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Vocab AP Literature Flashcards

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7223846190enjointo command somebody to do something or behave in a certain way; to forbid or direct0
7223836264asceticismausterity and self-denial, especially as a principled way of life1
7223841047dintforce emphasis2
7223841900envoysomebody acting as a diplomat on behalf of a govt; official messenger3
7223841901espouseto adopt a cause, a belief, or a way of life4
7223842527beguileto mislead or deceive somebody5
7223846189allocationthe assignment or earmarking of something/the thing, amount, or share,of something allocated to somebody or something6
7223846948oscillateto swing between two points; to sway back and forth between choices7
7223846949interlopersomebody who interferes in other people's affairs, especially selfishly8
7223847856histrionicsexaggerated emotional behavior done for show or to gain a reaction9
7226671061innocuousharmless in effect10
7226671062imperviousremaining unmoved or unaffected11
7226671063fettera chain or shackle; a means of confinement/to confine or restrain12
7226671064desecrateto damage something sacred13
7226671065rendto tear apart violently14
7226671066salubriousbeneficial to or promoting health or well-being15
7226671067vapidlacking interest or liveliness; lacking strength, taste, or flavor16
7226671068taciturnhabitually uncommunicative or reserved in speech and manner17
7226671069alacritypromptness or eager and speedy readiness18
7226671070abstruseobscure and not easily understood19
7292581005IncarcerateTo put in prison; to place some situation of confinement20
7292595327VacuousHaving no content; lacking ideas or intelligence21
7292601569IntimateTo imply or hint; to make known22
7292608122JubilantFeeling or expressing great delight23
7292612215PresumptuousInconsiderate, disrespectful, or overconfident, especially in doing something when not entitled or qualified24
7292615668PecuniaryHaving to do with money or financial matters25
7292625055LicentiousLacking moral restraint, of a promiscuous or illegal nature26
7292633342MuseTo ponder think over daydream27
7292634529SubversiveIntended or likely to undermine or overthrow a government or other institution or idea28
7292637682LassitudeState of weariness accompanied by listlessness or apathy29
7337774385vacillateto be indecisive, to sway from side to side30
7337777470initiativeability to act and make decision without help or advice31
7337782340disparitylack of equality32
7337791131avocationhobby or pastime33
7337797515efficacyability to produce the necessary or desired results34
7337802974capricioustending to make sudden and unpredictable changes; spontaneous35
7337809931reticentunwilling to communicate or reveal facts36
7337815699dichotomousdividing into two parts; branching37
7337818261moribundnearly dead; having lost all sense of purpose; becoming obsolete38
7337824977risquéalluding to sexual conduct in a way that is close to being indecent or in bad taste39
7401155883unequivocallyin a way that is clear40
7401158170inexorableimpossible to stop41
7401160326retinuea group of people who travel with and attend to an important person42
7401160327insipidlacking in character or lively qualities43
7401162359shambleto walk with an unsteady or unusual gait44
7401164586corroborateto give or represent evidence of the truth; to support45
7401164587employmentto make use of; to apply46
7401167183supplianthumble towards one in power; servant-like/one who is humble47
7401169144tediumquality of being boring, monotonous, too long, or repetitive48
7401172399torridfull of romantic passion; sweltering; scorching49
7409714108impasse (n)a point at which no further progress can be made or an agreement reached50
7409714109lugubriousextremely sad, gloomy, or mournful51
7409714110affront (n)an open insult or giving offense52
7409714111Indolent (adj)not making an effort53
7409714112Connoisseuran expert in a specific field54
7409714113cajole (v)persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery55
7409714114blasé (adj)unimpressed due to past experience56
7409714115Analogouscomparable in certain aspects57
7409714116Cholericeasily angered58
7409714117encumberTo weigh down or burden59
7628508160drollamusing in a wry or odd way60
7628508161adulationexcessive flattery or admiration61
7628510477carnagewidespread and discriminate slaughter or massacre62
7628513462decrepitin poor condition, especially old, overused, or not working efficiently63
7628516196expectorateto cough up or spit64
7628516197attributeto regard something as being caused by someone/an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity65
7628518570recurringhappening more than once or frequently; reptitive66
7628518571lethargicphysically slow and mentally dull67
7628521423endowedprovided, supplied, or equipped with; enriched; graced with68
7628526929peremptorycommunicating urgency, command, or instruction69
7702841595prostrateto lie flat on the face or bow very low, as in worship or humility70
