119302956 | cognate | adjective - related by being derived, descended, or borrowed from the same word or root; noun - a word, word part, or language that is related to another by common descent or derivation. | |
119302957 | derivative | noun - A. a word formed from another word or root, such as by adding a prefix or a suffix. B. something taken or received from a specified source; adjective - made up of elements that have been borrowed from another source. | |
119302958 | diminutive | noun - a word formed by shortening or by adding certain suffixes indicating primarily small size but also youth, affection, or contempt; adjective A. relating or referring to a word, suffix, or name that is a diminutive or forms one B. very small in size | |
119302959 | inflection | noun - A. the change in the form of words that indicates a grammatical distinction, such as number, gender, case, person, tense, mood, or voice. B. a word form of this kind. C. a change in the pitch or tone of the voice. | |
119302960 | orthography | noun - the art or study of correct spelling according to established usage | |
119302961 | paradigm | noun - A. a list of all the inflectional forms of a particular word. B. and example or model, especially one that is typical or particularly clear. | |
119302962 | philology | noun - A. the chronological study of language development. B. the study of literature and language as used in literature. | |
119302963 | phonology | noun - the science of speech sounds in a language. | |
119302964 | rhetoric | noun - A. the art of using language effectively. B. the study of the elements used in composition or discourse. C. insincere and pretentious language. | |
119302965 | syntax | noun - the way in which words are arranged or combined to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. | |
119302966 | belie | trans. verb - A. to picture falsely; misrepresent; disguise. B. to show to be false; contradict. C. to disappoint or leave unfulfilled. | |
119302967 | clandestine | adjective - concealed or kept secret, often for unlawful purposes. | |
119302968 | collusion | noun - A secret agreement between two or more persons for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose; conspiracy. | |
119302969 | dissemble | trans. verb - A. to disguise or conceal behind a false appearance. B. to make a false show of; feign; intrans. verb - to conceal one's real motives, nature, or feelings under a pretense. | |
119302970 | nefarious | adjective - extremely wicked or infamous; evil; villainous | |
119302971 | perfidious | adjective - disloyal; treacherous | |
119302972 | probity | noun - complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness | |
119302973 | scrupulous | adjective - A. acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper; having principles. B. very conscientious and exacting. | |
119302974 | spurious | adjective - A. lacking authenticity or validity; false. B. constituting a forgery | |
119302975 | stratagem | noun - A. a clever scheme or trick designed to attain a goal. B. a maneuver designed to deceive or surprise and enemy. | |
119302976 | emanate | intrans. verb - to come forth, as from a source; originate; trans. verb - to send forth; emit | |
119302977 | inhibit | trans. verb - to restrain or hold back; prevent | |
119302978 | meander | intrans. verb - A. to follow a winding and turning course. B. to wander aimlessly and idly without fixed direction; noun - A. circuitous windings, as of a stream or path. B. a circuitous journey or excursion; ramble. | |
119302979 | retrogress | intrans. verb - A. to return to an earlier, inferior, or less complex condition; revert. B. to move or go backward. | |
119302980 | serpentine | adjective - A. of or resembling a serpent, as in form or movement; sinuous. B. subtly sly and tempting | |
119302981 | supersede | trans. verb - A. to take the place of; replace. B. to cause to be set aside or displaced; supplant. | |
119302982 | torpid | adjective - A. lacking energy or vigor; lethargic; sluggish. B. deprived of the power of motion or feeling; benumbed. C. dormant; hibernating | |
119302983 | transitory | adjective - existing only briefly; short-lived. | |
119302984 | undulate | intrans. verb - A. to move in waves or with a wavelike motion; ripple. B. to have a wavelike appearance or form; trans. verb - A. to cause to move in a smooth wavelike motion. B. to give a wavelike appearance or form to; adjective - having a wavy outline or appearance | |
119302985 | unremitting | adjective - never slackening; persistent | |
119302986 | berserk | adjective - A. destructively violent. B. deranged; insane | |
119302987 | jubilee | noun - A. a season or occasion of joyful celebration. B. jubilation; rejoicing. C. a special anniversary, especially a fiftieth anniversary. | |
119302988 | juggernaut | noun - A. an overwhelming and irresistible force or movement. B. something, such as a belief or institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion. | |
119302989 | kowtow | intrans. verb - to show respect or submission; fawn; noun - an act or gesture of exaggerated respect or obedience. | |
119302990 | maelstrom | noun - A. a whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence. B. a situation that resembles a whirlpool in the violence or turbulence of feelings, ideas, or conditions | |
119302991 | mecca | noun - A. a place regarded as the center of an activity or interest. B. a place visited by many people. C. a goal to which the followers of a religious faith or practice aspire. | |
119302992 | nabob | noun - a person of great wealth and prominence. | |
