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Hard words for the AP test

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168657905cogentconvincing, reasonable
168657906coherentlogically connected
168657907cohesivesticking together
168657908didacticintended to instruct
168657909discourseverbal expression or exchange, conversation
168657910eloquenceability to speak vividly or persuasively
168657911lucideasily understood, clear
168657912rhetoricart of using language effectively and persuasively
168746509arbiterjudge who decides disputed issue
168746510exculpateto feel free from guilt or pain
168746511inconvertablenot able to be denied or disputed
168746512substantiatedsupported with proof or evidence, verified
168746513vindicatedfreed from blame
168747825contemptuousfeeling hatred, scornful
168747826despoticexercising absolute power, tyrannical
168747827dictatorialdomineering, oppressively overbearing
168747828disdainn - contempt, scorn v - to regard or treat with contempt, to look down on
168747829imperiousarrogantly domineering or overbearing
168747830patronizingtreating in a condescending manner
168753416convolutedintricate, complex
168753417crypticdifficult to comprehend
168753418futilepointless, useless
168753419obscureadj - relatively unknown v - to conceal or make indistinct
168753420quandarystate of uncertainty or perplexity
168753422insipiduninteresting, unchallenging
168753423lamentto express grief for, to mourn
168753424listlesslacking energy
168753425torporlaziness, inactivity, dullness
168753426disparityinequality in age, rank, or degree; difference
168753427servilesubmissive, like a servant
168753428sanctioneconomic or military measure put in place to punish another country
168753429embellishto make beautivul by ornamenting, to decorate
168753430floridflowery or elaborate (speech)
168753431opulentexhibiting a display of great wealth
168753432ornateelaborately decorated
168753433ostentatiousshowy or pretentious/assuming importance & exagerated (display)
168761939poignantprofoundly moving, touching
168761940ebullienceintense enthusiasm
168761941effusiveemotionally unrestraned, gushy
168761942egregiousconspicuously/attring attention - ly or obviously bad or offensive
168761943flagrantexremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
168761944freneticwildly excited or active
168761945superfluousextrea, unnecessary
168761946alleviateto ease a pain or burden
168761947auspiciousfavorable, promising
168761948benevolentwell-meaning, generous
168761949benignkind and gentle
168761950mollifyto calm or soothe
168761951reclamationact of making something useful again

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