7702846300plethoraa large amount or number of something, especially an excessive amount71
7702877419palpitateto beat in an irregular or abnormally rapid way72
7702883261propitiousfavorable and likely to lead to success; kindly disposed or gracious73
7702890107extricateto release somebody or something with difficulty from a constraint or an unpleasant or complicated situation74
7702936630emanateto originate from; to be produced75
7702981153antithesisthe opposition or contrast of ideas; the direct opposite76
7702995692deemto judge or consider something in a particular light77
7703002299fiascoa total failure, especially a humiliating or ludicrous one78
7703005101pinnaclethe highest or topmost point or level of something, a natural peak79
7779086675Voluble (adj)talking easily and at length, or involving lengthy talking80
7779086676perspicuityclearness, lucidity81
7779086677perjuryfalse testimony under oath82
7779086678flagrant (adj)very obvious and contrary to stands of conduct or morality83
7779086679acquiesceTo accept without protest; to agree or submit84
7779086680amity (n)friendly or peaceful relations85
7779086681preposterousgoing very much against what is thought to be sensible or reasonable86
7779086682Parody (n)a piece that deliberately copies another work in a comedic way87
7779086683Arduous (adj)hard to do, requiring much effort88
7779086684TrepidationA feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen89
7834635854Admonish (v)warn or reprimand someone firmly.90
7834635855Vernacularthe language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.91
7834635856collusionsecret agreement or cooperation92
7834635857Cognizant (adj)fully informed; to know or to be aware93
7834635858barrage (n)a rapid attacking or outpouring (can be used with insults)94
7834635859ramification (n)consequence of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome95
7834635860unctuousexcessively smooth or smug;u npleasant96
7834635861Urbane (adj)showing sophisticstion97
7834635862Aplomb (n.)Confidence, self-assurance98
7834635863Nebulous (Adj)Vague; cloudy; lacking clearly defined form99
7927039518brazenshowing or expressing boldness and complete lack of shame100
7927046922inscrutablemysterious, incapable of being searched into and understood by inquiry101
7927057928caricaturea verbal description meant to exaggerate or distort for comic relief102
7927070023ennuiweariness and dissatisfaction with life that results from a loss of interest103
7927080075debilitateto sap strength of somebody or something104
7927091998fraternizeto spend time with other people socially, especially am enemy105
7927103704schismthe division of a group into mutually antagonistic factions106
7927110496extonerateto declare officially to be free from blame or guilt, to relieve someone from guilty107
7927120397sedationa state of calm restfulness or drowsiness108
7927125776prognosticateto predict or foretell future events109
7993913026austereplain and simple, without luxury110
7993917968vehementexpressed with, or showing conviction or intense feeling111
7993930203stridentharsh, loud, grating, or shrill112
7993944860ostentatiousmarked by vulgar display of wealth and success designed to impress people113
7993957948derisiveshowing contempt or ridicule114
7993965263sanguinecheerfully optimistic; flushed with a healthy rosy color115
7993979210corpulentobese, overdone116
7993982423pompoushaving excessive sense of self importance117
7993995115facetiousintended to be humorous but often silly or inappropriate118
7994009415manifestto make something evident by showing or demonstrating it very clearly119
8085304823malady (n)a physical or psychological disorder or disease120
8085304824allude torefer to something/someone breifly121
8085304825GrievancesA cause of distress felt to warrant a complaint not well founded122
8085304826sequentialForming or following a logical order or sequence.123
8085304827vitiate (v)to corrupt, to debase, to spoil, to make ineffective124
8085304828remonstrancea forceful protest125
8085304829profligateextremely extravagant or wasteful126
8085304830nuancesought difference in meaning, feeling, tone, or color127
8085304831fortuitoushappening by chance128
8085304832fecundprolific, fruitful, fertile129
8085304833status quothe accepted or given situation, the usual130
8204877038reparteeconversation consisting of witty remarks; a witty remark131
8204889356incendiaryable to catch fire spontaneously or cause a fire easily132
8204902953peripherythe area around the edge of a place133
8204905696emissaryan agent or representative sent on a particular mission134
8204916830venerableworthy of respect as a result of great age, wisdom, remarkable achievements135
8204928058briganda bandit operation in wild or isolated terrain, band of thieves136
8204935507felicityhappiness or contentment137
8204938580magnanimousvery generous, kind, or forgiving138
8204951415ubiquitouspresent everywhere at once, or seeming to be139
8283598786garrulousgiven to excessive, rambling talk140
8283710740gratuitousgiven freely; unearned; unwarranted141
