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Vocab Revew: 1-50 Flashcards

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385276623Abbasid Empire750-1258, Golden age of Islam, capital in Baghdad, focused on institutions and economic expansion, ethnic equality, problems were rifts with the Perisans/Shia.0
385276624Abu BakrCompanion of 1st muslim leader after Muhammad. Regarded by Sunni's as the 1st caliph and rightful succesor. The Shi'ah regard him as a traitor of Muhammad. Known as best interpretter of dreams following Muhammad's death.1
385276625Ahimsaa Buddhist and Hindu and especially Jainist doctrine holding that all forms of life are sacred and urging the avoidance of violence2
385276626AkbarMost illustrious sultan of the Mughal Empire in India (r. 1556-1605). He expanded the empire and pursued a policy of conciliation with Hindus. (p. 536)3
385276627Alexander the Greatking of Macedon, son of Philip II; received military training in Macedonian army and was a student of Aristotle; great leader; conquered much land in Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and Mesopotamia; goal was to conquer the known world4
385276628Algerian War of Independencea conflict between France and Algerian independence movements from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria gaining its independence from France5
385276629Ali Jinnahin British empire, started the Muslim League and pushed for the Muslim country of Pakistan, convinced secular nationalist, accepted Pakistan in the end6
385276630AmericanizationProcess of assimilating immigrants into American culture by teaching English, American history, and citizenship7
385276631AnatoliaThe peninsula between the Mediterranean and the Black Seas that is now occupied by most of Turkey; also called Asia Minor8
385276632Angkor Wata temple complex built in the Khmer Empire and dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu.9
385276633Apartheida social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against non-whites10
385276634Athensthe capital and largest city of Greece, Powerful city in Ancient Greece that was a leader in arts, sciences, philosophy, democracy and architecture.11
385276635Auschwitza Nazi concentration camp for Jews in southwestern Poland during World War II12
385276636Austro-Hungarian EmpireAlso known as Austria-Hungary, or the Hapsburg Empire, as it was ruled by the Habsburg monarchy from 1867 to 1918. Austria-Hungary extended over most of central Europe. It was composed the modern day countries of Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, as well as parts of present-day Poland, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.13
385276637Aztecgroup from the north that invaded central Mexico; were first wandering warriors; built their capital city at Tenochtitlan; increased their power until they dominated central Mexico; built causeways, pyramids, marketplaces, and palaces; adopted many customs from other cultures; used chinamapas for farming; militaristic society; known for human sacrifice and dedication to the sun god; ended when conquered by Spanish explorers in the 1500s14
385276638Balfour Decreea letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.15
385276639BalkanPeninsula where Greece is located16
385276640Bantu Migrationthe movement of the bantu peoples southward throghout africa, spreading their language and culture, from around 500 b.c. to around A.D 100017
385276641BarbariansNorthern Tribes who invaded and sacked Rome, Generic term for foreign invaders of a different religion.18
385276642Barrack Emperorsthe line of emperors that covered 100 years and 29 rulers of which only 4 died of natural causes.19
385276643Bay of PigsIn April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Fidel Castro. When the invasion ended in disaster, President Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure.20
385276644Betty FriedanUnited States feminist who founded a national organization for women (born in 1921)21
385276645Boxer Rebellion1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops22
385276646Brahminthe highest of the four varnas: the priestly or sacerdotal category23
385276647Brezhnev DoctrinePolicy proclaimed in 1968 and declaring that the Soviet Union had the right to intervene in any Socialist country whenever it determined there was a need.24
385276648British East India CompanyA joint stock company that controlled most of India during the period of imperialism. This company controlled the political, social, and economic life in India for more than 200 years.25
385276649Buddhismthe teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth26
385276650Byzantine EmpireHistorians' name for the eastern portion of the Roman Empire from the fourth century onward, taken from 'Byzantion,' an early name for Constantinople, the Byzantine capital city. The empire fell to the Ottomans in 1453. (250)27
385276651Caste Systema set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society28
385276652Chiang Kai-shekGeneral and leader of Nationalist China after 1925. Although he succeeded Sun Yat-sen as head of the Guomindang, he became a military dictator whose major goal was to crush the communist movement led by Mao Zedong. (p. 788)29
385276653Chingis Khanwas the founder, ruler and emperor of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death; conquered the principality of Kiev and ruled the Russians for next 240 years30
385276654Chinese RevolutionA political revolution in China led by Mao Zedong. After several years of fighting the Kuomintang, the communists won control of the country in 1949.31
385276655Collectivizationsystem in which private farms were eliminated, instead, the government owned all the land while the peasants worked on it.32
385276656Colombian ExchangeThe exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages33
385276657Confucius and his Beliefshe believed in listening to his teachers, he had five basic relationships husband and wife, father and son, older and younger brother, friend and friend, and ruler and subject.34
385276658ConstantineEmperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)35
385276659ConstantinoplePreviously known as Byzantium, Constantine changed the name of the city and moved the capitol of the Roman Empire here from Rome.36
385276660Cotes1. Wanted to conquer the Aztec Empire and to steel their gold. 2. Wanted to claim land for Spain 3. The city of Veracruz 4. Explored much of inland Mexico37
385276661Crusadesa series of military expeditions in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries by Westrn European Christians to reclain control of the Holy Lands from the Muslims38
385276662CrusadesA series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.39
385276663Cuban Revolution(1958) A political revolution that removed the United States supported Fugencio Batista from power. The revolution was led by Fidel Castro who became the new leader of Cuba as a communist dictator.40
385276664Cubisman artistic movement in France beginning in 1907 that featured surfaces of geometrical planes41
385276665Cultural Revolutiona radical reform in China initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 and carried out largely by the Red Guard42
385276666DaoismChinese School of Thought: Daoists believe that the world is always changing and is devoid of absolute morality or meaning. They accept the world as they find it, avoid futile struggles, and deviate as little as possible from the Dao, or 'path' of nature.43
385276667Declaration of the Rights of ManStatement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.44
385276668Deng XiaopingCommunist Party leader who forced Chinese economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong. (p. 862)45
385276669Dollar DiplomacyTerm used to describe the efforts of the US to further its foreign policy through use of economic power by gaurenteeing loans to foreign countries46
385276670Eightfold pathright views, right thought, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right endeavor, right awareness, and right contemplation. seen as the "midle way"47
385276671Elizabeth Cady StantonA member of the women's right's movement in 1840. She was a mother of seven, and she shocked other feminists by advocating suffrage for women at the first Women's Right's Convention in Seneca, New York 1848. Stanton read a "Declaration of Sentiments" which declared "all men and women are created equal."48
385276672Enlightenmenta movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions49

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