SAT words Lesson 1 - 5
257877545 | numismatist | coin collector | |
257877546 | licentious | adj. morally unrestrained syn: immoral; lewd | |
257877547 | fatalistic | adj. believing that all events in life are inevitable and determined by fate | |
257877548 | paucity | n. a scarcity, lack syn: insufficiency | |
257877549 | obtrude | v. to force oneself into a situation uninvited syn: impose; intrude | |
257877550 | pensive | adj. dreamily thoughtful syn: reflective; meditative | |
257877551 | lackadaisical | adj. uninterested; listless syn: spiritless; apathetic; languid | |
257877552 | alienate | v. to turn away feelings or affections syn: estrange; set against | |
257877553 | elated | adj. in high spirits; exultantly proud and joyful syn: overjoyed | |
257877554 | epigram | n. a witty saying expressing a single thought or observation syn: aphorism; mon mot; quip | |
257877555 | amalgamate | v. to combine syn: unite; blend; merge; consolidate | |
257877556 | demented | adj. mentally ill; insane syn: deranged; insane | |
257877557 | hone | v. to sharpen | |
257877558 | beleaguer | v. to besiege by encircling (as with an army); to harass syn: surround; annoy | |
257877559 | gorge | v. to eat or swallow greedily | |
257877560 | antiquated | adj. no longer used or useful; very old | |
257877561 | opiate | n. a narcotic used to cause sleep or bring relief from pain | |
257877562 | caricature | n. an exaggerated portrayal of one's features syn: mockery; cartoon | |
257877563 | dally | v. to waste time; to dawdle syn: loiter | |
257877564 | felonious | adj. pertaining to or constituting a major crime syn: criminal | |
257877565 | edifice | n. a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building syn: fortress | |
257877566 | ambidextrous | adj. equally skillful with either hand | |
257877567 | belated | adj. delayed syn: tardy; late | |
257877568 | animate | v. to give life or motion to syn: enliven; encourage; excite | |
257877569 | knead | v. to work dough or clay into a uniform mixture syn: squeeze; rub; press | |
257877570 | chauvinist | n. one having a fanatical devotion to a country, gender, or religion, with contempt for the other countries, the opposite sex, or other beliefs | |
257877571 | egalitarian | adj. promoting equal rights for all people | |
257877572 | berserk | adj. in a state of violent or destructive rage syn: frenzied | |
257877573 | ostentatious | adj. marked by a conspicuous, showy, or pretentious display syn: grandiose | |
257877574 | delude | v. to mislead; to fool syn: deceive | |
257881164 | elude | v. to escape notice; to get away from syn: avoid; evade; lose | |
257881165 | fallow | adj. inactive; unproductive syn: idle; barren | |
257881166 | blight | n. anything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation syn: affliction; disease | |
257881167 | obsequy | n. a funeral rite or ceremony | |
257881168 | denizen | n. an occupant; inhabitant syn: resident | |
257881169 | fealty | n. obligated loyalty or faithfulness syn: devotion; fidelity; allegiance | |
257881170 | entice | v. to attract by offering reward or pleasure syn: tempt; lure | |
257881171 | gratify | v. to please syn: satisfy; indulge | |
257881172 | laggard | n. a slow person, especially one who falls behind syn: straggler; dawdler | |
257881173 | gambit | n. maneuver or action used to gain an advantage syn: strategy; play; maneuver | |
287824428 | jaded | adj. worn out; dulled from overindulgence syn: exhausted; wearied | |
287824429 | gist | n. the main point syn: idea; essence | |
287824430 | advocate | v. to recommend; to speak in favor of syn: promote; encourage; support | |
287824431 | efface | v. to obliterate; to wipe out syn: erase | |
287824432 | charisma | n. personal appeal or attraction; magnetism syn: charm | |
287824433 | ogre | n. a brute; a large monster; a frightful giant | |
287824434 | mesmerize | v. to hypnotize syn: captivate; entrance | |
287824435 | entity | n. anything having existence; either physical or mystical | |
287824436 | bandy | v. to exchange words; to discuss casually | |
287824437 | dastardly | adj. cowardly and treacherous syn: dishonorable; shameful |