7223846190 | enjoin | to command somebody to do something or behave in a certain way; to forbid or direct | 0 | |
7223836264 | asceticism | austerity and self-denial, especially as a principled way of life | 1 | |
7223841047 | dint | force emphasis | 2 | |
7223841900 | envoy | somebody acting as a diplomat on behalf of a govt; official messenger | 3 | |
7223841901 | espouse | to adopt a cause, a belief, or a way of life | 4 | |
7223842527 | beguile | to mislead or deceive somebody | 5 | |
7223846189 | allocation | the assignment or earmarking of something/the thing, amount, or share,of something allocated to somebody or something | 6 | |
7223846948 | oscillate | to swing between two points; to sway back and forth between choices | 7 | |
7223846949 | interloper | somebody who interferes in other people's affairs, especially selfishly | 8 | |
7223847856 | histrionics | exaggerated emotional behavior done for show or to gain a reaction | 9 | |
7226671061 | innocuous | harmless in effect | 10 | |
7226671062 | impervious | remaining unmoved or unaffected | 11 | |
7226671063 | fetter | a chain or shackle; a means of confinement/to confine or restrain | 12 | |
7226671064 | desecrate | to damage something sacred | 13 | |
7226671065 | rend | to tear apart violently | 14 | |
7226671066 | salubrious | beneficial to or promoting health or well-being | 15 | |
7226671067 | vapid | lacking interest or liveliness; lacking strength, taste, or flavor | 16 | |
7226671068 | taciturn | habitually uncommunicative or reserved in speech and manner | 17 | |
7226671069 | alacrity | promptness or eager and speedy readiness | 18 | |
7226671070 | abstruse | obscure and not easily understood | 19 | |
7292581005 | Incarcerate | To put in prison; to place some situation of confinement | 20 | |
7292595327 | Vacuous | Having no content; lacking ideas or intelligence | 21 | |
7292601569 | Intimate | To imply or hint; to make known | 22 | |
7292608122 | Jubilant | Feeling or expressing great delight | 23 | |
7292612215 | Presumptuous | Inconsiderate, disrespectful, or overconfident, especially in doing something when not entitled or qualified | 24 | |
7292615668 | Pecuniary | Having to do with money or financial matters | 25 | |
7292625055 | Licentious | Lacking moral restraint, of a promiscuous or illegal nature | 26 | |
7292633342 | Muse | To ponder think over daydream | 27 | |
7292634529 | Subversive | Intended or likely to undermine or overthrow a government or other institution or idea | 28 | |
7292637682 | Lassitude | State of weariness accompanied by listlessness or apathy | 29 | |
7337774385 | vacillate | to be indecisive, to sway from side to side | 30 | |
7337777470 | initiative | ability to act and make decision without help or advice | 31 | |
7337782340 | disparity | lack of equality | 32 | |
7337791131 | avocation | hobby or pastime | 33 | |
7337797515 | efficacy | ability to produce the necessary or desired results | 34 | |
7337802974 | capricious | tending to make sudden and unpredictable changes; spontaneous | 35 | |
7337809931 | reticent | unwilling to communicate or reveal facts | 36 | |
7337815699 | dichotomous | dividing into two parts; branching | 37 | |
7337818261 | moribund | nearly dead; having lost all sense of purpose; becoming obsolete | 38 | |
7337824977 | risqué | alluding to sexual conduct in a way that is close to being indecent or in bad taste | 39 | |
7401155883 | unequivocally | in a way that is clear | 40 | |
7401158170 | inexorable | impossible to stop | 41 | |
7401160326 | retinue | a group of people who travel with and attend to an important person | 42 | |
7401160327 | insipid | lacking in character or lively qualities | 43 | |
7401162359 | shamble | to walk with an unsteady or unusual gait | 44 | |
7401164586 | corroborate | to give or represent evidence of the truth; to support | 45 | |
7401164587 | employment | to make use of; to apply | 46 | |
7401167183 | suppliant | humble towards one in power; servant-like/one who is humble | 47 | |
7401169144 | tedium | quality of being boring, monotonous, too long, or repetitive | 48 | |
7401172399 | torrid | full of romantic passion; sweltering; scorching | 49 | |
7409714108 | impasse (n) | a point at which no further progress can be made or an agreement reached | 50 | |
7409714109 | lugubrious | extremely sad, gloomy, or mournful | 51 | |
7409714110 | affront (n) | an open insult or giving offense | 52 | |
7409714111 | Indolent (adj) | not making an effort | 53 | |
7409714112 | Connoisseur | an expert in a specific field | 54 | |
