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US History ch 1-5

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Leader of a Separatist faction of Puritans from England who sought a place to live in "peace and purity". Was elected governor 30 times starting in 1621
He was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, that was formed in 1630.
commander in the French and Indian War; took Fort William Henry
Gave gripping sermons about sin and the torments of Hell during the Great Awakening such as "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."
The head of the British philanthropists. Settled a colony on the Savanna River, called Savannah in 1733.
Received the colony in 1681 in payment of a debt to his father. A Quaker who decided to make a colony a haven for religious refugees of all kinds. Wrote the Frame of Geovernment which created a liberal society based on religious freedom, generous land grants and a unicameral assembly.
Married Pocahontas. Conducted experiments with tobacco plants and this proved to be a good economic base for the Virginia Colony.
Co-founded New Jersey with John Berkeley
The Propritor of Maine, until it became part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
This Dutch governor ad a peg-leg. Persuaded to surrender New Netherlands to the English
Drew up the Fundamental Constitution of Carolina, a plan to ensure the colon's stability by balancing property ownership and political rights with a hierarchical social order.
What the city Charleston formerly called. Became very cosmopolitan. Established in 1670 by 8 friends of whom Charles II had given the grant to the Carolinas to.
Founded Hartford. A minister, took Puritans into Connecticut Valley, who were tired of the poor land and lack of importance in Massachusetts affairs.
He founded Rhode Island for separation of Church and State. He believed that the Puritans were too powerful and was ordered to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his religious beliefs.
Founded New Haven in 1638.
A British General who led a battle in Quebec against Montcalm in the French and Indian War
Journalist who questioned the policies of the governor of New York in the 1700's. He was jailed; he sued, and this court case was the basis for our freedom of speech and press. He was found not guilty.
First Lord Baltimore, Given Maryland by Charles I in 1634. Maryland was a refuge for Catholics.
Founder of England's first American colony. (Roanoke, it failed)
Italian-born navigator explored the coast of New England, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Gave England a claim in North America.
A priest in Hispaniola and later bishop of Chiapas, Guatemala, author of A Brief Relation of the Destruction of the Indies,(1552). He won limited reforms from the Spanish Gov., but ironically had a more lasting influence in giving rise to the so-called Black Legend of Spanish cruelty.
First European to reach the Pacific Ocean, 1513.
Brought back silk/spices from China., Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century .
French explorer (with Jacques Marquette) of the upper Mississippi River valley (1645-1700)
Explored Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth
French explorer in North America who claimed Louisiana for France (1682)
French. Set up "Hudson Bay Co". Went to English to organize fur trade.
Portuguese navigator. While tying to find a western route to Asia, he was killed in the Philippines. One of his ships returned to Spain, thereby completing the first circumnavigation of the globe.
French explorer in Nova Scotia who established a settlement on the site of modern Quebec (1567-1635)
(1394-1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation and directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa.
Spanish explorer who discovered and claimed the Mississippi River for Spain
Viking sailor, led a group of Vikings to the coast of North America
A Portugese sailor who was the first European to sail around southern Africa to the Indian Ocean
Set out to explore the Northwest Passage. Ended up in the New York Region. Mapped the North American coast from South Carolina to Maine.
Navigator; led 3 voyages of exploration to the St Lawrence region beginning in 1534. Hope to find the Northwest Passage
1540, From Spain, Discovered North America's southwest, Hear tales from the Indians about the Seven Cities of Cibola and all the riches there. He set out the explore and discovered much of what is now southwestern United States. He also discovered the Grand Canyon.
False concept that the Spanish killed, tortured, and stole from the indians
supporters of Charles I
Planter who led a rebellion in 1676 against the governor of the Virginia Colony or the "Tidewater Aristrocrats"
The oldest college in America, Puritan, Congregational school. Est. 1636
wouldn't conform to Anglican church. Puritans.
system set up by the London Company that gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid their own way to Virginia
American colonist (born in England) who was banished from Boston for her religious views (1591-1643)
Or known as the War of Spanish Succession. Most of the battles were betweeen bristish colonists, the french , and the frenchies ally spain
First spanish settlement. Florida 1565
the coastal plain of the South: eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia

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