd century BC49
1475672099Han Dynastyimperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time) from 206 BC to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy50
1475672100Hellenismthe principles and ideals associated with classical Greek civilization51
1475672101The Hunssource of raids on Rome; fierce warriors from Central Asia. First invaded southeastern Europe and then launched raids on nearby kingdoms52
1475672102Indian Ocean Tradeworld's richest maritime trading network that was essential for the prosperity of East Africa53
1475672103Iron Agethe period following the Bronze Age; characterized by rapid spread of another metal in tools and weapons54
1475672104Jewish Diasporathe scattering of the Jewish people outside their homeland beginning about 586 BCE55
1475672105legalismChinese philosophy developed by Hanfeizi; taught that humans are naturally evil and therefore need to be ruled by harsh laws56
1475672106Pax Romanaa period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180.57
1475672107pyramidsmonumental architecture typical of Old Kingdom Egypt; used as burial sites for pharaohs.58
1475672108Roman Republicthe period from 507 to 31 B.C.E., during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate59
1475672109Roman Senatea council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city's leaders60
1475672110Shang Civilizationearly civilization centered on the Huang Ho of northern China, dating from c. 1766 to 1122 BC.61
1475672111Shi Huang Diharsh ruler who united China for the first time and used legalism in ruling (Qin China)62
1475672112Siddhartha Gautamafounder of Buddhism; born a prince; left his father's wealth to find the cause of human suffering; also know as Buddha63
1475672113Silk Roadthe trade route that linked the Eurasian land mass64
1475672114The Torahthe most sacred text of Judaism65
1475672115The Vedas of Hinduismone of the sources of prayers, verses, and descriptions of the origins of the universe, guide Hindus66
1475672116Xiongnunomadic raiders from the grasslands north of China during the reign of Han dynasty; emperor Wudi fought against them in the mid-100s BC67
1475672117Zigguratstemples built by Sumerians to honor the gods and goddesses they worshipped68
1475672118bipedalismthe ability to walk upright on two legs69
1475672119Catal Hayuka large neolithic city in modern Turkey; used stone and bone for tools but died out before metal was used, from 6500BCE-5700BCE.70
1475672120cultural diffusionthe spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another71
1475672121division of laborcharacteristic of civilizations in which different people perform different jobs72
1475672122horticulturecultivation of crops carried out with simple hand tools such as digging sticks or hoes73
1475672123independent inventiondevelopment of the same culture trait or pattern in separate cultures as a result of comparable needs and circumstances74
1475672124Jerichooldest Neolithic community in the West Bank between Israel and Jordan75
1475672125Lucythe first human who left remains of her bones; she lived around 3.5 million years ago.76
1475672126"marker events" of pre-historythe Neolithic Revolution is the first one of these77
1475672127Neolithic craft industriespottery, metallurgy, and textiles were...78
1475672128Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolutionchange from food gathering to food producing (around 8000 BCE)79
1475672129primary sourceseyewitness accounts of history. They include letters, diaries, speeches, and interviews.80
1475672130specializationdevelopment of different kinds of jobs81
1475672131Akkadian Empirebegan in 2350 BCE when Sargon - King of Akkad - began conquering Sumerian cities. The empire was the first to unite city-states under a single ruler and ruled for 200 years.82
1475672132Amon-Rethe ancient Egyptian god of the sun83
1475672133amuletsgood luck charms used by ancient Egyptians to keep away evil spirits and prevent injury.84
1475672134Aryansnomads from Europe and Asia who migrated to India and finally settled; vedas from this time suggest beginning of caste system85
1475672135Assyriansvery harsh people who exploited the use of iron weapons to build their Mesopotamian empire, which lasted less than 100 years. they had a king with absolute power86
1475672136Babyloniansextended their empire and helped bring civilization to other parts of the Middle East; famous for Hammurabi's Law Code87
1475672137Book of the Deadscrolls that served as a guide for the afterlife in ancient Egypt88
1475672138Book of Songsthe earliest collection of Chinese poetry; it provides glimpses of what life was like in the early Zhou Dynasty89
1475672139cataractsrapids along a river, such as those along the Nile in Egypt90
1475672140Chavinthe first major South American civilization, which flourished in the highlands of what is now Peru from about 900 to 200 B.C.91
1475672141Confucianismideas of Confucius, emphasizing such values as family, tradition, and mutual respect92
1475672142cosmopolitanismthe ideology that all human ethnic groups belong to a single community based on a shared morality.93
1475672143cultural hearthsthe areas where civilizations first began that radiated the customs, innovations, and ideologies that culturally transformed the world94
1475672144Dravidiana member of one of the aboriginal races of India (pushed south by Caucasians and now mixed with them)95