7409714113 | cajole (v) | persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery | 55 | |
7409714114 | blasé (adj) | unimpressed due to past experience | 56 | |
7409714115 | Analogous | comparable in certain aspects | 57 | |
7409714116 | Choleric | easily angered | 58 | |
7409714117 | encumber | To weigh down or burden | 59 | |
7628508160 | droll | amusing in a wry or odd way | 60 | |
7628508161 | adulation | excessive flattery or admiration | 61 | |
7628510477 | carnage | widespread and discriminate slaughter or massacre | 62 | |
7628513462 | decrepit | in poor condition, especially old, overused, or not working efficiently | 63 | |
7628516196 | expectorate | to cough up or spit | 64 | |
7628516197 | attribute | to regard something as being caused by someone/an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity | 65 | |
7628518570 | recurring | happening more than once or frequently; reptitive | 66 | |
7628518571 | lethargic | physically slow and mentally dull | 67 | |
7628521423 | endowed | provided, supplied, or equipped with; enriched; graced with | 68 | |
7628526929 | peremptory | communicating urgency, command, or instruction | 69 | |
7702841595 | prostrate | to lie flat on the face or bow very low, as in worship or humility | 70 | |
7702846300 | plethora | a large amount or number of something, especially an excessive amount | 71 | |
7702877419 | palpitate | to beat in an irregular or abnormally rapid way | 72 | |
7702883261 | propitious | favorable and likely to lead to success; kindly disposed or gracious | 73 | |
7702890107 | extricate | to release somebody or something with difficulty from a constraint or an unpleasant or complicated situation | 74 | |
7702936630 | emanate | to originate from; to be produced | 75 | |
7702981153 | antithesis | the opposition or contrast of ideas; the direct opposite | 76 | |
7702995692 | deem | to judge or consider something in a particular light | 77 | |
7703002299 | fiasco | a total failure, especially a humiliating or ludicrous one | 78 | |
7703005101 | pinnacle | the highest or topmost point or level of something, a natural peak | 79 | |
7779086675 | Voluble (adj) | talking easily and at length, or involving lengthy talking | 80 | |
7779086676 | perspicuity | clearness, lucidity | 81 | |
7779086677 | perjury | false testimony under oath | 82 | |
7779086678 | flagrant (adj) | very obvious and contrary to stands of conduct or morality | 83 | |
7779086679 | acquiesce | To accept without protest; to agree or submit | 84 | |
7779086680 | amity (n) | friendly or peaceful relations | 85 | |
7779086681 | preposterous | going very much against what is thought to be sensible or reasonable | 86 | |
7779086682 | Parody (n) | a piece that deliberately copies another work in a comedic way | 87 | |
7779086683 | Arduous (adj) | hard to do, requiring much effort | 88 | |
7779086684 | Trepidation | A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen | 89 | |
7834635854 | Admonish (v) | warn or reprimand someone firmly. | 90 | |
7834635855 | Vernacular | the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region. | 91 | |
7834635856 | collusion | secret agreement or cooperation | 92 | |
7834635857 | Cognizant (adj) | fully informed; to know or to be aware | 93 | |
7834635858 | barrage (n) | a rapid attacking or outpouring (can be used with insults) | 94 | |
7834635859 | ramification (n) | consequence of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome | 95 | |
7834635860 | unctuous | excessively smooth or smug;u npleasant | 96 | |
7834635861 | Urbane (adj) | showing sophisticstion | 97 | |
7834635862 | Aplomb (n.) | Confidence, self-assurance | 98 | |
7834635863 | Nebulous (Adj) | Vague; cloudy; lacking clearly defined form | 99 | |
7927039518 | brazen | showing or expressing boldness and complete lack of shame | 100 | |
7927046922 | inscrutable | mysterious, incapable of being searched into and understood by inquiry | 101 | |
7927057928 | caricature | a verbal description meant to exaggerate or distort for comic relief | 102 | |
7927070023 | ennui | weariness and dissatisfaction with life that results from a loss of interest | 103 | |
7927080075 | debilitate | to sap strength of somebody or something | 104 | |
7927091998 | fraternize | to spend time with other people socially, especially am enemy | 105 | |
7927103704 | schism | the division of a group into mutually antagonistic factions | 106 | |
7927110496 | extonerate | to declare officially to be free from blame or guilt, to relieve someone from guilty | 107 | |
7927120397 | sedation | a state of calm restfulness or drowsiness | 108 | |
