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AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

Vocabulary-AP Language Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
6075410271FerventBurning, passionate0
6075410272EnervateDevitalize, exhaust1
6075410273AmorphousShapeless, formless, vague2
6075410274EphemeralTransient, fleeting3
6075410275CarrionDecaying flesh4
6075410276BesiegeTo overwhelm, to surround and attack5
6075410277OpulentRich, luxurious, wealthy6
6075410278EroticPertaining to sexual love7
6075410279RectifyRemedy, resolve8
6075410282BoorBuffoon, clown11
6075410283FactiousBelligerent, contentious12
6075410284IgnobleDespicable, base13
6075410285AltruismUnselfishness, maganimity14

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