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Urinary and Male Genital system chapter 24 Medical Coding one Flashcards

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3619817824Calculus/calculia concretion of mineral salts, also called a stone0
3619817825cystolithectomyremoval of a calculus from the urinary bladder1
3619817826cystometrogram (CMG)measurement of the pressures and capacity of the urinary bladder2
3619817827endopyelotomywith the use of an endoscope, an incision is made to correct stenosis of the ureteropelvic junction3
3619817828exstrophycondition in which an organ is turned inside out4
3619817829nephrectomykedney removal5
3619817830fulgurationuse of electrical current to destroy tissue6
3619817831kock pouchsurgical creation of a urinary bladder from a segment of the ileum7
3619817832lithotripsycrushing of a gallbladder or urinary bladder stone followed by irrigation to wash the fragment out8
3619817833marsupializationsurgical procedure that creates an open pouch from an internal abscess9
3619817834nephro-prefix meaning kidney10
3619817835nephrostomycreation of a channel into the renal pelvis of the kidney11
3619817836perivesicalaround the bladder12
3619817837perirenalaround the kidney13
3619817838pyelo-prefix meaning renal pelvis14
3619817839pyeloplastysurgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis15
3619817840pyelostomysurgical creation of an opening into the renal pelvis16
3619817841retroperitonealbehind the sac holding the abdominal organs and viscera (peritoneum)17
3619817842renal pelvisfunnel-shaped sac in the kidney where urine is received18
3619817843transureteroureterostomysurgical connection of one ureter to the other one19
3619817844ureterolithotomyremoval of a stone from the ureter20
3619817845ureterotomyincision into the ureter21
3619817846urethrocystographyradiography of the bladder and urethra22
3619817847urethrorrhapysuturing of the urethra23
3619817848cavernosa-saphenouscreation of a connection between the cavity of the penis and vien24
3619817850hydrocelesac of fluid, a collection of fluid in the space of the tunica vaginalis26
3619817851vasogramrecording of the flow in the vas deferens27
3619817852varicoceleswelling of a scrotal vein28
3619817853vas deferenstube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra29
3619817854electrodesiccationdestruction of a lesion by the use of electrical current radiated through a needle30
3619817855corpora cavernosatwo cavities of the penis31
3619817856epididymisa tube located on the top of the testes that stores sperm32
3619817857cavernosagraphyradiographic measurement of a cavity (eg., the main part of the penis33
3619817858cavernosometrymeasurements of the pressure in a cavity (e.g., penis)34
3619817859plethysmographydetermining the changes in volume of an organ part or body35
3619817860hypospadiascongenital deformity of the urethra in which the urethral opening is on the underside of the penis rather than on the end36
3619817861vesiculectomyexcision of a seminal vesicle37
3619817862prostatotomyincision in the prostate38
3619817863lymphadenectomyexcision of lymph node(s)39
3619817864priapismpainful condition in which the penis is constantly erect40
3619817865chordeecondition resulting in the penis being bent downward41
3619817866urethroplastysurgical repair of the urethra42
3619817867penosrotalreferring to the penis and scrotum43
3619817868spermatocelecyst filled with spermatozoa44
3619817869tumescencestate of being swollen45
3619817870cavernosa-corpus spongiosum shuntcreation of a connection between a cavity of the penis and the urethra46
3619817871cavernosa-glans penis fustulizationcreation of a connection between a cavity of the penis and the glans penis, which overlaps the penis cavity47
3619817872orchiopexysurgical procedure to release undescended testis48
3619817873vasovasostomyreversal of a vasectomy49
3619817874vasovasorrhaphysuturing of the vas deferens50
3619817875epididymectomysurgical removal of the epididymis51
3619817876epididymovasostomycreation of a new connection between the vas deferens and epididymis52
3619817877vasotomycreation of an opening in the vas deferens53
3619817878vesiculotomyincision int o the seminal vesicle54
3619817879seminal vesicleglands that secrets fluid that ultimately becomes semen55
3619817880tunica vaginaliscovering of the testes56
3619817881ablationthe cutting away or erosion of tissue57
3619817882allotransplantationtransplantation between individuals who are not the same genotype58
3619817883allogenica graft that is from the same species, but genetically different59
3619817884bladder cufftissue that connects the ureter to the bladder60
3619817885manometric studiesare tests to measure kidney and ureter flow and pressure61
3619817886extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)proceuder using ultrasound to penttate the body from oursite in order to disintigrate a stone within62
