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Vocab Lessons 9-12

This set contains the vocabulary words that will be on our next vocabulary test for Lessons 9 through 12.

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111135426halcyoncalm, pleasant (adj)
111135427hallowto make holy (verb); holy (adj)
111135428harbingeran omen or sign (noun)
111135429harlequina clown (noun)
111135430hectorto bully; to pester (verb)
111135431hedonismpursuit of pleasure. especially of the senses (noun)
111135432hegiraflight, escape (noun)
111135433hermetictightly sealed (adj)
111135434heterogeneousdifferent; dissimilar (adj)
111135435hiatusa pause or gap (noun)
111135436hoi polloicommon people; the masses (noun)
111135437hospicea shelter (noun)
111135438hubrisexcessive pride or self-confidence (noun)
111135439hybridanything of mixed origin (noun); mixed, assorted (adj)
111135440idiosyncrasya peculiar personality trait (noun)
132579555machinationan evil design or plan (noun)
132579556macroscopicvisible to the naked eye (adj)
132579557maelstromwhirlpool; turbulence; agitated state of mind (noun)
132579558malapropisma word humorously misused (noun)
132579559malleablecapable of being changed; easily shaped (noun)
132579560martineta strict disciplinarian; taskmaster (noun)
132579561masochistone who enjoys his or her own pain and suffering (noun)
132579562mendaciouslying; false; deceitful (adj)
132579563meretriciousattractive in a cheap, flashy way (adj)
132579564milieuenvironment, setting (noun)
132579565miscreanta vicious person (noun)
132579566nebuloushazy, vague, uncertain (adj)
132579567necromancymagic, especially that practiced by a witch (noun)
132579568neologismuse of a new word; making up a new word or definition (noun)
132579569nihilisma total rejection of established laws (noun)
132591581idolatryexcessive or blind adoration; worship of an object (noun)
132591582ignobledishonorable, shameful (adj)
132591583imminentlikely to happen; threatening (adj)
132591584immolateto kill someone as a sacrifice victim, usually by fire (verb)
132591585immutableunchangeable, fixed (adj)
132591586impairto weaken; to cause to become worse (verb)
132591587impaleto pierce with a sharp stake through the body (verb)
132591588impalpableunable to be felt, intangible (adj)
132591589impecuniouswithout money; penniless (adj)
132591590impedimenta barrier; obstruction (noun)
132591591imperativeextremely necessary; vitally important (adj)
132591592imperiousdomineering; haughty (adj)
132591593impingeto strike; to encroach (verb)
132591594impiousdisrespectful toward God (adj)
132591595importuneto persistently ask; to beg (verb)
145681521impotentpowerless; lacking strength (adj)
145681522imprecationa curse (noun)
145681523jocularhumorous, lighthearted (adj)
145681524juxtaposeto place side by side for comparison (verb)
145681525kineticpertaining to motion (adj)
145681526kismetdestiny; fate; fortune (one's lot in life) (noun)
145681527knella sound made by a bell rung slowly for a death funeral (noun)
145681528labyrintha complicated network of winding passages; a maze (noun)
145681529lachrymosetearful, weepy (adj)
145681530laconicusing few words; short; concise (adj)
145681531lambentsoftly bright or radiant; running or moving lightly over a surface (adj)
145681532languidsluggish; drooping from weakness (adj)
145681533lasciviouslustful or lewd; inciting sexual desire (adj)
145681534legerdemainsleight of hand; deception (noun)
145681535libertineone who leads an immoral life (noun)

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