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Vocab for AP Lit & Comp Set 1

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the repetition of consonant sounds, usually at the beginning of words
a passing reference to a familiar person, place or thing drawn from history, the Bible, mythology, or literature
the grammatical term for the noun of or pronoun from which another pronoun derives its meaning
a word or phrase that follows as noun or pronoun for emphasis or clarity
a type of internal rhyming in which vowel sounds are repeated
an expression that has become ineffective through overuse
a characteristic of or appropriate to spoken language or to writing that seeks its effect; are acceptable in formal writing only if they are used purposefully
the implied or suggested meaning of a word
the dictionary meaning of a word, the literal meaning
the process of reasoning from a stated premise to a necessary conclusion; this form of reasoning moves from the general to the specific
an author's choice of words; contributes to the tone of the text
a mild or pleasant sounding expression that substitutes for a harsh indelicate, or simply less pleasant idea; often used to soften the impact of what is being discussed
brief, imaginative comparisons that highlight the similarities between things that are basically dissimilar; they make writing vivid and interesting and therefore more memorable
an implicit comparison introduced by like or as
an implied comparison that uses one thing as the equivalent of another
when human traits are assigned to an inanimate object
an umbrella term for all uses of language that imply an imaginative comparison
a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to achieve emphasis
When two contrasting things - ideas, words or sentence elements - are placed next to each other for comparison; sheds light on both elements in the comparison
an effect created by words that have sounds that reinforce their meaning
the thoughtful arrangement and presentation of one's points or ideas
combines two contradictory words in one expression
a seeming contradiction that in fact reveals some truth
a literary technique that relies on the use of the same syntactical structures (phrases, clauses, sentences) in a series in order to develop an argument or emphasize an idea
a question that is asked for the sake of argument
to ridicule or mock ideas, persons, events or doctrines, or to make fun of human foibles or weaknesses
a person, place or thing that presents something beyond itself
refers to the way words are arranged in a sentence
when an author assigns less significance to an event or thing than it deserves

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