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Vocab Lessons 4, 5, 6

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97427182berserkadjective - A. destructively violent. B. deranged; insane
97427183jubileenoun - A. a season or occasion of joyful celebration. B. jubilation; rejoicing. C. a special anniversary, especially a fiftieth anniversary.
97427184juggernautnoun - A. an overwhelming and irresistible force or movement. B. something, such as a belief or institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion.
97427185kowtowintrans. verb - to show respect or submission; fawn; noun - an act or gesture of exaggerated respect or obedience.
97427186maelstromnoun - A. a whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence. B. a situation that resembles a whirlpool in the violence or turbulence of feelings, ideas, or conditions
97427187meccanoun - A. a place regarded as the center of an activity or interest. B. a place visited by many people. C. a goal to which the followers of a religious faith or practice aspire.
97427188nabobnoun - a person of great wealth and prominence.
97427189saganoun - A. a prose narrative; story. B. a long, detailed report. C. a prose narrative of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries recounting historical and legendary events and exploits in Iceland or Norway.
97427190shibbolethnoun - A. a slogan or often repeated word or phrase. B. a common saying or idea. C. a language usage that distinguishes the members of one group or class from another.
97427191trekintrans. verb - to make a slow or difficult journey; noun - A. a journey or leg of a journey, especially when it is slow and difficult. B. a migration
97427192adjunctnoun - A. something attached to another thing but in a dependent or auxiliary capacity. B. a person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity; adjective - attached to a faculty or staff in a temporary or auxiliary capacity.
97427193amalgamateintrans. verb - A. to combine, unite, or consolidate. B. to blend with another metal; trans. verb - to mix so as to make a unified whole; blend
97427194contiguousadjective - A. sharing a boundary or edge; touching. B. adjacent; nearby. C. adjacent in time; immediately preceding or following; serial.
97427195diffuseadjective - A. widely spread or scattered. B. characterized by wordiness; trans. verb - A. to pour out and cause to spread freely. B. to spread about or scatter; disseminate. intrans. verb - to spread out or soften.
97427196divergeintrans. verb - A. to go or extend in different directions from a common point; branch out. B. to differ, as in opinion or manner. C. to depart from a set course or norm; deviate.
97427197paritynoun - equality, as in amount, status, or value.
97427198peripherynoun - A. the outermost part or region within a precise boundary. B. the region or area immediately beyond a precise boundary. C. a zone constituting an inexact boundary.
97427199synergynoun - the combined action of two or more agents, substances, organs, or organisms to achieve an effect greater than the total effect that would be produced by each one acting individually; interdependence
97427200transcendtrans. verb - A. to pass beyond or rise above. B. to surpass or exceed. C. to exist above and independent of (the physical realm).
97427201unisonnoun - A. the act of speaking or singing the same words simultaneously by two or more people
97427202adumbratetrans. verb - A. to give a sketchy outline of. B. to disclose partially or guardedly. C. to prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow
97427203arcaneadjective - known or understood only by a few; esoteric
97427204covertadjective - A. concealed; hidden; secret. B. covered or covered over; sheltered; noun - A. covering or cover. B. a covered place or shelter; hiding place. C. thick underbrush or woodland affording cover for game.
97427205educetrans. verb - A. to draw or bring out; elicit. B. to assume or work out from given facts; deduce.
97427206fathomtrans. verb - A. to get to the bottom of and understand. B. to determine the depth of; sound; noun - a unit of length equal to six feet used for the measurement of marine depths.
97427207imperviousadjective - A. incapable of being penetrated. B. incapable of being affected. C. not open to argument or suggestion.
97427208limpidadjective - A. characterized by transparent clearness. B. easily intelligible. C. calm and untroubled; serene
97427209manifestadjective - clearly apparent to the sight or understandingly obvious; trans. verb - A. to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal. B. to be evidence of; prove; noun - a list of cargo or passengers for a ship or airplane.
97427210nebulousadjective - A. lacking definite form or limits; vague. B. cloudy, misty, or hazy.
97427211translucentadjective - transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to make impossible the perception of a distinct image.

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