119302993 | saga | noun - A. a prose narrative; story. B. a long, detailed report. C. a prose narrative of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries recounting historical and legendary events and exploits in Iceland or Norway. | |
119302994 | shibboleth | noun - A. a slogan or often repeated word or phrase. B. a common saying or idea. C. a language usage that distinguishes the members of one group or class from another. | |
119302995 | trek | intrans. verb - to make a slow or difficult journey; noun - A. a journey or leg of a journey, especially when it is slow and difficult. B. a migration | |
119302996 | adjunct | noun - A. something attached to another thing but in a dependent or auxiliary capacity. B. a person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity; adjective - attached to a faculty or staff in a temporary or auxiliary capacity. | |
119302997 | amalgamate | intrans. verb - A. to combine, unite, or consolidate. B. to blend with another metal; trans. verb - to mix so as to make a unified whole; blend | |
119302998 | contiguous | adjective - A. sharing a boundary or edge; touching. B. adjacent; nearby. C. adjacent in time; immediately preceding or following; serial. | |
119302999 | diffuse | adjective - A. widely spread or scattered. B. characterized by wordiness; trans. verb - A. to pour out and cause to spread freely. B. to spread about or scatter; disseminate. intrans. verb - to spread out or soften. | |
119303000 | diverge | intrans. verb - A. to go or extend in different directions from a common point; branch out. B. to differ, as in opinion or manner. C. to depart from a set course or norm; deviate. | |
119303001 | parity | noun - equality, as in amount, status, or value. | |
119303002 | periphery | noun - A. the outermost part or region within a precise boundary. B. the region or area immediately beyond a precise boundary. C. a zone constituting an inexact boundary. | |
119303003 | synergy | noun - the combined action of two or more agents, substances, organs, or organisms to achieve an effect greater than the total effect that would be produced by each one acting individually; interdependence | |
119303004 | transcend | trans. verb - A. to pass beyond or rise above. B. to surpass or exceed. C. to exist above and independent of (the physical realm). | |
119303005 | unison | noun - A. the act of speaking or singing the same words simultaneously by two or more people | |
119303006 | adumbrate | trans. verb - A. to give a sketchy outline of. B. to disclose partially or guardedly. C. to prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow | |
119303007 | arcane | adjective - known or understood only by a few; esoteric | |
119303008 | covert | adjective - A. concealed; hidden; secret. B. covered or covered over; sheltered; noun - A. covering or cover. B. a covered place or shelter; hiding place. C. thick underbrush or woodland affording cover for game. | |
119303009 | educe | trans. verb - A. to draw or bring out; elicit. B. to assume or work out from given facts; deduce. | |
119303010 | fathom | trans. verb - A. to get to the bottom of and understand. B. to determine the depth of; sound; noun - a unit of length equal to six feet used for the measurement of marine depths. | |
119303011 | impervious | adjective - A. incapable of being penetrated. B. incapable of being affected. C. not open to argument or suggestion. | |
119303012 | limpid | adjective - A. characterized by transparent clearness. B. easily intelligible. C. calm and untroubled; serene | |
119303013 | manifest | adjective - clearly apparent to the sight or understandingly obvious; trans. verb - A. to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal. B. to be evidence of; prove; noun - a list of cargo or passengers for a ship or airplane. | |
119303014 | nebulous | adjective - A. lacking definite form or limits; vague. B. cloudy, misty, or hazy. | |
119303015 | translucent | adjective - transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to make impossible the perception of a distinct image. | |
119303016 | capacious | adjective - capable of holding a large quantity; spacious; roomy. | |
119303017 | captious | adjective - A. inclined to find fault and make petty criticisms. B. intending to entrap or confuse; deceptive | |
119303018 | captivate | trans. verb - to fascinate by special charm, wit, intelligence, or beauty; enrapture | |
119303019 | cater | intrans. verb - A. to provide food, services, or entertainment. B. to provide anything wished for or needed; trans. verb - to provide food service for. | |
119303020 | concept | noun - A. a general idea or understanding, especially one derived from specific instances or occurrences; abstraction. B. a thought or notion. | |
119303021 | inception | noun - the beginning of something; commencement. | |
119303022 | perceptible | adjective - capable of being grasped by the senses or mind; noticeable; discernible. | |
119303023 | precept | noun - a rule that imposes a particular standard of action or conduct; guiding principle. | |
119303024 | receptacle | noun - something that holds or contains; a container. | |
119303025 | recipient | noun - one that receives or is capable of receiving; adjective - functioning as a receiver; receptive | |
119303026 | axiomatic | adjective - self-evident; pertaining to an accepted principle or established rule. | |
119303027 | definitive | adjective - A. determining finally; decisive. B. authoritative and complete. C. precisely outlining; explicit. | |
119303028 | empirical | adjective - A. relying solely on practical experience without regard for theory. B. relying upon or derived from observation or experiment | |
