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Vocab 2 ENG III AP Birr

Terms : Hide Images
82957828composurecalmness; equanimity
82957829concedeadmit reluctantly; yield
82957830conciseshort and to the point; terse
82957831condoneto overlook, excuse, or pardon
82957833confoundto mix up(in your own mind); or, to confuse someone else
82957834consonancea blending of sounds or opinions; harmony; agreement
82957835consummateto complete or make whole
82957836contendto argue a point or position; or, to struggle for
82957837contendto argue a point or position; or, to struggle for
82957838contingentdependent upon other circumstances; conditional
82957839contractsqueeze together; shrink
82957840contritesorry; penitent
82957841conundrumriddle; mystery
82957842convergemove together to meet at a common point
82957843convictionan opinion that is strongly held
82957844convivialfond of parties; sociable
82957845copiousin large quantity; abundant
82957846cordialfriendly; welcoming; gracious
82957847corporealhaving to do with the body or the physical world
82957848corroboratesupport with evidence; tell the same story; confirm
82957849criteriarequirements or standards used to make a decision
82957850cryptichidden; secret; mysterious
82957851cupiditygreed, especially for money
82957852culpableguilty; blameworthy
82957853cursoryquickly and incompletely done; superficial
82957854daunteddismayed; disheartened; discouraged (made less courageous)
82957855decadencemoral decay or decline
82957856defameto say things harmful to a person's reputation; malign; vilify
82957857deferencethe act of yielding to someone else out of respect
82957858denouncecriticize; condemn
82957859depletedemptied; drained; used up
82957860deploreto express regret or disapproval; complain; criticize
82957861deprecatedisapprove; belittle
82957862deridemake fun of; ridicule
82957863despondentfeeling hopeless or depressed
82957865destitutepoor; lacking possessions
82957866desultorylacking a plan; aimless
82957867dexterityhigh level of skill, especially with the hands; adroitness
82957868diatribea bitterly critical speech
82957869digressto move away from the main topic when writing or speaking; to go off on a tangent
82957870dilatorycausing lateness; stalling
82957871discerninginsightful; perceptive
82957872discloseprovide information; reveal
82957873discorddisagreement; dissonance
82957874discourseexchange of ideas; conversation
82957875disdaina feeling of scorn or contempt
82957876disparagesay negative things; belittle
82957878dispersespread around; scatter
82957879dissentto disagree, especially with the majority, or with an authority
82957880dissolutionseparation into parts; the process of dissolving
82957881distendedswollen; extended
82957882divergencethe act of splitting off into different directions
82957883diversedifferent; various
82957884dogmaticsticking to long-held beliefs, even when faced with contrary evidence; closed-minded
82957885dolefulextremely sad
82957886eclecticchoosing from many different sources; carefully selective
82957887eccentricdifferent from most, especially in personality or behavior
82957889efficacythe ability to produce desired results
82957890effervescencethe quality of being bubbly or full of life
82957891elatedextremely happy; overjoyed
82957892eloquencepowerfully effective speech
82957893embellishto make more beautiful; decorate; adorn
82957895endemicnative to a particular country or among a particular group
82957896endorsepromote; recommend
82957897enervatesap the strength; weaken
82957898enhanceintensify; improve
82957899enigmamystery; puzzle
82957900enmitymutual hatred
82957901ephemeraltemporary; short-lived
82957902eradicateremove completely and permanently; exterminate
82957903erraticunpredictable; differing from what is normal or expected
82957904eruditionthe knowledge acquired through many years of study
82957905esotericknown to, or understood by, a limited group of people
82957906etherealheavenly; fine; delicately beautiful
82957907eulogizeto praise highly; to extol
82957908euphemisma word or phrase that's used to make an unpleasant idea sound better
82957909evasivetending to avoid giving direct answers
82957910exacerbateto make a bad situation worse
82957911exaltraise in rank; elevate; praise

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