1475672145dynastya powerful family or group of rulers that maintains its position or power for some time96
1475672146Epic of Gilgameshan epic poem from Mesopotamia, and among the earliest known works of literary writing.97
1475672147Fertile Crescenta geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates98
1475672148HammurabiBabylonian king who codified the laws of Sumer and Mesopotamia (died 1750 BC)99
1475672149Harappaa large ancient city of the Indus civilization, created in present-day Pakistan100
1475672150Hittitescreated an empire in western Asian and threatened the power of the Egyptians; were the first Indo-Europeans to use iron101
1475672151HorusEgyptian falcon-headed solar god102
1475672152Hyksosa group of nomadic invaders from southwest Asia who ruled Egypt from 1640 to 1570 B.C.103
1475672153IsisEgyptian goddess of fertility104
1475672154labor systemssystem of labor in which people do specialized jobs105
1475672155Late Bronze Age1600-1200 B.C.; also called the Mycenaean Age.106
1475672156law codewritten set of laws107
1475672157loessfine, light silt deposited by wind and water. It constitutes the fertile soil of the Yellow River Valley in northern China.108
1475672158ma'atthe Egyptian concept of truth, justice, and cosmic order, represented by a goddess, often portrayed with a feather upon her head109
1475672159Mandate of Heaventhe Chinese (Zhou) theory that Heaven gives the king a mandate to rule only as long as he rules in the interests of the people110
1475672160matrilinealrelating to a social system in which family descent and inheritance rights are traced through the mother111
1475672161Menesunited the kingdoms of lower and upper Egypt and created first Egyptian dynasty112
1475672162Mesopotamiathe land between the Tigris and Euphrates113
1475672163Minoansearliest Greek civilization that had developed on the island of Crete by 2000 B.C.114
1475672164Mohenjo-DaroIndus Valley city laid out in a grid pattern. Had a complex irrigation and sewer system., One of the first settlements in India115
1475672165monsoon rainsseasonal winds crossing the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia during the summertime that bring extreme rain and flooding116
1475672166Myceneanspeople from Greek mainland who conquered central Crete; warring people who grouped themselves into clans and tribes117
1475672167Olmecthe earliest-known Mesoamerican civilization, which flourished around 1200 B.C. and influenced later societies throughout the region.118
1475672168oracle bonesone of the animal bones or tortoise shells used by ancient Chinese priests to communicate with the gods119
1475672169papyrustall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times, especially for paper making120
1475672170patriarchya form of social organization in which a male is the family head and title is traced through the male line121
1475672171pharoaha king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political leader122
1475672172pictographspictures that stand for words or ideas; picture writing123
1475672173Rosetta Stonea huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian that allowed historians to understand Egyptian writing.124
1475672174Semetica major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family including Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, and many more125
1475672175shamanan ancient doctor, healer, or priest, they were called upon for religious ceremonies126
1475672176shieducated bureaucrats who were one of the three main social groups of ancient China.127
1475672177social mobilitya change in position within the social hierarchy128
1475672178Sumerianspeople who dominated Southern Mesopotamia through the end of the 3rd Millennium BCE. Responsible for the creation of irrigation technology, cunieform, and religious conceptions.129
1475672179systems failurea breakdown of the political, social, and economic systems supporting a civilization130
1475672180Zhao Dynastythe imperial dynasty of China from 1122 to 221 BC; notable for the rise of Confucianism and Taoism131
1475672181"3rd century crisis"Rome; barbarian invasions lead to financial stress, new taxes, debased coinage, and inflation created. financial crisis leads to political crisis, social problems also a problem132
1475672182Actiumthe battle where Octavian crushed Antony and Cleopatra and took over the Roman empire133
1475672183AristotleGreek philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; knowledge based on observation of phenomena in material world134
1475672184Ashokaa ruler of the Mauryan Empire who converted to Buddhism135
1475672185atmanin Hindu belief, a person's essential self136
1475672186Attilaleader of the Huns who put pressure on the Roman Empire's borders during the 5th century137
1475672187Augustus Caesar (Octavian)the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD.138
1475672188Buddhisma world religion or philosophy based on the teaching of the Buddha and holding that a state of enlightenment can be attained by suppressing worldly desire139
1475672189calligraphyart of beautiful handwriting140
1475672190castessocial groups into which people are born and cannot change141
1475672191varnaa basic subdivision of humanity in the Hindu caste system142
1475672192jatisub castes; were groups of people within each caste that worked together for one economic function143
