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Vocab Combined Flashcards

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52866594cogent(adj.) forceful, convincing; relevant, to the point0
52866595exigenturgent, pressing1
52866596assayto test, analyze2
52866597intransigentrefusing to compromise3
52866598inciteto stir up, provoke4
52866599resuscitateto bring back to conciousness5
52866600solicitousshowing care or worry6
52866601perturbto make worried or upset7
52866602turbulentvery excited or upset8
52866603turbidcloudy, confused9
52866604alacrityenthusiastic quickness10
52866605celerityspeed or quickness11
52866606degeneratea corrupt wrongdoer12
52866607engenderto bring about, to produce13
52866608genrea kind or type of art14
52866609cognaterelated to or coming from same source15
52866610innatenatural, present from birth16
52866611nascentin the act of being born, growing17
52866612transfigureto change form or appearance of18
52866613fictivenot real19
52866614feignto make up or invent, pretend20
52866615parturientpregnant, about to bring forth21
52866616repertorythe range of works an artist can produce or preform22
52866617vehementstrongly emotional, fierce and passionate23
52866618inveighto attack strongly with words, to talk or write bitterly against24
52866619surmiseto draw a conclusion based on little or no information, to guess25
52866620demisethe end of existence, death26
52866621remitto make less or weaker, to forgive or pardon27
52866622emblematicstanding for another thing28
52866623diabolicalof or like a devil, very wicked or cruel29
52866624hyperbolean exaggeration for effect30
52866625episodichappening in parts or segments31
52866626methodicalorderly and regular32
52866627synoda coucil, especially of churches or church officials33
53831818pastoralhaving to do with the country34
53831819repasta meal, food and drink for a meal35
53831820aggregategathered into a whole; thought of as a group36
53831821egregiousstanding out sharply as wrong or bad37
53831822gregariousliking to be with other people38
53831823agrarianhaving to do with farming39
53831824peregrinationthe act of traveling about; a journey40
53831825fruitionfulfillment of an effort or desire41
53831826fruitlessyielding no positive results42
53831827rustichaving to do with the countryside, rural43
53831828bucolichaving to do with country life or farms44
53831829idyllicsimple and pleasant45
54527850abscondto leave in a hurry, especially to escape the law46
54527851reconditedifficult to understand, hidden from understanding47
54527852cryptichard to understand, having a secret meaning48
54527853apocryphalcoming from an unreliable source; untrue49
54527854aperturean opening or a hole50
54527855overtpublic, unhidden, open51
54527856covertdone in a hidden or secret manner52
54527857contextthe circumstances or setting surrounding an event53
54527858subtextthe hidden or underlying meaning of something54
54527859pretexta stated reason for doing something; an excuse55
55632965moratoriuma formal delay; a suspension56
55632966demuremodest and shy57
55632967demurto express unwillingness to do something; to object58
55632968extemporaneousdone without planning; improvised59
55632969temporalhaving to do with finite time or everyday life60
55632970temporizeto put off making a decision; to stall61
55632971diurnalhappening or active during the day62
55632972sojourna short stay or visit63
55632973adjournto formally bring to an end64
55632974anachronismanything that seems to be out of its proper time65
55632975chronicleto tell or write the history of66
55632976synchronoushappening at the same time as67
56930140psychethe mind, especially as the center of a person's being68
56930141psychosomatichaving an effect on the body69
56930142psychotichaving severe mental illness to the point of disconnection from reality70
56930143pusillanimoustimid or cowardly, not brave71
56930144animadversionstrong critism or blame72
56930145inanimatewithout life; unmoving73
56930146transpireto take place; to happen74
56930147conspireto plan together secretly75
56930148aspireto have a strong desire to get or do something76
56930149espritliveliness; high spiritedness77
56930150discordantnot agreeing or going well together78
56930151concordanceagreement or harmony79
58078475discursivewandering from one topic to another80
58078476concurto agree in an opinion or decision81
58078477succorbadly needed help; aid82
58078478obsequioustoo willing to serve or obey83
58078479seguemovement from one thing to another; transition84
58078480ensueto come after; to happen as a result of85
58078481incessantgoing on without stopping; seemingly86
58078482concedeto admit that something is true; to give up87
58078483intercedeto ask or plead with on behalf of another88
58078484perpetuitya time period lasting through the ages; eternity89
58078485perpetuateto cause to continue; to further90
59110129judicioushaving or showing good judgement91
59110130adjudicateto settle a dispute or argument92
59110131amoralnot concerned about morality93
59110132moresattitudes and behaviors that are so firmly fixed that they are followed like laws94
59110133morosegloomy, bad tempered95
59110134expiateto make up for doing wrong96
59110135impiouslacking respect for what should be worshipped97
59110136consecrateto set apart as holy; to give up to a purpose98
59110137execrablevery bad; hateful99
59110138sacrosanctso sacred or revered as to be off-limits100
61429662artificeclever trickety, deception101
61429663artlesswithout strategy or deceit; naive102
61429664inertnot having power to move; slow to act103
61429665iconan image that best represents something; a symbol104
61429666iconoclasta person who attacks or mocks things most people believe in105
61429667iconographythe study of a group of representative pictures or symbols106
61429668emulateto seek to be like; to admiringly mimic107
61429669inimitableimpossible to imitate or copy108
61429670purveyorone who supplies or sells109
61429671provisoa clause or statement that gives instructions for a potential event or situation110
61429672purviewrange of skills or authority; capability111
62414833sinecurea job that bring a salary or reward without requiring work; a job in name only112
62414834incuriousnot inclined to seek knowledge; idle113
62414835procureto get with some effort114
62414836internecinecausing many deaths on all sides of a conflict115
62414837innocuousnot causing harm or injury116
62414838solacecomfort or consolation117
62414839inconsolablevery sad; unable to be comforted118
62414840salubriouspromoting good health119
62414841salutaryhaving a positive or healthy result120
62414842salutationan act of greeting121
63278490subjugateto bring under control; to conquer or subdue122
63278491conjugalof or related to marriage123
63278492contiguoustouching on one side; sharing a border124
63278493contingentpossible, conditional125
63278494infrangibleunable to be broken or removed; inalienable126
63278495defrayto pay or supply the money for127
63278496suffragethe right to vote128
63278497refractto filter through a lens or medium129
63278498transectto divide by cutting across130
63278499sectarianof or having to do with a sect; limited131
64802686capitulateto yield, to surrender132
64802687recapitulateto summarize briefly133
64802688capricesudden change of intention; impulsiveness134
64802689precipitateto cause something to happen immediately; to speed up135
64802690adduceto bring forth as evidence; to use as an example136
64802691traduceto say false things in order to harm the reputation of137
64802692subdueto conquer or overcome138
64802693subservientwilling to obey139
64802694servilelike a slave; too humble140
64802695reservedkeeping one's thoughts to oneself; withdrawn141
64802696sovereignhaving the highest power or authority; ruling142
64802697surfeitto fill to excess; gorge143
64802698insuperablenot able to be overcome144

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