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Vocab. List 3

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204271495Antipathystrong or deep-rooted dislike; aversion
204271496Apocryphalof doubtful authorship or authenticity
204271497Apotheosisdeification; glorification of a person or thing
204271498Arduousdifficult to do; laborious
204271499Askancewith a sideways glance; with suspicion, disapproval
204271500Asyndetonact of leaving out usual conjunctions between coordinate sentence elements
204271501Auspiciousof good omen; boding well for future
204271502Bowdlerizeto remove passages considered offensive from "stuff"
204271503Calumnya false, malicious statement meant to hurt another's reputation
204271504Cupiditystrong desire [esp. for wealth]
204271505Encomiuma formal expression of high praise; eulogy
204271506Expatiateto speak or write in great detail; elaborate or enlarge
204271507Fatuouscomplacently foolish or inane; silly, foolish
204271508Flaccidhanging in loose folds or wrinkles; soft, and limp
204271509Gesticulateto make or use gestures
204271510Ineffableinexpressible, too overwhelming to be expressed or described in words
204271511Inimicallike an enemy; hostile, unfriendly
204271512Irascibleeasily angered; quick-tempered
204271513Meticulousextremely careful about details, finicky
204271514Obtusenot sharp or pointed; slow to understand; not producing a sharp impression
204271515Plethorathe state of being too full; excess
204271516Polysyndetonthe use of several conjunctions in close succession, especially where some might be omitted (as in "he ran and jumped and laughed for joy"). It is a stylistic scheme used to slow the rhythm of prose and can add an air of solemnity to a passage.
204271517Proselytizeto convert to one's religion
204271518Ribaldcharacterized by coarse or vulgar joking or mocking [usually about "r"ex]
204271519Sedulousworking hard and steadily; diligent
204271520Somnambulistone who sleepwalks or moves about in a trance like state
204271521Staidresisting change; fixed
204271522Tractableeasily managed, taught, controlled
204271523Truculentfierce, cruel, savage; rude, harsh scathing esp. speech or writing
204271524Unctuouslike oil, soap, grease to touch; characterized by smug smooth pretense of spiritual feeling in seeking to persuade; too suave or oily in speech or manner
204271525Untenablethat cannot be held, defended or maintained
204271526Verboseusing too many words, wordy, long-winded
204271527Vociferousloud, noisy or vehement in making one's feelings known
204271528Anfractuousfull of windings and intricate turnings: TORTUOUS
204271529Ululateto HOWL, to WAIL
204271530PandyBritish : to punish (a schoolboy) with a blow on the palm of the hand especially with a ferule
204271531DandipratA dwarf or small boy; an insignificant or contemptible person.
204271532LogodaedalusOne who is cunning in words.

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