1475672193classical civilizationslarge civilizations with massive size and political strength, complex cultures, numerous and qualitative written records, complex long distance trade, increased contacts with other people, and more direct influence on modern civilization; in the Mediterranean, the Indian subcontinent, and East Asia.144
1475672194Cleisthenesmade athenian assembly-law making body, granted some citizenship to some imms. and former slaves. set-up council of 500, introduced Ostracism145
1475672195Cleopatralast pharaoh of Egypt; had relationships with Julius Caesar and Marc Antony; Octavian's enemy146
1475672196ConstantineRoman Emperor (4th century A.D.) who promoted tolerance to all religions in the Roman Empire and legalized Christianity147
1475672197consulschief executives elected to run the government in ancient Rome148
1475672198Cyrus the Greatking of Persia and founder of the Persian empire (circa 600-529 BC)149
1475672199Daoismphilosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events150
1475672200Delian Leaguean alliance headed by Athens that says that all Greek city-states will come together and help fight the Persians151
1475672201desertificationthe gradual transformation of habitable land into desert152
1475672202DiocletianRoman emperor who divided the empire into a West and an East section.153
1475672203equitesclass of business people and landowners in ancient Rome who had wealth and power154
1475672204Etruscansthe group of people who ruled Rome before Romans revolted155
1475672205forbidden citya walled section of Beijing that encloses the palace that was formerly the residence of the emperor of China156
1475672206Gupta EmpireGolden Age of India; ruled through central government but allowed village power; restored Hinduism157
1475672207Greek "Classical Age"500-338 BC, also known as the golden age of Greece.158
1475672208Han Wudiextended the Chinese borders to its extent in Imperial China; Trained Civil Services; "Silk Road"159
1475672209Hellenic cultureof, pertaining to, or characteristic of the ancient Greeks or their language, culture, thought, etc., esp. before the time of Alexander the Great.160
1475672210Hellenistic synthesisthe blending of Greek and local cultures on the territories conquered by Alexander the Great's armies; as a result a distinct new culture emerged161
1475672211helotsSpartan word for their slaves, who were the conquered Messenians162
1475672212Hinduismthe major Indian religious system, which had its origins in the religious beliefs of the Aryans who settled India after 1500 B.C.163
1475672213hoplitesheavily armed Greek infantrymen who marched and fought in close ranks; most of the recruits were middle-class citizens164
1475672214Julius Caesarthe general during the Roman Republic who took over after the civil war and established Rome as an empire.165
1475672215LaoziChinese Daoist philosopher; taught that governments were of secondary importance and recommended retreat from society into nature.166
1475672216lateen sailtriangular sail that made it possible to sail against the wind; used in the Indian Ocean trade167
1475672217Law of the Twelve TablesRoman code of law administered by Augustus Caesar168
1475672218Marathona battle in 490 BC in which the Athenians and their allies defeated the Persians169
1475672219Mark AntonyCaesar's right-hand man, teamed with Octavian to punish Caesar's murders, fell in love with Cleopatra, went into civil war, at Battle of Actium, he and Cleopatra fled and committed suicide170
1475672220Mauryan Dynastyfirst ruler was Chandragupta Maurya; unified much of the entire subcontinent; large armies with thousands of chariots and elephant borne troops; developed a substantial bureaucracy with a postal service; autocratic government171
1475672221natural lawa rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society172
1475672222aristocracya government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility173
1475672223patriciansthe wealthy class in Roman society; landowners174
1475672224Mycenaeansfirst Greek-speaking people; invaded Minoans; dominated Greek world 1400 B.C. to 1200 B.C.; sea traders; lived in separate city-states; invovled in Trojan War against Troy175
1475672225plebiansmembers of the lower class of Ancient Rome including farmers, merchants, artisans and traders176
1475672226patron-client relationshipAncient Roman: a fundamental social relationship in which the patron-a wealthy and powerful individual-provided legal and economic protection and assistance to clients, men of lesser status and means, and in return the clients supported their patrons177
1475672227Peloponnesian Wara war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta178
1475672228PericlesAthenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.179
1475672229Phoenicianslocated on eastern Mediterranean coast; invented the alphabet which used sounds rather than symbols like cuneiform180
1475672230phonetic alphabetan alphabet that contains a different symbol for each individual sound in a language; in this alphabet there is a one to one relationship between sounds and symbols181
1475672231Plato(430-347 BCE) qas a disciple of Socrates whose cornerstone of thought was his theory of Forms, in which there was another world of perfection.182
1475672232polisa city-state in Ancient Greece183