7927125776 | prognosticate | to predict or foretell future events | 109 | |
7993913026 | austere | plain and simple, without luxury | 110 | |
7993917968 | vehement | expressed with, or showing conviction or intense feeling | 111 | |
7993930203 | strident | harsh, loud, grating, or shrill | 112 | |
7993944860 | ostentatious | marked by vulgar display of wealth and success designed to impress people | 113 | |
7993957948 | derisive | showing contempt or ridicule | 114 | |
7993965263 | sanguine | cheerfully optimistic; flushed with a healthy rosy color | 115 | |
7993979210 | corpulent | obese, overdone | 116 | |
7993982423 | pompous | having excessive sense of self importance | 117 | |
7993995115 | facetious | intended to be humorous but often silly or inappropriate | 118 | |
7994009415 | manifest | to make something evident by showing or demonstrating it very clearly | 119 | |
8085304823 | malady (n) | a physical or psychological disorder or disease | 120 | |
8085304824 | allude to | refer to something/someone breifly | 121 | |
8085304825 | Grievances | A cause of distress felt to warrant a complaint not well founded | 122 | |
8085304826 | sequential | Forming or following a logical order or sequence. | 123 | |
8085304827 | vitiate (v) | to corrupt, to debase, to spoil, to make ineffective | 124 | |
8085304828 | remonstrance | a forceful protest | 125 | |
8085304829 | profligate | extremely extravagant or wasteful | 126 | |
8085304830 | nuance | sought difference in meaning, feeling, tone, or color | 127 | |
8085304831 | fortuitous | happening by chance | 128 | |
8085304832 | fecund | prolific, fruitful, fertile | 129 | |
8085304833 | status quo | the accepted or given situation, the usual | 130 | |
8204877038 | repartee | conversation consisting of witty remarks; a witty remark | 131 | |
8204889356 | incendiary | able to catch fire spontaneously or cause a fire easily | 132 | |
8204902953 | periphery | the area around the edge of a place | 133 | |
8204905696 | emissary | an agent or representative sent on a particular mission | 134 | |
8204916830 | venerable | worthy of respect as a result of great age, wisdom, remarkable achievements | 135 | |
8204928058 | brigand | a bandit operation in wild or isolated terrain, band of thieves | 136 | |
8204935507 | felicity | happiness or contentment | 137 | |
8204938580 | magnanimous | very generous, kind, or forgiving | 138 | |
8204951415 | ubiquitous | present everywhere at once, or seeming to be | 139 | |
8283598786 | garrulous | given to excessive, rambling talk | 140 | |
8283710740 | gratuitous | given freely; unearned; unwarranted | 141 | |
8283715888 | sonorous | having or producing sound | 142 | |
8283719922 | stupor | a state of reduced or suspended sensibility | 143 | |
8283727085 | frenetic | wildy excited or active | 144 | |
8283731918 | ruse | a crafty trick, a con, scam | 145 | |
8283736715 | egregious | conspicuously bad or offensive, flagrant | 146 | |
8283742812 | pander | to cater to the lower tastes and desires of others to exploit their weaknesses; flatter | 147 | |
8283751563 | propriety | appropriateness of behavior | 148 | |
8283758567 | innate | possessed at birth; inborn | 149 | |
8603192256 | resolute | characterized by firmness or determination | 150 | |
8603194273 | vanquish | to defeat or conquer in battle | 151 | |
8603196881 | meet | appropriate | 152 | |
8603200228 | rendezvous | prearranged meeting place | 153 | |
8603201679 | amorous | strongly attracted to love | 154 | |
8603203460 | languid | lacking energy or vitality | 155 | |
8603208264 | extol | to praise lavishly | 156 | |
8603209996 | dissolute | lacking in moral restraint | 157 | |
8603211731 | turgid | over distended, bloated | 158 | |
8603216160 | ebullient | overflowing with enthusiasm or exuberance | 159 | |
8668256808 | pernicious | deadly, causing great harm | 160 | |
8668258959 | fatuous | unconsciously stupid, asinine, inane | 161 | |
8668262614 | writhe | to twist or squirm as in pain | 162 | |
8668267456 | incredulous | disbelieving, skeptical | 163 | |
8668270115 | furtive | characterized by stealth, shifty, sneaky | 164 | |
8668275001 | interminable | never ending | 165 | |
8668282569 | obliquely | in an indirect or evasive manner | 166 | |
8668284776 | acute | keenly perceptive, shrewd | 167 | |
8668287278 | obtuse | slow to comprehend, not astute | 168 | |
8668291174 | febrile | feverish | 169 | |
8747054929 | labyrinth | maze, puzzle | 170 | |
8747057606 | obfuscate | to render indistinct or dim, to darken, to confuse | 171 | |