3619817887ureterovesical junctionUVJ; the point where the ureter enters the bladder63
3619817888term "subtotal" in many code descrptions means what?anything less than the total removal of prostate64
3619817889peyronie's diseasecurvature of penis due to acquired plaque formation65
3619817890scrotumsac that contains the testes66
3619817891Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) 52601,52630is a gold standard of surgical procedures for removal of tumor or prostatic tissue.67
3619817892Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) 52450is used when the prostate is only slightly enlarged., Two incisions are made in the prostate to relieve the pressure on the urethra without removing tissue.68
3619817893RAProbotic assisted prostatectomy69
3619817894mullerian ductsEarlier embryonic ducts that can develop into female internal genitalia in the absence of testosterone. In males can remain and cause a cyst requiring excision.70
3619817895what is the most common type of kidney cancer?renal cell carcinoma (RCC)71
3619817896what special tool is often used during an epididymovasostomyoperating microscope; (69990) code separately72
3619817897spermaatocelea cyst that develops in the epididymis and is filled with milky fluid containing sperm73
3619817898only code a nephrotomy as a separate procedure ifno definitive procedure is performed74
3619817899Urodynamics codes include both the ___and ___components of the service.technical and professional75
3619817900What 3 terms can be referenced in the Index to locate endoscopy codes for bladder and urethra?cystoscopy, urethroscopy, and cystourethroscopy76
3619817901What does "secondary" surgical operation for calculcus refer to?repeat procedure77
3619817902extraparenchymalunrelated to essential elements of an organ78
3619817903urodynamicspertaining to the force and flow of urine within the urinary tract79
3619817904-celehernia, tumor, swelling80
3619817905three approaches for total ureterectomy are?abdominal, vaginal and perineal81
3619817906pyelotomysurgical incision into the renal pelvis82
3619817907Chronic Kidney Disease has 5 stages, based on what?glomerular filtration rate (GFR)83
3619817908If a lesion is excised from the skin of scrotum, report from the ___system?Integumentary84
3619817909backbench workwork involved in preparation for transplant surgery85
3619817910-ia/sissuffix meaning "condition of"86
3619817911What does it say in the index under Pyelogram?See "Urography, Intravenous; Urography, retrograde87
3619817912if both internal and external lithotripsy are performed, how is this coded?code both; attach modifier -51 to lesser procedure88
3619817913transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TURBT)bladder tumor removed by fulguration or excision89
3619817914What modifier is used with imaging guidance when performed in a facility setting?-26 (if performed in a doctor's office, no modifier is required)90
3619817915urachal cystbetween the umbilicus and bladder dome, often diagnosed in young children when the cyst becomes infected91
3619817916instillationis a procedure that is performed for bladder cancer92
3619817917BPHbenign prostate hypertrophy93
3619817918LUTSlower urinary tract symptoms94
3619817919hypospadiascongenital abnormality in which urethral meatus(opening) is abnormally placed, usually along the ventral aspect (underside) of the shaft95
3619817920Transurethral microwave heat treatment (TUMT) 53850use of microwaves that are sent through a catheter and introduced into the urethra to coagulate excess prostate tissue and allow the urethra to be less constricted96
3619817921prostatic stents (52282 [permanent], 53855 [temporary])flexible metal mesh tubes designed to be inserted into the urethra at the level of the prostate and expanded after placement.97
3619817922transurethral ultrasound-guided laser induced prostatectomy (TULIP, non-contact)procedure in which a laser is used to coagulate prostate tissue.98
3619817923transurethral needle ablation (TUNA 53852)procedure that utilizes radiofrequency to create heat that is applied to the prostate to destroy excess prostate tissue.99
3619817924visual laser of the prostate (VLAP, non-contact)is under the direct vision of the surgeon, laser fiber does not come in direct contact with the prostate, coagulate the tissue, tissue dies and is sloughed off , which relieves the pressure.100
3619817925Interstitial laser coagulation of prostate (ILCP, contact)uses several laser fibers that are placed directly into the prostate to coagulate the tissue. not direct visualization with the ILCP101
3619817926Trans urethral vaporization of the prostate (TUVP or TVP, contact)uses electrical current to vaporize tissue of the prostate by means of a ball that is rolled over the tissue. This procedure is a modification of a TURP.102
3619817927Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP, contact) AKA Transurethral holmium laser resection (THLR)procedure used to resect prostate tissue by means of a holmium laser fiber. less bleeding then with TURP103