8283715888sonoroushaving or producing sound142
8283719922stupora state of reduced or suspended sensibility143
8283727085freneticwildy excited or active144
8283731918rusea crafty trick, a con, scam145
8283736715egregiousconspicuously bad or offensive, flagrant146
8283742812panderto cater to the lower tastes and desires of others to exploit their weaknesses; flatter147
8283751563proprietyappropriateness of behavior148
8283758567innatepossessed at birth; inborn149
8603192256resolutecharacterized by firmness or determination150
8603194273vanquishto defeat or conquer in battle151
8603200228rendezvousprearranged meeting place153
8603201679amorousstrongly attracted to love154
8603203460languidlacking energy or vitality155
8603208264extolto praise lavishly156
8603209996dissolutelacking in moral restraint157
8603211731turgidover distended, bloated158
8603216160ebullientoverflowing with enthusiasm or exuberance159
8668256808perniciousdeadly, causing great harm160
8668258959fatuousunconsciously stupid, asinine, inane161
8668262614writheto twist or squirm as in pain162
8668267456incredulousdisbelieving, skeptical163
8668270115furtivecharacterized by stealth, shifty, sneaky164
8668275001interminablenever ending165
8668282569obliquelyin an indirect or evasive manner166
8668284776acutekeenly perceptive, shrewd167
8668287278obtuseslow to comprehend, not astute168
8747054929labyrinthmaze, puzzle170
8747057606obfuscateto render indistinct or dim, to darken, to confuse171
8747071843primevaloriginal, belonging to the first ages172
8747074478effusivespread out, exuding, flowing173
8747078400beseechbeg earnestly174
8747085834pathosquality that arouses feelings of sympathy175
8747102427capitulateto surrender under certain terms, to give up176
8747106753astutekeen in judgment , crafty177
8747111887solicitousanxious and concerned, attentive178
8747115102deprecatingto lessen the price or value of179
8825075366prodigalextravagantly wasteful180
8825081817sinecurejob that requires no work but provides compensation182
8825088971prolixitywordiness, verbosity183
8825095328visagefacial features, especially as an indicator of emotions184
8825100860presagean indication or warning of future occurrence185
8825106594bereaveto leave desolate, especially by death186
8825108372gratisfree of charge187
8825111324intercessionentreaty in favor of another188
8825113684lineamentdistinctive shape, contour189
8904938192accoutermentthe act of preparing for duty, obligation190
8904955515viandan article of food192
8904971592impunityexemption from penalty or punishment193
8904973498accordantin agreement or harmony194
8904975549imputeto ascribe crime or fault to another195
8904980425parapetlow protective wall196
8904983188deportmentconduct or demeanor197
8904985345temperancecondition or quality of being moderate, restrained198
8904990937surlysullenly rude and ill-humored199
8983839773ponderousheavy, cumbersome201
8983841348enigmapuzzle, riddle202
8983844625copiouslarge in quantity203
8983848802irksomecausing annoyance or bother204
8983850161habilimentsthe dress or style associated with an office or occasion205
8983854277brevityquality of being brief206
8983856744aestheticof or pertaining to a sense of the beautiful207
8983859415inwardlyon or in the inside, within, privately208
8983865913scrupulousprincipled , having morals209
9057014570reveriedaydream, trance211
9057016284nonplusstate of perplexity or bafflement212
9057018341confoundto cause to become confused, bewilder213
9057028803gambolto leap about playfully, frolic214
9057030533mutabilityability to change, adapt215
9057033006quailto lose courage, cower216
9057035258etherealhighly refined, delicate, heavenly217
9057037739pedanticscholarly, but with no basis on experience or practicality218
9057043655nascentcoming into existence, emerging219
9141944026equivocalcapable of two interpretations, evasive220
9141948765resplendentfilled with splendor, brilliant221
9141952079hinderto hold back, be in the way, hamper, delay222
9141956860dubiousfraught with uncertainty or doubt, arousing doubt or uncertainty223
9141966281corporealof a material nature, tangible224
9141967906deriveto obtain or receive from a source225
9141973218ruminateto meditate at length, muse226
9141977502errantroving, especially in search of adventure227
9141983942zestadded flavor or interest228
9141986218goadprovoke into action229
9221564861vexationa source of irritation or annoyance230
9221568392rigorstrictness or severity as in temperament, action, or judgement231
9221572780begetto cause to exist232
9221575540recoursea turning or applying to a person or thing for aid233
9221577824discourseverbal expression in speech or writing234
9221582675exploitto employ to the greatest possible advantage or an adventure, act, or deed235
9221586005assailto attack violently, assault236
9221588972garrisonto assign troops to a military post or convert to a military post237
9221593900vigilanton alert, watchful238
9221595676denoteto reveal or indicate, mark239

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