8747071843 | primeval | original, belonging to the first ages | 172 | |
8747074478 | effusive | spread out, exuding, flowing | 173 | |
8747078400 | beseech | beg earnestly | 174 | |
8747085834 | pathos | quality that arouses feelings of sympathy | 175 | |
8747102427 | capitulate | to surrender under certain terms, to give up | 176 | |
8747106753 | astute | keen in judgment , crafty | 177 | |
8747111887 | solicitous | anxious and concerned, attentive | 178 | |
8747115102 | deprecating | to lessen the price or value of | 179 | |
8825075366 | prodigal | extravagantly wasteful | 180 | |
8825081815 | albeit | although | 181 | |
8825081817 | sinecure | job that requires no work but provides compensation | 182 | |
8825088971 | prolixity | wordiness, verbosity | 183 | |
8825095328 | visage | facial features, especially as an indicator of emotions | 184 | |
8825100860 | presage | an indication or warning of future occurrence | 185 | |
8825106594 | bereave | to leave desolate, especially by death | 186 | |
8825108372 | gratis | free of charge | 187 | |
8825111324 | intercession | entreaty in favor of another | 188 | |
8825113684 | lineament | distinctive shape, contour | 189 | |
8904938192 | accouterment | the act of preparing for duty, obligation | 190 | |
8904947616 | pertinacity | stubbornness | 191 | |
8904955515 | viand | an article of food | 192 | |
8904971592 | impunity | exemption from penalty or punishment | 193 | |
8904973498 | accordant | in agreement or harmony | 194 | |
8904975549 | impute | to ascribe crime or fault to another | 195 | |
8904980425 | parapet | low protective wall | 196 | |
8904983188 | deportment | conduct or demeanor | 197 | |
8904985345 | temperance | condition or quality of being moderate, restrained | 198 | |
8904990937 | surly | sullenly rude and ill-humored | 199 | |
8983838477 | sundry | various | 200 | |
8983839773 | ponderous | heavy, cumbersome | 201 | |
8983841348 | enigma | puzzle, riddle | 202 | |
8983844625 | copious | large in quantity | 203 | |
8983848802 | irksome | causing annoyance or bother | 204 | |
8983850161 | habiliments | the dress or style associated with an office or occasion | 205 | |
8983854277 | brevity | quality of being brief | 206 | |
8983856744 | aesthetic | of or pertaining to a sense of the beautiful | 207 | |
8983859415 | inwardly | on or in the inside, within, privately | 208 | |
8983865913 | scrupulous | principled , having morals | 209 | |
9057014568 | curate | clergyman | 210 | |
9057014570 | reverie | daydream, trance | 211 | |
9057016284 | nonplus | state of perplexity or bafflement | 212 | |
9057018341 | confound | to cause to become confused, bewilder | 213 | |
9057028803 | gambol | to leap about playfully, frolic | 214 | |
9057030533 | mutability | ability to change, adapt | 215 | |
9057033006 | quail | to lose courage, cower | 216 | |
9057035258 | ethereal | highly refined, delicate, heavenly | 217 | |
9057037739 | pedantic | scholarly, but with no basis on experience or practicality | 218 | |
9057043655 | nascent | coming into existence, emerging | 219 | |
9141944026 | equivocal | capable of two interpretations, evasive | 220 | |
9141948765 | resplendent | filled with splendor, brilliant | 221 | |
9141952079 | hinder | to hold back, be in the way, hamper, delay | 222 | |
9141956860 | dubious | fraught with uncertainty or doubt, arousing doubt or uncertainty | 223 | |
9141966281 | corporeal | of a material nature, tangible | 224 | |
9141967906 | derive | to obtain or receive from a source | 225 | |
9141973218 | ruminate | to meditate at length, muse | 226 | |
9141977502 | errant | roving, especially in search of adventure | 227 | |
9141983942 | zest | added flavor or interest | 228 | |
9141986218 | goad | provoke into action | 229 | |
9221564861 | vexation | a source of irritation or annoyance | 230 | |
9221568392 | rigor | strictness or severity as in temperament, action, or judgement | 231 | |
9221572780 | beget | to cause to exist | 232 | |
9221575540 | recourse | a turning or applying to a person or thing for aid | 233 | |
9221577824 | discourse | verbal expression in speech or writing | 234 | |
9221582675 | exploit | to employ to the greatest possible advantage or an adventure, act, or deed | 235 | |
9221586005 | assail | to attack violently, assault | 236 | |
9221588972 | garrison | to assign troops to a military post or convert to a military post | 237 | |
9221593900 | vigilant | on alert, watchful | 238 | |
9221595676 | denote | to reveal or indicate, mark | 239 |
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