3619817928FNAfine needle aspiration104
3619817929HDRhigh dose rate105
3619817930laparoscopic retropublic prostatectomy (LRP 55866)minimally invasive procedure that may be utlilized instead of an open procedure106
3619817931RAPRobotic assisted prostatectomy107
3619817932transrectal ultrasound (TRU, 76872)guidance that is often used when reporting biopsy, evaluation and staging for prostate cancer108
3619817933trocar needlea sharp-pointed instrument equipped with a cannuala, used to puncture the wall of of a body cavity and withdraw fluid109
3619817934total pelvic exentrationTPE; removal of pelvic organs. (may include gyn. organs)110
3619817935calyxcup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis111
3619817936brachytherapytherapy using radioactive sources that are placed inside the body112
3619817937meatotomyincision of the meatus113
3619817938Chronic Kidney disease has 5 stages, based on what?glomerular filtration rate (GFR)114
3619817939Ureteral stents codes are unilater or bilateral?Unilateral ( if bilateral us modifier -51)115
3619817940percutaneous nephrostolithotomy (PCNL)aka pyelostolithotomy; a procedure to remove kidney stones through patients back. Internal lithotripsy116
3619817941osche/orelating to the scrotum117
3619817942nephronblood-filtering unit in the renal cortex of the kidney118
3619817943urodynamicspertaining to the force and flow of the urine within the urinary tract119
3619817944is modifier -76 (repeat procedure) attached to the code for secondary surgical operation for calculus?NO, secondary means repeat procedure120
3619817945trigonetriangular area in the urinary bladder in which the ureters enter and the urethra exits121
3619817946hydronephrosisaccumulation of urine in the kidney because of an obstruction in the ureter122
3619817947Imaging guidance is/is not included for removal of renal stentsIs; do not code separately123
3619817948TULIP, VLAP, and ILCP are three kinds of what prostate procedures?laser coagulation for BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy)124
3619817949UPPurethral pressure profile125
3619817951Pereyra procedure (57289)aka a needle bladder neck suspension in which sutures are used to support and anchor the bladder127
3619817952If backbench procedures are performed in addition to the transplant service, those services are reported with what modifier?-51 (multiple procedures)128
3619817953determination of the correct code to report a prostatectomy is based first on the ______.approach, (perineal, suprapubic, or retropubic)129
3619817954AUS systemartificial urinary sphincter to control urinary incontinence Inflatable, includes pump, reservoir, and cuff130
3619817955prostatic fossadepression or cavity in which the prostate is located131
3619817956If imaging guidance is not used for stent removal, how is the removal coded?Report accessible stent removal with E/M code.132
3619817957A ___ nephrectomy includes removal of the fascia and surrounding fatty tissue, regional lymph nodes and the adrenal glandtotal (radical)133
3619817958What does it say in the Index under "pyelogram"?See "Urography Intravenous; Urography, Retrograde134
3619817959cowper's glandto small glands that secrete a mucous substance in the male urethra. also called bulbourethral gland135
3619817960Codes in the ureter and pelvis subsection all include insertion and removal of what?temporary stents136
3619817961AnuriaSuppression, cessation, or failure of the kidneys to secrete urine.137
3619817962AzoopermiaFailure of the development of sperm or the absence of sperm in semen; one of the most common factors in male infertility138
3619817963BalanoposthitisInflammation and/or infection of the glans penis and prepuce139
3619817964CircumciseCircular cutting around the genitals to remove the prepuce or foreskin140
3619817965CondylomaInfectious tumor-like growth caused by the human papilloma virus, with a branding connective tissue core and epithelial covering that occurs on the skin and mucous membranes of the perianal region and external genitalia141
3619817966Foley catheterTemporary indwelling urethral catheter held in place in the bladder by an inflated ballon continuing fluid or air142
3619817967PrepuceFold of penile skin covering the glans143
3619817968StrictureNarrowing of an anatomical structure144
3619817969Vesicle fistulaAbnormal communication between the bladder and another stricture145
3619817970Bladder neckThe proximal opening of the urethra146
3619817971Chronic kidney disease (CKD)The kidneys ability to filter waste from the blood declines slowly, it has five stages147
3619817972End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)The state of chronic renal failure that requires renal replacement therapie.148
3619817973Benign Hyperplasia of the Prostate (BPH)149
3619817974KUBKidne, ureter,bladder150

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