1475672233princepsLatin for "first citizen." Augustus and other Roman emperors gave themselves this title to distinguish themselves from Hellenistic monarchs184
1475672234Qin Dynastythe Chinese dynasty (from 246 BC to 206 BC) that established the first centralized imperial government and built much of the Great Wall185
1475672235Punic Warsthe three wars waged by Rome against Carthage, 264-241, 218-201, and 149-146 b.c., resulting in the destruction of Carthage and the annexation of its territory by Rome.186
1475672236reincarnationthe Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person's own actions187
1475672237satrapsgovernors of provinces in the Persian Empire188
1475672238Roman Empirean empire established by Augustus in 27 BC and divided in AD 395 into the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire189
1475672239scholar-gentryChinese class created by the marital linkage of the local land-holding aristocracy with the office-holding shi; superseded shi as governors of China.190
1475672240secularismthe view that the present well-being of mankind should predominate over religious considerations in civil or public affairs191
1475672241Socratesphilosopher who believed in an absolute right or wrong; asked students pointed questions to make them use their reason, later became Socratic method192
1475672242stirrupdevice for securing a horseman's feet, enabling him to wield weapons more effectively. First evidence of the use of stirrups was among the Kushan people of northern Afghanistan in approximately the first century C.E.193
1475672243Terra Cotta Armyarmy to protect Shi Huangdi in the afterlife; 700,000 clay soldiers194
1475672244tribunesofficial who was elected by the Plebeians to protect their interests195
1475672245Triumviratein ancient Rome, a group of three leaders sharing control of the government.196
1475672246tyrantsin ancient Greece, rulers who seized power by force but who ruled with the people's support; later came to refer to rulers who exercise brutal and oppressive power197
1475672247Upishadssacred Hindu texts dealing with metaphysics198
1475672248Virgilgreatest poet of the Golden Age, called the "Homer of Rome" because the Iliad and the Odyssey served as models for his epic, the Aeneid; focus on Patriotism; it took 10 years to write199
1475672249Warring States Periodtime of warfare between regional lords following the decline of the Zhou dynasty in the 8th century B.C.E.200
1475672250Xerxesson of Darius; became Persian king. He vowed revenge on the Athenians. He invaded Greece with 180,000 troops in 480 B.C.201
1475672251Abrahamthe first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac202
1475672252Bhagavad-Gita(Hinduism) the sacred 'song of God' composed about 200 BC and incorporated into the Mahabharata (a Sanskrit epic)203
1475672253boddhisatvaBuddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others204
1475672254dharmain Hinduism, the duties and obligations of each caste205
1475672255diasporathe dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture)206
1475672256ethnic religionsfocus on one ethnic group and generally have not spread into other cultures207
1475672257Hebrew Biblethe name used by Jews for their scripture that is basically the same as Christians' Old Testament.208
1475672258Jesus of Nazaretha teacher and prophet born in bethlehem and active in nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity209
1475672259Judaismthe monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud210
1475672260karma(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation211
1475672261Mahabhrataone of two Indian epics, also a religious text, provides information about the period of intermingling of cultures. The other epic is Ramayana.212
1475672262mokshathe Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths.213
1475672263mudraschoreographed hand movements used in the rituals of vajrayana buddhism214
1475672264nirvanathe lasting peace that Buddhists seek by giving up selfish desires215
1475672265Paul(New Testament) a Christian missionary to the Gentiles216
1475672266Ramayanaone of two classical Hindu epics telling of the banishment of Rama from his kingdom and the abduction of his wife by a demon and Rama's restoration to the throne217
1475672267reciprocitythe obligation to return in kind what another has done for us218
1475672268Rig Vedaa collection of 1,017 Sanskrit hymns composed about 1500 BC or earlier; Hinduism's oldest sacred text.219
1475672269Shivaan important Hindu deity who in the trinity of gods was the Destroyer220
1475672270universalizing religionsa religion that attempts to appeal to all people, not just those living in a particular location.221
1475672271Vishnua Hindu god considered the preserver of the world222
1475672272xiaofilial piety, the virtue of reverence and respect for family (CONFUCIANISM)223
1475672273renan attitude of kindness and benevolence or a sense of humanity for Confucianism.224
1475672274licalls for individuals to behave in conventionally appropriate fashion in Confucianism.225
1475672275yin-yangin Daoist belief, complementary factors that help to maintain the equilibrium of the world. One is associated with masculine, light, and active qualities while the other with feminine, dark, and passive qualities.226

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