119303029 | hypothetical | adjective - A. based on a belief or theory that accounts for a set of facts and that can be tested; theoretical. B. based on something that is merely supposed or guessed at | |
119303030 | presuppose | trans. verb - A. to assume in advance; take for granted. B. to require as a necessary condition | |
119303031 | rationalize | noun - A. to devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for (one's behavior). B. to interpret from a reasonable standpoint; intrans. verb - to devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for one's behavior. | |
119303032 | rebuttal | noun - A. a statement or statements that present opposing evidence or arguments. B. the act of presenting such evidence. | |
119303033 | repudiate | trans. verb - A. to reject the validity of. B. to refuse to recognize or pay. C. to reject as untrue. D. to disown. | |
119303034 | synthesis | noun - A. the combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole. B. reasoning from the general to the particular; logical deduction | |
119303035 | verifiable | adjective - A. able to be proved true by the presentation of evidence or testimony. B. able to be tested for accuracy as by comparison or investigation | |
119303036 | aberrant | adjective - A. deviating from what is normal; atypical. B. deviating from the proper or expected course. | |
119303037 | anomaly | noun - A. a deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. B. something that is irregular, abnormal, or unusual. | |
119303038 | eccentricity | noun - A. odd, peculiar, or whimsical behavior. B. an example or instance of diverging from customary or conventional practices. | |
119303039 | endemic | adjective - A. prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people. B. native. | |
119303040 | incongruous | adjective - A. not consistent with what is logical, customary, or expected; inappropriate. B. not corresponding; disagreeing. C. made up of distinct, inconsistent, or discordant parts or qualities | |
119303041 | mundane | adjective - A. typical of or concerned with the ordinary, practical, or usual. B. of, relating to, or typical of this world; worldly | |
119303042 | outlandish | adjective - A. conspicuously unconventional; bizarre; absurd. B. strikingly foreign, unfamiliar. C. geographically remote from the familiar world. | |
119303043 | paragon | noun - a model of perfection or excellence; peerless example. | |
119303044 | ubiquitous | adjective - being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent. | |
119303045 | unwonted | adjective - not habitual, customary, or common; unusual. | |
119303046 | animus | noun - A. a feeling of animosity; bitter hostility or hatred. B. an intention or purpose; moving spirit behind an action. | |
119303047 | corpulent | adjective - having a large, overweight body; obese | |
119303048 | corpus | noun - A. a large collection of writings of a specific kind or on a specific subject. B. a human or animal body, especially when dead. C. a structure constituting the main part of an organ. | |
119303049 | corpuscle | noun - A. a cell, such as a blood or lymph cell, in a liquid, as distinguished from a cell fixed in tissue. | |
119303050 | equanimity | noun - the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure | |
119303051 | inanimate | adjective - A. not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms. B. not exhibiting life; appearing lifeless or dead. C. not animated or energetic; dull; listless. | |
119303052 | incorporate | trans. verb - A. to unite with or blend indistinguishably into something already in existence. B. to cause to merge or comine together into a united whole. C. to give substance or material form to; embody; intrans. verb - A. to become united or combined into an organized body. B. to form a legal corporation. | |
119303053 | incorporeal | adjective - A. lacking material form or substance. B. intangible, as a legal right or patent. | |
119303054 | magnanimous | adjective - noble of mind and heart, especially generous in forgiving; unselfish; gracious. | |
119303055 | pusillanimous | adjective - cowardly; lacking courage | |
119303056 | abscond | intrans. verb - to leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, especially to avoid arrest or prosecution | |
119303057 | bilk | trans. verb - A. to cheat or swindle. B. to evade payment of. | |
119303058 | clemency | noun - A. mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy; leniency. B. mildness | |
119303059 | contrite | adjective - sincerely sorry for one's sins or inadequacies | |
119303060 | impute | trans. verb - A. to attribute (a crime or fault) to another, blame without proof. B. to attribute to a cause or source. | |
119303061 | iniquity | noun - A. wickedness; sinfulness. B. a grossly immoral act. | |
119303062 | redress | trans. verb - to set right; rectify; noun - satisfaction or amends for wrong done | |
119303063 | reprehensible | adjective - deserving of blame. | |
119303064 | restitution | noun - A. the act of restoring or returning to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost, or surrendered. B. the act of compensating for loss, damage, or injury. | |
119303065 | vindicate | trans. verb - A. to clear of accusation, blame, or suspicion by means of evidence or proof. B. to justify or support. C. to prove the worth of, especially in the light of later developments. | |
119303066 | atrophy | intrans. verb - to waste away; wither; trans. verb - to cause to wither; noun - A. the emaciation or wasting away of tissues, organs, or the entire body. B. any wasting away or diminution | |
119303067 | debilitate | trans. verb - to make feeble; weaken | |
119303068 | livid | adjective - A. discolored, as from a bruise; black-and-blue. B. ashen or very pale, as from anger. C. extremely angry | |
119303069 | moribund | adjective - in a condition approaching death or an end | |
119303070 | noxious | adjective - A. injurious or harmful to health. B. injurious or harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting. | |
119303071 | pestilent | adjective - A. tending to cause death; fatal. B. likely to cause an epidemic disease. C. infected or contaminated with a contagious disease. | |
119303072 | prostrate | trans. verb - A. to weaken or render helpless; overcome. B. to make (oneself) bow or kneel down in humility or adoration; adjective - A. physically or emotionally exhausted; helpless. B. lying face-down, as in submission or adoration. C. lying down full-length. | |
119303073 | salubrious | adjective - favorable to health or well-being. | |
119303074 | scourge | noun - A. a cause of great suffering or harm. B. any instrument, such as a whip, used for inflicting punishment, suffering, or vengeance; trans. verb - A. to afflict severely; devastate. B. to punish severely. C. to beat, whip, or flog. | |
119303075 | unscathed | adjective - unharmed, uninjured. | |
119303076 | append | trans. verb - A. to add as a supplement. B. to fix to; attach. | |
119303077 | dispense | trans. verb - A. to prepare and distribute in parts or portions. B. to administer. C. to exempt or release, as from a duty or obligation. | |
119303078 | expendable | adjective - A. viewed as not worth keeping or maintaining. b. subject to use or consumption. | |
119303079 | expenditure | noun - A. the act or process of consuming or using (something) up; outlay. B. an expense. | |
119303080 | impend | intrans. verb - A. to hang or hover menacingly. B. to be about to take place. | |
119303081 | pending | adjective - not yet decided; awaiting conclusion; preposition - while awaiting; until | |
119303082 | perpendicular | adjective - A. intersecting at or forming right angles. B. at right angles to a horizontal line or plane; vertical; exactly upright; noun - A. a line or plane perpendicular to a given line or plane. B. a perpendicular postion. | |
119303083 | preponderance | noun - superiority in weight, quantity, power, or importance. | |
119303084 | recompense | trans. verb - A. to award compensation to, as for services rendered. B. to make a return for (an action); noun - A. payment to compensate for another's loss. B. payment in return for something given or done. | |
119303085 | suspension | noun - A. the temporary deferment of an action. B. the period during which one is excluded from privilege, office, or position, usually as punishment. C. a device from which a mechanical part is hung. | |
119303086 | eulogy | noun - A. a speech praising another; tribute. B. great praise. | |
119303087 | exalt | trans. verb - A. to glorify; praise; honor. b. to raise in rank, character, or status; elevate | |
119303088 | exhort | trans. verb - to urge or incite by strong argument, advice, or appeal. | |
119303089 | expatiate | intrans. verb - to speak or write at length; elaborate. | |
119303090 | garrulous | adjective - habitually talkative, especially excessively so. | |
119303091 | gist | noun - the central idea of a matter; essence. | |
119303092 | histrionic | adjective - A. excessively dramatic or emotional; affected. B. of or pertaining to actors or acting. | |
119303093 | laconic | adjective - using or marked by the use of few words; terse. | |
119303094 | peremptory | adjective - A. not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative. B. having the nature of expressing a command; urgent. C. putting an end to all debate or action. | |
119303095 | polemic | noun - a controversy or argument, especially one that is a refutation or an attack upon the opinions or doctrines of another; adjective - of or pertaining to a controversy, argument, or refutation. | |
119303096 | consecrate | trans. verb - A. to declare or set apart as holy or sacred. B. to dedicate to a worthy goal or service. C. to confirm officially by religious or civil ceremonies. | |
119303097 | credo | noun - A. a system of fundamental beliefs or guiding principles; creed. B. a formal statement of religious belief. | |
119303098 | desecrate | trans. verb - A. to violate or abuse the sacredness of; profane. B. to treat irreverently or contemptuously, thereby arousing outrage in others. | |
119303099 | laudable | adjective - deserving praise, commendable. | |
119303100 | pious | adjective - A. having or exhibiting reverence and earnest compliance in the observance of religion; devout. B. professing or exhibiting a strict, traditional sense of virtue and morality; high-minded. C. marked by false devoutness; solemnly hypocritical. | |
119303101 | sacrilegious | adjective - disrespectful or irreverent toward something sacred. | |
119303102 | sanctimony | noun - pretended devoutness or righteousness; a hypocritical show of holiness. | |
119303103 | sanctity | noun - A. the quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability. B. holiness of life; saintliness. | |
119303104 | supplicate | trans. verb - A. to make a humble entreaty to; beseech. B. to ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying; intrans. verb - to make a humble and earnest petition; beg | |
119303105 | venerate | trans. verb - to regard with respect, reverence, or deference. |
Vocab Lessons 1 - 15
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